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  On 09/12/2020 at 17:14, louby loo said:

I'm beginning to loose patience with some of our parents 😬.  

We have got so far without any incidence - all good.....

However, now our local school as cases and some parents are seriously taking the micky.  'Isolating siblings' were today climbing all over the railings by our doorway at collection time- and one parent was a bit miffed when she found out that the sibling would not be able to see our Father Christmas on Friday!!!  She then asked if a member of staff would be available to look after said sibling while she saw Santa with her younger child. ... Erm- NO!!!

We have worked so hard to ensure we have a safe party and  Santa visit- I'm now at the point were I just want to cancel the whole thing.  Some (most) parents have been respectful and fantastic .... it's just those 2 or 3 p**** takers.

Rant over ..... just 9 hours of contact time to go. 😳 I just want my staff to happy a safe, healthy break. Most have been very low contact with their own families for the whole of the term.


That is awful louby

Our headteacher has had to write in one of her letters an 'instruction' to parents to take self-isolation seriously after groups of children have been seen out playing together

Not long now louby - hang in there x

Personally I would just like to stay under my duvet for the foreseeable 


Thanks for all the positive vibes. 

Ive been off today, I'm really trying to stick to my cutting down of hours :)

I feel a bit mean as I've said to staff this week is all about the children playing happily- no small group work/one-to-one etc.

We are now going to social distance as much as possible from the children! 🙀 🤣   That said we actually have a fantastic cohort of children this year... they can and do all play happily together, and we haven't any children that need extra support from adults.  Obviously we will change nappies, toilets children and administer 'magic water and a quick cuddle' if needed,  I'm not that mean.....  🤣🤣.

  (have to admit the massive donated box of Barbies and Action men has gone down a treat this week 🙀 - we will sort it all after Christmas I promise!)

  On 09/12/2020 at 18:25, louby loo said:

they can and do all play happily together, and we haven't any children that need extra support from adults.  promise!)


can you send them to me please?!?!?!? this does not describe my current cohort!


although i hate the strapline government try and "keep safe" everyone ❤️😘


The ignorance of some people just makes you want to scream doesn’t it!  The end of term cannot come quick enough for me.  The children are all tired, snotty  and wound up and this is really affecting their ability to play, share, Concentrate  and listen and with staff all on the last dregs of energy it’s not the best end to term. I am also chasing up parents who are starting in January (who already seem to need everything spoon fed to them) it’s all exhausting.  To top it all our LA have changed our funding portal and got lots of emails yesterday on accessing the new system, I really question their timing on this, what are they thinking!

  • Sad 2

Well that's it for me I'm done - I had hoped to stay open until tomorrow, but it was not to be, my parents have, quite understandably, 'voted with their feet', I was down to just three children this morning, so that's it now.....

Miserable way to end the term really, although the three children had an excellent time today

All of their Christmas presents are sitting here looking at me as I type this, they will be given to them in January now

Sat down at about 2pm and promptly fell asleep for nearly three hours - do you think I needed that?!

I'm not sure what is going to happen at our primary school, I do hope that they are not 'made' to reopen next week.....

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Oh  Sunnyday how miserable.  Makes one compare with past Christmases.  The correct decision has been made by everyone.  You have been living on a knife edge and that's why you could relax and sleep this afternoon.   You never know a kindly Santa might get round the village dispensing your gifts, 'tis the season of little miracles after all

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  On 10/12/2020 at 17:41, Panders said:

Oh  Sunnyday how miserable.  Makes one compare with past Christmases.  The correct decision has been made by everyone.  You have been living on a knife edge and that's why you could relax and sleep this afternoon.   You never know a kindly Santa might get round the village dispensing your gifts, 'tis the season of little miracles after all


Thanks Panders - definitely no kindly Santa though - pressies will wait to January and we will say that Father Christmas left them whilst we were not there


Oh Sunnyday although it’s a sad way to end the Christmas term, it’s definitely the right decision for you and your team.  I imagine the relief is immense. Goes without saying that I hope you and your team stay safe and well.  Now relax and enjoy the time off. Xxx

  • Thanks 1
  On 10/12/2020 at 17:08, sunnyday said:

Well that's it for me I'm done - I had hoped to stay open until tomorrow, but it was not to be, my parents have, quite understandably, 'voted with their feet', I was down to just three children this morning, so that's it now.....

Miserable way to end the term really, although the three children had an excellent time today

All of their Christmas presents are sitting here looking at me as I type this, they will be given to them in January now

Sat down at about 2pm and promptly fell asleep for nearly three hours - do you think I needed that?!

I'm not sure what is going to happen at our primary school, I do hope that they are not 'made' to reopen next week.....


 Our local primary closed yesterday - we still had full attendance today.

I'm pretty sure we will be put in Tier 3 next week, and I think our parents want to make sure their children get as many hours free childcare as possible before that happens!!

Have a good rest sunnyday.   Yes, it's sad end to the year- but we can all strike this year off anyway.




  • Sad 1
  On 10/12/2020 at 20:55, louby loo said:

 Our local primary closed yesterday - we still had full attendance today.

I'm pretty sure we will be put in Tier 3 next week, and I think our parents want to make sure their children get as many hours free childcare as possible before that happens!!

Have a good rest sunnyday.   Yes, it's sad end to the year- but we can all strike this year off anyway.





So sorry to hear about your school louby

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  On 11/12/2020 at 13:15, Panders said:

wow -I assume they infected each other? and from the original source?


I really don't know

Many, many children have tested positive - all year groups affected, but particularly Y6

It's horrible, it is a lovely school with lovely staff...….

My own youngest granddaughter is self-isolating as she has been in contact with another child in Y1 who has tested positive

Worrying times


my DIL took the girls out of school on Tuesday after another e mail saying another bubble had collapsed.  They had such a grotty Christmas last year with tonsillitis etc. she vowed she wouldn't ever go through it again.   She herself should shield as much as she can, so the thought the girls could get Covid now filled her with horror.

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Well we're done.

Party went well, we had a covid safe entertainer (one of our parents) and she was fantastic with the children, and even Father Christmas enjoyed himself (after a week of muttering and moaning)

Took my granddaughter on a train ride (narrow gauge)  to see Father Christmas this afternoon, at just under a year I thought she'd be to young- but she absolutely loved it.  

I'm actually feeling a bit like Christmas now :)    

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Its horrifying to hear of all these children and staff going down with Covid.  Really frustrating that its not being picked up on by the press! They were quick enough to criticise schools when they expressed concern about how it could spread in educational settings.  And the government saying that children didn't get it or transmit it!  Sunnyday I hope your Granddaughter will be ok. 

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I will be so pleased to get everyone out now, our local primary school so far have had no confirmed cases but a not so far away high school was closed completely on Wednesday through to Jan opening following advice from PHE so they must have taken a hit 😕 

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  On 13/12/2020 at 11:58, Mouseketeer said:

 just a week to hang in there....everything is crossed 🤞 


Hope your week goes well, I am going to say prepare for the worst and hope for the best though :) 

We had our first case in our primary announced Sunday night, by Wednesday we had to give the parents a serious warning about their behaviour regarding siblings, school shut fully Thursday (mainly due to staff cases rather than children).

We made it to Friday (with full attendance each day)- had the most fantastic party- have to say the parents totally changed after the stern warning from us. We have had endless messages of thanks for making it such a special Christmas for all the children. :) :) 

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Have just emailed my parents to let them know that we will reopen 11th January (as opposed to 4th as planned)

Infection rates here are ridiculously high

Have had one parent ask me 'why' - oh my actual goodness - does she not watch the news - I gave her a lengthy explanation in reply, hope she 'gets it now', frankly if she doesn't she has plenty of time to find a new setting for January......

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Well we had our first positive case- unfortunately they were in on Thursday, emailed Sunday to say the child had tested positive- so as I only had 3 staff who weren't having to isolate- then we made the decision to close, as of Monday morning. As I'm one of those having to isolate - I left it up to my deputy to close everything up. Such a shame as this morning I had a call from a staff member who started a cough Sunday night- got a test yesterday and has today got a positive-result-  so now she's isolating until Xmas Eve and praying her elderly parents dont get it. (why do I feel guilty over that!)

I've had a dreadful week- one of our closest friends- been friends for almost 50 years died, suddenly last week. My mum was rushed to hospital with pneumonia and in a diabetic coma at the weekend and now hearing we're going into Tier 3 as well (London) just about finished things off. So I for one cannot wait to see the end of 2020- although I do wonder how better (if indeed it is ) the start of 2021 is going to be.  But I have 3 wonderful little people who are so excited,  to share Christmas with (and one big one who has made it back from Uni with a negative test) so at least we have that to look forward to. Providing I dont come down with anything before the weekend!

Such a shame as we have all the childrens presents, cards- decorations and cards they had made. All ready to go home next week, party planned for Weds and a carol concert- to be videoed and sent to parents.  Never mind- more important that we are all safe. Talking about parents - When I sent out the emails re closure etc- I finished off with 'such a shame xmas presents and their work will be something to look forward to in January' or words to that effect. I had one parent come back and say. What a shame the staff who aren't having to isolate couldn't manage this week with the children who dont have to isolate! I haven't bothered to answer.  I feel incredibly lucky to have got this far with just the one case.

Hope the rest of you get to the end of term safely. Those that are full time, I hope you get to next week safely. Isn't it sad- I feel desperately sorry for those who now cannot work and/or have to shut their business down again. 


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Oh Lynne. I really feel for you.  What rubbish times we are in at the moment.  I’m praying that you’ve not managed to pick anything up and you are able to relax over Christmas and have some well-earned fun!   
I hope the snipey parent doesn’t carry on her thoughtless ideas after the break.  X

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  On 15/12/2020 at 12:19, sunnyday said:



Not sure why it's quoted sunnyday! 😂 But anyway....

I really don't think many parents actually 'think' anymore. 

We had a few issues at the beginning of last week- My deputy then put out a heartfelt letter on our Facebook page about why we all need to take this seriously. Since then the parents have seemed to taken notice- and we had some fantastic messages and cards thanking us for taking such good care off their children during the pandemic. 

I think people just become complacent about the situation.  Until it hit our local primary I don't think many parents saw any real problem with the virus to be honest.


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