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Picking up the phone for a 10 minutes chat about something that is so important must be possible, I would think...

I send reports via e-mail to schools and invite the teacher to visit or call.


Picking up the phone for a 10 minutes chat about something that is so important must be possible, I would think...

I send reports via e-mail to schools and invite the teacher to visit or call.

Absolutely - totally agree but as I say only if you know who the pre-schools are. Congratulations on the Outstanding by the way - brilliant news and well deserved. Big relief after all the waiting too.


Congratulations on your Outstanding Wildflowers! Sounds like you have the whole thing sussed. Maybe you could patten your system and get it out to all us practitioners still floundering in the dark! :)

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Well done Wildflowers, it's so good to hear such positive outcomes on here.


I must admit I do rather expect schools to contact me. Because we know parents tell them where the children are, we also very much encourage our parents to offer their child's learning journey to the teacher, while sending transition forms to each head teacher for each child. I do know that getting time to visit is difficult and sometimes local schools only visit pre-schools with the highest amount of children going to their school, but we did manage last July to get two teachers in who were visiting just one child each.


Congratulations to you all :1b

I would be interested in your 'Reworded development matters statements' or how you actually went about doing this as a group


Reference schools visiting this is something that we are successful with - at last I've found something!!

What I've realised in our area is that I need to speak to the teachers as soon as school places have been allocated I then seem to be placed at the top of their list :1b I echo what's been said though all teachers (and we have 7 feeder schools) do their visits during their PPA so have limited time with us sometimes it's only 15mins. Before the last 2 weeks of summer term I hand deliver all the learning journeys to the school as I found out most parents didn't hand them over to school when we asked them to - I ask the reception teacher to hand them back to the parents once they've taken a look.


Thank you Forum Friends for kind words in relation to the inspection result.


I would be interested in your 'Reworded development matters statements' or how you actually went about doing this as a group

During the summer term 2011, I started the rewording and I'm still continuously working on the document. The reason was because I wasn't clear about what some of them meant, didn't always know what abilities to look for and discovered that staff interpreted them differently. The colleagues I've had over the years have contributed, three of which are/have been reception teachers. We are discussing what the statements means, often whilst observing the children, and how they can be made clearer. This has not only enabled us to make more accurate and precise assessments, but also to provide a wider range of learning opportunities - and to spontaneously combine different skills in one situation, which is the favourite part of the job. I've learnt a great deal during this process and am enjoying it.

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Thank you Forum Friends for kind words in relation to the inspection result.



During the summer term 2011, I started the rewording and I'm still continuously working on the document. The reason was because I wasn't clear about what some of them meant, didn't always know what abilities to look for and discovered that staff interpreted them differently. The colleagues I've had over the years have contributed, three of which are/have been reception teachers. We are discussing what the statements means, often whilst observing the children, and how they can be made clearer. This has not only enabled us to make more accurate and precise assessments, but also to provide a wider range of learning opportunities - and to spontaneously combine different skills in one situation, which is the favourite part of the job. I've learnt a great deal during this process and am enjoying it.

Would really like to do this with my team, but don't know how/when! One of our team said that they'd read in a magazine about a setting who has done exactly the same thing, as developmentally a lot of the statements are in the wrong bands.

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