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A Bit Of Forum Fun


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Hi there.

its half term for many people (not me, sob!) and the forum is about to have a birthday! (on Tuesday should you be interested).


For a bit of fun only, I bought something this morning. What was it? Im going to give just one clue, it was less than £20!


For everyone who answers, Ill give a scale of 0-10 saying how close you were. 0 being miles away, 10 being yep exactly, and everything else being...well you get the picture.




I am now the proud owner of......?

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Your ideas are all fab, maybe I should have bought cointreau and Mandarin marmalade after all.


The closest so far is the moon gardening calendar.. its in the right direction.


So a little tiny clue.

This item would certainly help me to garden by the moon.....

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