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So if we spot you on here today have we to shoot you like we did Maz?

uh oh!


Keep remembering other things that I really, really need to do!


Even my ironing pile is starting to look attractive!


Also really,really do need to keep looking at the forum - all the info. I need may have appeared since my last visit!!!


No that's it I am going to start............. soon!



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Errr it didn't :(:( the cutting and pasting that is!

I reduce the OFSTED site window and had my saved 'word copy' open alongside. It wouldn't let me cut and paste and I tried everything :( Just out of interest I tried it the other way (copying from online box to a word doc.) and still no joy.

but..... the good news is that it is now all done online but .... I haven't clicked the 'submit' button!!!!! :o

As far as I can see there is no spell check facility on the online version so I just need to read it through again to check for typing howlers xD


Still intrigued how you can copy and paste and I can't - i thought it was the type of site involved but must be my computing skills (well lack of them!!)

when i printed mine out i had "gloom" trays instead of gloop and egg dancing instead of e.g dancing!! however egg dancing sounds very interesting!! and i thin the gloom was a freudin slip!!

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when i printed mine out i had "gloom" trays instead of gloop and egg dancing instead of e.g dancing!! however egg dancing sounds very interesting!! and i thin the gloom was a freudin slip!!


I didn't have anything quite so exciting! A few 'wich' instead of 'which' and for some reason 'all' appeared a few times as 'll'

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good idea........one section per half term.......do they not realise that whilst we're all spending hours doing this we're not doing the other stuff we should be doing and then they'll be pulling us up on that !


and as for the parents that say "enjoy the half term" they dont have a clue do they ?

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Oh, if the SEF fairies do arrive can you send them to me when you have finished with them? I aim to be finished my SEF on Friday so can you please ask me why I am logged on to the forum on my desktop and my laptop in the kitchen and my half completed SEF is still in my bag??? mrsW

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hehe -i've decided that the operational plan needs a revamp first now

I've decided to take the advice given at that SEF workshop I attended - linking my operational plan to the SEF so the one can feed the other.


I just have to pull my finger out and actually do some work rather than amusing myself here waiting for the blasted phone to ring!



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My SEF folder is now out of my bag and I am about to get on with it. If anyone sees me lurking around in the forum over the next couple of days please remind me what I should be doing. The worst thing is not even sure if I am doing the right thing with the SEF. Oh well, too late to go back now! Off to finish my SEF, see you Friday (although probably will see you long before then!) mrsW

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I just have to pull my finger out and actually do some work rather than amusing myself here waiting for the blasted phone to ring!




Ah ur waiting for the phone to ring as well???? xD


I think it would be best for all, if my phone did ring. I really am pushing now for things to keep myself busy, this reply proves that I am running out of things to do and that am a getting a bit kooky :o

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Ah ur waiting for the phone to ring as well???? :(

Yes, and like you I'm hoping for good news but even if mine is bad it won't matter. It really won't. I keep telling myself that it really won't matter. xD


But if its good news I can change my SEF to say "the owner has Early Years Professional Status". :o


Of course if its bad news I shall cry... :(


Hope yours rings soon and its good news, spud.



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I don't like to brag, ladies, but I have just finished mine and SUBMITTED the b* thing! Been thinking about it since the summer. Did countless questionnaires with committee, parents, staff. Discussed ad nauseum at staff meetings. Had copious notes and it has still taken me two full days to complete.


I have backache, neckache and headache. ARGH!


You are the only people I can share my relief- and pain- with!

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Well done Miriam2, I am very impressed. I bet you feel great, apart from the backache, neckache etc.... Try and relax now before you have to start the next thing on your list (you do have a list don't you?) mrsW

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Yes, and like you I'm hoping for good news but even if mine is bad it won't matter. It really won't. I keep telling myself that it really won't matter. xD


But if its good news I can change my SEF to say "the owner has Early Years Professional Status". :o


Of course if its bad news I shall cry... :(


Hope yours rings soon and its good news, spud.




I hope you get the phone call you are hoping for HappyMaz. mrsW

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Yes, good luck happymaz.


Of course there's a list, but it makes me laugh that one item was SEF and the next was 'buy pens'!!


Some achieved more easily than others!


i like your list! good luck with the pens. mrsW.

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I don't like to brag, ladies, but I have just finished mine and SUBMITTED the b* thing! Been thinking about it since the summer. Did countless questionnaires with committee, parents, staff. Discussed ad nauseum at staff meetings. Had copious notes and it has still taken me two full days to complete.


I have backache, neckache and headache. ARGH!


You are the only people I can share my relief- and pain- with!

I am sooooo impressed! Well done you - haven't even started mine!



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