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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Me too.... but then again maybe I got that form you in the first place 🤣
  2. Same with us. I've sent an email, but I'm hoping its just a glitch in the new system. I was able to log into the training though.
  3. Your method sound very similar to ours really, new starters always start later than the regulars- so they come into a room in full play- rather than with other parents still faffing about etc. And they always leave early too - so they go 'mid-play' rather than at the very end. We then build up both ends time wise until fully settled, some within days, other may take weeks. If a child in genuinely unsettled though we do call the parents to come back, it's funny how you get to know real upset as apposed to cross/angry at being left upset.
  4. We're about 37 over the week with 6 staff (including me). I feel it's too many, but we need them finically, we are staggering the starts to ease us in, but these will be our numbers after half term. Every other year our numbers have been really low this time of year 20/24 max, the one year I'd actually like such low numbers we are full with a waiting list. No committee.
  5. Yes, defiantly feeling overwhelmed, my deputy is very good though. Both the staff and parents say they trust my decisions. to be honest I can see where the parents are coming form.. but I think the staff are just using it as a cop-out to actually help in anyway 😬
  6. Yes, but I fully understand the feeling.
  7. With my head in the sand at the moment 😟 I really don't know what to do, if we had a decent outside area I would do it there. (I haven mentioned it on a thread somewhere about our problem with this) What I find interesting is that on Facebook discussions people are saying how well it works without the parents staying, and that the children actually settle much quicker without the parent hanging around. Funny, because when I first started in childcare this was the norm - that was then deemed bad practice and that children would settle better when parents stay.😳
  8. I had an email this morning. Think it might be a phone call to the EYA, I shall give it a day or two to sort itself out first though. Luckily I did check for any updates Friday so I'm not to panicky at the moment. This was the content of email.. (it was a legit email correctly addressed to me by name etc) We understand that you are currently registered with us. This means that you may have joined us as a member/ purchased an Alliance publication or insurance product/ signed up for a free download, or joined a free Alliance connect event or workshop. We are always looking at ways to improve our support to you and are delighted to share news that our new customer-focused, self-service EYA portal ‘goes live’ today. To ensure that you continue to receive access to a range of high-quality support from us, it is important that you pre-register on the portal. It’s easy. Simply click on the link below* and set-up your new username and password. You then gain immediate access to the new portal and your 'My EYA' area. *Please note that this is a unique link and will only work with your registered email address. You must use this link to complete the pre-registration process.
  9. Have you done this since they updated the site? (I received the email this morning). I am going to try it now again though. Nope just tried that, it's not showing that I've bought the book just it's available to buy!
  10. And a question for Sunnyday if you're around - Have you had the email with the update EYA ? (preschool alliance) If so have you manage to find the policies updates page? I had the correct page saved as a favourite and it used to take me straight where I wanted, now all I can find is that 'you have made purchases'😭 The old link I used is no longer working. Thankfully I printed off a few pages of updates last week, so hopefully I'm pretty up to date.
  11. I watched a actually found it quite disturbing. All the men looked like pretty normal clothes wise - jeans and polos etc, nothing that would stand out as different, yet them women all stood out like a sore thumb? It made me want to research more, the girl mentioned High School, so I guess once they reach 11+ they are taught outside the village?
  12. I think the Martin Lewis money saving website has this information - well at least it used to have it, I haven't actually been on the site for a few years now. I used to really like him when he first started out, but now he just seems to shout at everyone talking 'at' them instead of to them and he winds me up now watching him.😳
  13. We had a few showers yesterday, one heavy, but today quite a bit of soft constant, then torrential for about an hour - garden very happy.
  14. That's why the children just wear socks...... you check for 'dampness' and any added colour or texture on socks! 🤣 I think the 'ball pit' areas are not to be used yet ?- which I guess it the main offender accidents to be fair.
  15. Took me almost 2 hours to find that one 🤣 !
  16. Well I'm stressed. It turns out the academic diary I ordered isn't actually A5 😭. AND I paid more than my usual £1.99 from the works 🤣 It is very pretty, but my folded A4 'important' bits that I seem to collect throughout the working day will not fit neatly. I could gift it to my deputy though- I think she'd like it 😊
  17. I was going to buy the book 'Little Fires Everywhere' but ended up watching the series on amazon prime , which I'm enjoying- I vary rarely watch TV so it makes a change. I read Miss Bird and loved it, I've just downloaded the Potato Society book. I've got to the point of the holiday were I'm thinking -.... "🙀not much time left!!!" Had a panic when I realised I have got new Academic diaries yet!
  18. We've had hardly any rain, a bit of thunder yesterday afternoon. A bit cooler today- but still very hot if you actually do anything.
  19. Coffee made!
  20. Love and best wishes from me too Zigzag.
  21. I think this is the issue with part-time staff working term time only. In an emergency people need to ring the direct mobile number and not spend time searching for just where a person might or might not be at any given time/day.
  22. Although I may change my mind.... Literally just had a parent ring (should add on work phone) confirming she has all sessions booked for September, me .......'erm no, have have the slip in my hand that clearly says 3 days". silence then.... parent replies 'Im sure I ticked all the days" 😭😭😭 At least my very short working day yesterday meant I had the paperwork to hand- even if I actually ended up doing nothing yesterday.
  23. Actually the more it's said to me- the more determined I am to make it work!
  24. I have a friend like that, she keeps saying the very same thing.
  25. I've driven through our town twice - (through and back again) and that's about it. 3 miles away, I've been 'this side' as that's were the setting is, and there's a coffee shop in the park we're in, and I have had a few coffees there. I did once venture into our biggest main town and went to Asda, that was about mid June. I don't actually miss anything- other than early morning coffee + brunch.
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