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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Good to here your feeling ok 😊 Andy was like that after his AZ
  2. How are you feeling today sunnyday?
  3. Poinsettias - these are my demon pants. They 'hang around' all year looking pretty sorry for themselves but will not die off, and I cannot chuck a living plant away.😭
  4. Thank-you 😊 I've had a lovely day, babysat while my daughter worked. (Here with us - but legitimately, she was doing the accounts)
  5. That's the strange thing about orchids- once you find the right place they are pretty much indestructible !! My daughter call my utility room the orchid hospital - 'if/when' they finish flowing they get put ontop of a cupboard out there and get neglected left until they all flower again!!
  6. Yay!!.... more of that and less school work!
  7. Glad people are getting their Jabs 😊
  8. Well done for getting the JAB 😁. If they do it 'age-down' in the next lot I'm hoping to get mine soon. Ohww, I'm babysitting tomorrow while my daughter is working too! 😁 I have an Asda deliver too.... but it's my birthday so it's full of surprises 🤣🤣🤣 We're fully embracing new lockdown birthday treat ideas!!!
  9. What's everyone up to this week? Working, not working, retired or anything! It's Tuesday, and I've done nothing since last Wednesday !🙀 Other than watching TV that is.... I feel I have 'walked' our area out now, and everywhere is sooooo muddy- that walking takes real concentration to stay upright at all times!! Unless I 'street walk', but then I might meet people and be expected to chat - and I've discovered I quite like being anti-social these days ( well there is only so much chit-chat you can do at the moment) Not worked on any TLD list - I've decided they will all be done worked/on during working hours from now on. I'm amazed to find I actually just made myself more work really 🙀🙀. I have also discovered that much of it doesn't really matter if it get done in time or not! 🤣
  10. I stated to watch News of the World - but gave up. 'Dark' films (as in darkness) annoy me for some reason, that at westerns 🤣 Andy enjoyed it though.
  11. Yes it does get you thinking. My older brother was an avid reader and was always reading to me, and, as you say he read the above but he especially liked reading Uncle Remus stories to me.
  12. Well I guess we wait for the review - then tomorrows TV is sorted 😁
  13. I watched this last night. I wasn't sure when it first started, but glad I continued, such a moving film. I'm doing well with my TV watching. I'm now watching Firefly Lane.
  14. I'm not far off the age group, and I keep thinking 'do it. do it'. quickly followed by 'don't be silly, it's a mistake - wait your turn!'
  15. Well it's certainly is Friday not even midday - but it been a long day already! We did not open today as I decided it's just far too cold in hall, not one parent moaned (mind you only 4 anyway) Just relaxing and watching This Is Us, and I get the dreaded phone call from daughter in tears .... the baby (well one year old) has cut her finger and it won't stop bleeding- daughter totally distraught. Quick over the phone assessment and I work out it's not an A&E job. I say I'll be straight over, she lives a bout 15-20 away, one junction up the motorway so if can be quicker is road clear.. get there and my daughter is covered in blood.... grandchild happily watching TV on mum's lap- tissue covering the cut. I remove the tissue and look for the cut - it's tiny!! to be honest not even sure if it warranted a plaster. I dressed it anyway, and my daughter just hugged me crying. I think her mental health is really at straining point now 😢. My daughter is the 'go to person' in emergencies and I really was expecting far worse. Anyway- sod the virus I stayed there, we cuddled 🙀!!!! We sat snuggled up and watched This is Us together while the baby played Andy has his jab yesterday and seems ok today. 🤞
  16. Oh my goodness..... I've just aged the poor woman by 10 years!!!! She 73!!!
  17. Well Andy got offered his today by txt, and is now booked for tomorrow afternoon! My 83 yr old staff member had her yesterday, we asked if any side effects and she said none .... although that said she could have a leg hanging off and still say she's fine!!!
  18. Well I had a reply from my MP today!! In the post, on expensive paper, first class mail! only took him a month to give the stock answers 😤 I would have been happier with an email a bit sooner.
  19. this weeks figures .... https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/958866/Reported_coronavirus_COVID-19_notifiactions_by_registered_early_years_and_childcare_settings.csv/preview?fbclid=IwAR0qBkWxnIlv3nPo4knYgDWNS0-OUvO364ePZZa6-LbKmjYB-vpFuUh0q5U
  20. I walked out of the room swearing muttering loudly before that - when he said all workers that feel they are put at risk would now have easy access to workplace testing (or something like that)
  21. That's both happy and sad news at the same time. 😊 xx
  22. Wow, that's so lovely, and it has pockets too!
  23. Are you seriously going for the retirement 😳. xxx
  24. I only got the phone call due to my well-being grant application wording - I should have just applied for a spa weekend rather telling them how I felt! 🤣
  25. But doesn't the day just dddrrrraaaaaaaaaagggggg with such low numbers! We are only doing mornings- and I think we will continue with this until Easer now.
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