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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Mask crafts for children? We're not doing our usual chocolate Easter nests this year..... I'm thinking I could make some kind of bag with the masks 🐥😷
  2. Have a great day! Happy Birthday 💐
  3. No booklets, I've reported them missing. There is no difference between the two though- other than the cover!! There seems so much insistence that we issue the correct booklet it's beyond ridiculous. Anyway, I'm going to be a rebel and use mine BEFORE the 22nd!!!!!!!!🙀
  4. Yes this happens every few years depending on Easter. We got caught out big time one year - so I now keep my eye on the dates like a Hawk! Some years parents only get 37. Our LA sets out the dates you can claim funding and it's up to individual setting to choose the weeks within these dates.
  5. 🤣 ...... glad I'm not alone! I refused to hit the 'print' button . One the excel template side it took 6 pages to print! 😳
  6. I think I read somewhere that the early years link will not be live until 22nd.... would that make a difference ? To be honest I've printed a letter for staff from the templates, and that's about it really. oh and I've checked the difference in the instructions booklet. I intend to keep this as simple as possible. It's all a come bit late in the day for me really for me to take it all seriously. All the logging in/out of tests etc by the setting- my daughter just turned up at a collection site and they literally chucked exactly the same tests through the car window!
  7. This may or may not work, but I'll give a go anyway. this is from the DfE email. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1X4fLxy6_ppmpmKrv3hT2M6cduAN_GS54
  8. Have you had any emails from the DfE ? The links were on there. From what I can work out- the staff themselves log the result direct on the NHS site, and then they just tell us the results for our own records?
  9. They are exactly the same as the collect yourself tests recommended for school parents, and it just says in the packs children under 12 should be done by an adult? I was expecting the 'plain blue' booklet version to maybe say not to be used by under 11/12s but it is EXACTLY the same information - just I different cover! Made my daughter collect some so we compare 🤣. When we were a high risk area we could collect the packs locally- now we've dropped it's at least a 40min round trip (if you're happy to drive motorway) to collect them, so not sure parents are going to do that.
  10. Yes! and they're now double the price!
  11. Well having compared the 'old' instructions with the new (viewed online) I can confirm the instructions are exactly the same! The only difference is new one has a plain front cover and is called 1.3.1.... whilst he older is called 1.3.2 !!! (both versions even have the same date!)
  12. Can you believe it!! Have anyone else received their email yet telling us we're getting masks now!
  13. Did anyone actually get the correct instructions included in their package. I didn't 😬 On another note- ours came direct to the setting when we were closed! We don't even have a post box to get 'carded" so I'm not sure what would have happened if it wasn't for our fantastic post office.... who just redirected them to my house. . Our new regular postman just looked at me and said 'apparently these are for you?" Happy Friday everyone. I've just done my first proper craft-time with my granddaughter - we made 😁 a Mother's Day card for mummy.
  14. Funny you should mention the wind. We have had one child in throughout .......... today he's not in because it's windy!🤣.
  15. Yes, it is nice to have them all back :)
  16. Well it's only Wednesday and I've had enough already!! 🤣 Two children have come down with a mysterious rash.😳 Both have seen the Dr's and they have been confirmed as an allergy/hives rash. One has only just returned -so mum just assumed it may possibly be our cleaning products .... however they other has been with us throughout. Luckily both parents are on the ball, and are chasing it up- but it's really weird. Sunnyday how did your first day back go?
  17. Me too! Although I was first time lucky at 6.30ish pm.
  18. My 56 has just booked. .My 63 friend had a lot of trouble, but I now booked for next week- took her few days of trying. I think you have to keep trying at various time during the day.
  19. Yes, I was able to book both at the same time and at the same venue. Andy's still miffed that he hasn't got his second date yet, his was done via the Dr's surgery.
  20. We're a 'not for profit' group so we do have a companies house number. Not heard back yet - they're probably all looking at the request panicking- thinking do we/don't we... Just like the vaccine saga the other week!!
  21. Good to hear your getting it My friend (that doesn't work) had her some distance away - she was actually excited to have trip out somewhere ! It's strange though, I got mine 10ms drive, and she tried to book hers an hour or so later and had to go 45min drive.
  22. More like the Card Factory !!! Mother's Day on Sunday 🤣 (I can't believe how tired I am 😳... I'm missing my 70s playgroup )
  23. Well, we had our almost full house in this morning - we do still have a few that are waiting until after Easter. The 7 we've had throughout - seemed to mainly ignore the returners and were very focused on activities all morning ..... the returners were running around screaming like banshees!!! 😳😳
  24. Great news 😊 A few more of my staff have now got themselves booked in. Unbelievable how relieved I am that they're getting done.
  25. I've just registered for this as it is now open to workplaces of less than 50. I know we are all supposed to get them form the 22nd - but I thought I'd try and get then sooner as we now have all the children back and the school already have them. I've got through hurdle one, and I think I now have to wait to be approved.
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