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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. I hope you're not doubting me? ...😇
  2. Well, another week over and I am totally shattered - I've had to do the full five days this week, which is almost full three weeks in a row 😳, I normally only do three days. Onwards and upwards - hope to be fully staffed again next week (fingers crossed). We have a very strange mix this year, we are girl heavy... and my are they needy! I'd like to think it's due to Covid etc, but in honestly I really don't think is.
  3. Oh my, I always imagined you were around the same age as me!........... but you're almost 10 years older!!!!! I'm only 27. 🤣
  4. Well, we're returning to normal at work, first covid staff victim back at work, but the second victim has been very poorly- luckily she was double vaccinated or it might have been a different story. Petrol: manic around here. We have a garage that had a delivery .... that jammed the village up for two days! Luckily for me I'm a panic'er, and I hyperventilate once my car reaches half-full at the best of times, so I've been fine 🤣. Been to an activity farm today with my granddaughter which including digging potatoes - that was nice and muddy!
  5. I believe this is sunny days- I have altered to take out the disqualification by associations and I'm sorry it's PDF though. I think I might have to fire up the old laptop to find the worddoc versions 🤣 I do PDFs as I can print double sided!! 2021 Staff Suitability Declaration - generic.pdf
  6. I think I have your one that I can upload if needed.
  7. Me too!
  8. I also have that many too! I did a massive paperwork cull in the summer-even though I'm still working 🙀
  9. Yes! Plus we all know 100% attendance is unusual - but it's the waiting (and praying) to find out if it's the 2 yr old that's off that day!! 🤣
  10. To be honest it's not been as stressful as I'd imagined it would be. The main 'stress point' is ratio's - especially as now they've removed the dispensations. We are only a small team and always work well over ratio anyway, but it's that worry first thing in the morning. We've had two birthdays (yesterday and tomorrow) and they've now turned three which as you know makes a huge difference number wise for the coming week thank goodness. 😊.
  11. Well I can't comment about anything as totally brain fried at the moment. We had our first actually cases this week, two staff members tested positive. Nightmare week but we coped fine. Parents have been fantastic, either keeping or offering to keep their children off. - apart form one who complained out being advised to get her child tested! 😂
  12. Didn't want to read and run - but I haven't a clue! At a guess I'd say no as doesn't it need to be both parents working? ..........unless a single parent ... and now I can see this is a never ending circle!
  13. Well we've just had our first Positive staff member 😭......... be totally ironic if the deputy caught it after dodging the bullet when her two teenage sons had it 2 weeks ago!! Luckily I've not been in since Weds, and when I was in I was mostly busy sorting the cupboard space- so totally isolating myself from all staff anyway 😳😂
  14. Glad it went well, and thanks for the update. :)
  15. Have you all remained fit, well, and negative ?
  16. Yes Friday again! I'm good now, I think I was just exhausted - I'd worked almost non-stop for two weeks clearing and sorting our new space. Back to my three days this week and feel far more relaxed again. I cleaned more carpets this morning! 🙀.... I feeling so motivated when it's sunny- but not hot 😁😁
  17. You keep chattering away ....... we are listening honest! 😊
  18. Thank you everyone, 😘 feel a bit better today .... think I'm just envious of all you retirees ! 🤣. Off out this evening for a catch with an old friend so we can 'offload' on each other :)
  19. I have to say I have never felt so disallusioned [?s] with the preschool as I do at the moment. last term I was so worried about Ofsted.... and now I actually feel just come and do your worst and I can close the place - I really don't care at the moment, it's simply not worth the stress and frazzelment. It's sad, but I feel ground down. We seem to have no support from the LA, Senco has gone totally to pot- I wouldn't know were to look now for support if we needed it!! Our parents are wonderful and I/we do it for them, but I'm sure they'd soon move on if we did close. I have however bought myself a weighted blanked and I do seem to sleep better at nights now .... or maybe it's my don't give a $***** attitude about ofsted that's helping me sleep. 🤣🤣 (staff aren't helping at the moment either- I've had two moaning all morning about how cold they were!!!!!!!, I swear I'm going to buy the most unflattering thick tracksuit bottoms and make them wear them!) Rant over.
  20. Hoping she stay mild, and you and Mr Panders escape it. My deputy's two teenage sons had it, and the rest of the family stayed clear (mum/dad/younger sibling) It helped that the boys were more than happy to be banished to their rooms with their playstations, whilst being fed snacks throughout the day!
  21. Sending hugs Zigzag, such a worry getting old. My daughter is currently without a bathroom and it's driving her nuts too! at least she does have an inside loo though.
  22. Put it this way, I only have one grandchild......... I should NOT take her out shopping! 😂 I can't help it I spoil her rotten 😳 New shoes, and a winter coat, so at least they're sensible purchase (oh, and fluffy cushion she fell in love with to go on her bed here! 🤣)
  23. Expensive Friday!! Why is it when I have a day off I end up spending a lot of money 😂 Other than that, the week went well. So far the newbies have all settled well, and the 'angry' two year old (I think I mentioned her last week) has decided she loves us all after all - and now comes in happy and smiling each morning 😊.
  24. We keep it simple, fruit and a breadstick! (or similar) Only 3 hour sessions, and two 6 hour days with packed lunch. We did used to do more, then had a child with serve allergies, we actually found a simple snack works well for us. But I guess it also depends on the area you are based. Sadly some children may need more substantial snacks.
  25. Our newbies start from Wednesday. Seems strange to have a few days with our 'older' returners - who where all last years littlies... 😲
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