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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. Ooh let us know what it’s like. I keep telling myself (and then not listening) that I need to reduce my unread books shelf before I buy any more. I’m making a spring scene (I hope!) and some of it is for blossom and primroses. The others are just because I like the colours!
  2. No, I almost did go for that - can’t remember why I didn’t now! This book always reminds me of one by Dick King-Smith (same main character) which in turn reminds me of Saint Saens organ symphony number 3...
  3. Am just doubting which book I thought it was - my sister has our copy so I found this one online!
  4. I’m very excited - my local yarn shop is closed but you can order and they will deliver! I ordered just before lunch and a beautiful fruit salad of colours will be with me in less than an hour!
  5. Ok, now I’m confused! 😁 I don’t remember that theme!
  6. I think I was a similar age. There has been a film made of it starring Dakota Fanning (I’ve never seen it).
  7. Young Froglet will indeed (mainly because you persist in calling me young but partly because I'm avoiding writing my reports! ) Like FM says it's a surprisingly violent start to this lovely book which is a tear jerker but not because of the axe related opening! I think it's a book about friendship and brains! Perhaps FM can help me out with some clues as she knows what it is!
  8. It's one of my favourites too but I don't know the first line - I was pulling a selection off my shelf and seeing which had opening lines which I thought gave a clue but not too much of a clue! OK, only number 10 left - I think this is one of my favourites!
  9. Yes! How did you get that one? I thought it was really hard!
  10. That’s right! Have repeated the missing ones above so they’re to hand. 7 is an adult’s fiction book, 10 is children’s.
  11. Yes, yes, yes! So we only need 5, 7 and 10.
  12. Believe it or not I don’t think I’ve ever actually read Winnie the Pooh. I did google for some ideas for this, and scanned my bookshelves but only picked books I’ve actually read.
  13. I confess to only reading it for the first time 3 years ago, took me a couple of days to get into the language and then I fell in love with it and spent a whole, glorious summer holiday day devouring it!
  14. How about this... which books are these the opening sentences (or part sentences) of? 1. It is a truth universally acknowledged... 2. Once there was a fish and... 3. Last night I dreamt I went to... 4. All children, except one, grow up. 5. There was no possibility of taking a walk that day. 6. It was a bright, cold day in April and the clocks were striking thirteen. 7. When a day that you happen to know is Wednesday starts off by sounding like Sunday, there is something seriously wrong somewhere. 8. Once upon a time, there were four little rabbits... 9. The first place that I can well remember, was a large pleasant meadow with a pond of clear water in it. 10. "Where's Papa going with that axe?" PS I tried to make 4. easy!
  15. Go with that! I've never heard of it!
  16. So it is! When I was fourth year juniors we did our register by numbers - guess what number I was... Do you think it’s a sign?! 😧
  17. See you lot are good at this!! I just kept thinking along the lines of a combination of Goldilocks/3 little pigs for number 7 and couldn't figure out where a spider came in to it! So, by my reckoning the only one missing is number 4?
  18. This is from my sister - I don’t have the answers and I’ve previously explained how not good I am at this kind of thing. Apparently they’re all children’s books...
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