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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. But, if it's a consolation - I think in some respects it will help them know us. My sister lives about an hour away from me and my parents. When her eldest (now scarily 12!) was a baby they used to come up to mum and dad's once a month. Mum and dad would often go down in between but I didn't. However, when my nephew was around 3/4 I discovered FaceTime and would do a video call to them regularly. They'd bob in and out of the screen and show me things they'd made and I think the visual of having something to look at helped them talk to me. I could talk to them and comment on what they were doing/wearing/seeing in their own environment and the conversation was much easier than if we ever spoke on the phone. As they grew older I'd get special FaceTime calls to read their newest school book to me or show me their birthday cake etc. We don't FaceTime as regularly now and they certainly don't come up to visit in person as regularly - life has just got busy. But, we are incredibly close. That is partly from my point of view and I know that my sister says they make a point of talking about 'Aunty Froglet' at home too but I feel that whenever we do see each other that hesitancy over an initial hug/hello isn't often there because they were used to my face - they knew what I looked like and they knew I cared about and was interested in them.
  2. Not at all. Have had a busyish weekend but kept checking in here - just I am rubbish at all music things! As I say - pub quiz failure! See - tricky number 4 again!!
  3. It’s actually not - just sections of 8 chains which you loop down into the body. It was time consuming and a bit fiddly but not difficult. Doing the fleece was what made him come alive.
  4. So I have a (mostly) crochet spring window display. I’m hoping that people will see it if out for a walk and smile a little.
  5. I wS just thinking the same thing!
  6. I lost my phone earlier - was under a pile of wool. Did anyone watch Jesus Christ Superstar?
  7. They look delicious Panders!!
  8. I bet they will taste good and smell amazing!
  9. Hope you are too. I am still in pjs avoiding the TDL! However, I’ve just been trying out a new pattern which is making smile so much. 😁😁😁 Wait till I show you what I finished last night too!
  10. 3 - Signs of the zodiac 8. Ounces in a pound 10. Legs on an insect
  11. Not today! Only the 5 at the bottom! I just love seeing them all laid out like this!
  12. That’s so lovely. I’ve just had an invite to what has become a regular bedtime stories by Zoom appointment. I’m seeing my family far more than I usually do! My yarn has arrived and I’ve wound samples onto pegs so I can play with colour combinations. It’s possible I have too much yarn... Newest colours at the bottom!
  13. OK here goes. These are parts of well known children's book covers. Can you tell me what they are?
  14. Ok, it will take me a little time to prepare but I’ll be back!
  15. I’m just used to no one ever getting the references I make and always having to explain myself. I’m still in shock that someone got Day of the Triffids. No one else apart from my mum and dad reads science fiction!
  16. I do have an idea for another game (as long as I’m not taking over too much?)
  17. So, Wilbur reminds me of Babe in Dick King-Smith’s book ‘The Sheep-pig’. The main theme in the film of that book (Babe) (usually sung by mice) is based on Saint Saens organ symphony. I had no idea until I went to see my sister’s university orchestra in a concert and they played it. My brother recognised it and started singing the words in a mouse voice making me giggle. Cue parental exasperation - I was about 24. I have never forgotten it! Have a look at FM’s video to see what I’m on about!
  18. Yay! 😁😁😁 such an unexpected opening for that book. Does anyone get my cryptic Saint Saens reference?
  19. Lol I like that one. Be humble though. I still haven’t started my reports!
  20. This book has already been an answer to an earlier clue in this thread.
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