But, if it's a consolation - I think in some respects it will help them know us. My sister lives about an hour away from me and my parents. When her eldest (now scarily 12!) was a baby they used to come up to mum and dad's once a month. Mum and dad would often go down in between but I didn't. However, when my nephew was around 3/4 I discovered FaceTime and would do a video call to them regularly. They'd bob in and out of the screen and show me things they'd made and I think the visual of having something to look at helped them talk to me. I could talk to them and comment on what they were doing/wearing/seeing in their own environment and the conversation was much easier than if we ever spoke on the phone. As they grew older I'd get special FaceTime calls to read their newest school book to me or show me their birthday cake etc. We don't FaceTime as regularly now and they certainly don't come up to visit in person as regularly - life has just got busy. But, we are incredibly close. That is partly from my point of view and I know that my sister says they make a point of talking about 'Aunty Froglet' at home too but I feel that whenever we do see each other that hesitancy over an initial hug/hello isn't often there because they were used to my face - they knew what I looked like and they knew I cared about and was interested in them.