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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. 10 points to Sunnyday! 😁 I’m going to have to try harder! Name this person Clue 1: I was a pilot.
  2. The official rules (yes there are some actual rules! 😉) gives 10 points for getting it on one clue, 9 on the second etc. I don’t have many games at home - the other option was Twister! Ok, so now you are looking for a place. Clue 1: I have over 400 bridges.
  3. Congratulations! I have whole boxful of these if people think it works and want some more?
  4. I’m going to give another clue (just cos I’m impatient!) Clue 3. Wilson is a good friend of mine.
  5. Clue 2. I like to make a splash.
  6. Three more guesses then I’ll give you the next clue.
  7. I sent this to my tree surgeon brother in law too - he got them all instantly apart from the hazel which he wasn't sure about because the leaf was upside down! I've had an idea for another game... Not sure how it will work but we'll see. I have ten clues for something - how many will you need to get what I'm thinking of? I think possible I'll give one clue and after 5 incorrect guesses will give the next one. So... Name this person 1. I was born in 1956.
  8. It is indeed quite a lot alderish! Congratulations!
  9. I promise I haven’t doctored any photos! Think of it as a heart shaped leaf.
  10. Sorry, missed this one on the next page. Yes to both and no Lime isn’t one of them! Just 1 then it is tricky! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a real live one.
  11. Yes Yes, loved it! Go for this one! No sorry, FM got that one - ash (Mountain Ash/Rowan to be precise). So we still need 1 and 7.
  12. Yep! All correct. Sorry, no to both of those! I’ve sent it to my brother-in-law who’s a tree surgeon. He has been known to make us play I-spy with tree names then we discover he’s using the Latin names!
  13. I have another little quiz for you if anyone's interested? Can you identify the trees from these leaves?
  14. I have similar mixed feelings about going back to work. I am really missing the routine though - am quite happy at home but would happily pootle all day with a bit of crochet/reading/baking but I actually have work that I must do but am avoiding! Plus my house is freezing! The above sentence pretty much describes what I've been up to this week. The crochet production now includes a tea cosy and a sheep with a rainbow jumper and some Easter bunting. I think I've figured out what I want to do with the wool left over from my spring blanket and that will be a slightly longer project! I'm planning a supermarket trip tomorrow plus I have my niece's virtual 8th birthday party at 11am. I really must do some cleaning too - I really don't understand how one person can create so much mess!
  15. Me neither! Plus now is probably the time to confess that I’ve never been to Nando’s. Some friends were gobsmacked when I admitted that a while ago.
  16. 14 is Ikea and I think 10 is Radley?
  17. I don’t recognise 1 or 2 at all?
  18. I’d forgotten topics existed! I’m with you Panders about 7 and 19!
  19. I think 9 might be a biscuit and raisin yorkie
  20. Now this is something I do know about! 1. Bounty 5. Double decker 20. Crunchie
  21. How do you all feel about crosswords (not the cryptic kind!).
  22. I confess, I could only do it because someone sent me one the other day which I couldn’t solve and was getting a bit frustrated over until they explained how!
  23. Just as a sharing thing - I made the two attached as a thing to do for the virtual Easter celebration I had via Zoom with family yesterday. One is a 'Whose egg is this?' quiz and the other is a 'reveal the hidden picture' thing. They are both in powerpoint and when you are in the slide show view if you click on the image it will reveal the answer. The answer to the 'Who do the mini eggs belong to?' was a whole family photo I've had. I've removed that in the attached version but you could add your own in or just answer the question. I did a screen share via zoom and everyone guessed the answers and/or chose which egg to click on to show the picture. Hope that all makes sense. Please feel free to use them with your small people whether at home or at work! Whose egg am I V2.ppt What object is hidden behind the eggs.ppt
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