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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. Name this place... Clue 1: There are lots of sheep. I’m trying to be really strict with myself so have written myself a timetable - I’ll be back to check on you all at afternoon playtime.
  2. Congratulations! 5 points.
  3. Clue 5. Give me to the teacher.
  4. I’m giving another clue - I think this is a hard one to guess. Clue 4. I was forbidden once.
  5. It looks delicious! My mouth is watering!
  6. Time for Clue 3. China produces most of me.
  7. Panders why are all those from the rose family? Clue 2: And originally from Asia.
  8. I hope that' s not just 'cos you're winning! OK, here goes... Do you mean my school work planning? Or my plan for the week? So far, I've got as far as 'Get up...' Name this object... Clue 1: I am from the rose family.
  9. Treasure Island is definitely on for 7 days altogether, fingers crossed you can get to see Phantom. I was just going to look to see what this week's shows are - I am going to be a very super organised person this week now I'm 'back' to school and make a plan! Do people want more clues or has someone else something they'd like to do - I don't want to take over.
  10. Phantom - I didn’t get around to watching it. Treasure Island NT Live on Thursday was great though!
  11. Go Sunnyday! 8 points! Vests and balaclavas ready?
  12. I hope you’re wearing a good robust vest under it!
  13. I’m going to give another clue just because I can (and I’m getting all confused!) Clue 3. The show went to New York.
  14. Everyone gets points just for being awake! I would so love to see a real Muppet Show - is that really a thing? I am completely ignorant of shows - West End or otherwise!
  15. Name this show... Clue 1: I was a West End show.
  16. 10 points! Larnielass - I thought it was going to be an iris.
  17. Ok, another one. Name this thing... Clue 1: I am a yellow dwarf.
  18. Yay! 6 points for Panders! Am I meant to be keeping a record somewhere?!
  19. No one’s got it yet. In my world the answer to anything I can’t work out is going to be Charlotte’s Web! 😉 Clue 5: I wrote in my garden shed.
  20. OK! Clue 4: Then I started writing.
  21. Reading Winnie the Pooh is a bit like watching Star Wars for me - I’m certain that I’ve never read/seen it in order all the way through but I do know quite a lot of it - for some reason the Heffalump traps do stick in my mind!
  22. No, I confess - I’m not thinking of the clues on my own - it’s an actual game I have that was made before Captain Tom was known.
  23. I had to google Howard Hughes! None right so far. Clue 3. I fought in World War 2.
  24. Clue 2: And perhaps a spy.
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