New one (I hope this works). These are all imaginary places.
1. A celebratory meal in this place included earth "a rich brown loam that looked almost exactly like chocolate...[then] an earth of the kind you see in Somerset, which is almost pink...At the cheese stage they had a chalky soil, and then went on to delicate confections of the finest gravels powdered with choice silver sand."
2. This place is perched high on a mountain-top, overlooking a great black lake. It has 142 staircases.
3. This place is ten miles long and five miles wide, off the coast of Mexico. It has a natural harbour with cliffs in the south west and sandy beaches in the north.
4. A place in a deep, sheltered valley, it was founded by a Lord and was a safe place for a group.
5. A mellow brick building next to a river. Extremely comfortable. A very enthusiastic owner.
6. A small village named after an important boundary.
7. Somewhere underground where there are some memorable eating experiences.
8. This place is in the barren regions of icy-cold Finland. At its heart is a frozen lake broken into a thousand pieces.
9. A very haunted place, filled with mystery and spirits.
10. The directions to this place are vague but beautiful.