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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. Congratulations! I’ll let you go a little madder! Was a lovely film as well as a book.
  2. We had a beautiful copy, this story was illustrated on the cover, I have no idea where the book went to.
  3. Yes Original author was Hans Christian Andersen
  4. I may have made the clues too obscure in my attempts to avoid the really obvious!
  5. New one (I hope this works). These are all imaginary places. 1. A celebratory meal in this place included earth "a rich brown loam that looked almost exactly like chocolate...[then] an earth of the kind you see in Somerset, which is almost pink...At the cheese stage they had a chalky soil, and then went on to delicate confections of the finest gravels powdered with choice silver sand." 2. This place is perched high on a mountain-top, overlooking a great black lake. It has 142 staircases. 3. This place is ten miles long and five miles wide, off the coast of Mexico. It has a natural harbour with cliffs in the south west and sandy beaches in the north. 4. A place in a deep, sheltered valley, it was founded by a Lord and was a safe place for a group. 5. A mellow brick building next to a river. Extremely comfortable. A very enthusiastic owner. 6. A small village named after an important boundary. 7. Somewhere underground where there are some memorable eating experiences. 8. This place is in the barren regions of icy-cold Finland. At its heart is a frozen lake broken into a thousand pieces. 9. A very haunted place, filled with mystery and spirits. 10. The directions to this place are vague but beautiful.
  6. Me too - was driving me mad! Still couldn’t get RS!
  7. 1. Puffy (Puff Daddy, P Diddy - whatever!) 5. Richard Stilgoe
  8. 1. Plácido (Domingo) but Sunnyday is bound to be on first name terms! 4. John Legend 5. Rod Stewart 6. Ed Sheeran 7. Tom Hanks
  9. I am hopeless at gardening even though I love them. I really, really want to have sweet peas one day.
  10. Mine is that I’m just a bit clueless!
  11. Wow! I love that idea for a quiz (and I did get one too - was just beaten to it!)
  12. I will bring cake, or bread, or soup or all three!
  13. Well if she’s coming I’m coming too - no kitkats here either!
  14. Is now the time to admit that I’ve never seen Spooks?
  15. I reckon probably threety hundred?
  16. I feel like something is nudging at my memory. When was it on?
  17. I’m going to save all those thank you. Another friend sent a variation which had oats in the base so I tried that. I went a little wrong with my caramel measuring so it’s very soft but tastes good!
  18. So here’s a question for you - does anyone have a recipe for caramel (millionaires shortbread) that only needs 1 can of condensed milk. I’ve eaten healthily all day and feel the need to spoil it!
  19. Well, it’s actually quite a nice story (I think so anyway). My mum has my granny’s recipe books which are essentially notebooks with all sorts of handwritten recipes and other notes in (list of wedding presents etc.). One of them is for a ‘Middle West gingerbread’ which my uncle had been reminiscing about. My mum typed the recipe up for him and he forwarded it to his children and hers suggesting that we all make it and get together for tasting. One of his children lives in Australia and I haven’t seen him since I was about 15.
  20. I really do need to have a go at making one of those one day. I have some gingerbread on the go at the moment which tastes good but is what I think of as ‘virtuous cake’!
  21. I could imagine it in my head and was thinking Mont something!
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