I was just thinking we needed an update. These are the ones we're still missing.
3. This place is ten miles long and five miles wide, off the coast of Mexico. It has a natural harbour with cliffs in the south west and sandy beaches in the north. Male author whose name always makes me think of trains. Throw in a pirate or two!
4. A place in a deep, sheltered valley, it was founded by a Lord and was a safe place for a group of 'people', some tall, some small, some with hairy toes and some with pointy ears.
6. A small village named after an important boundary. On the other side of the boundary is the land of Faerie where there are 7 princes and the main character searches for a fallen star.
8. This place is in the barren regions of icy-cold Finland. At its heart is a frozen lake broken into a thousand pieces. A little girl goes to rescue her friend from this place. A modern film based on this story has a song that everyone just would not let go.
9. A very haunted place, filled with mystery and spirits. Excellent horse rider especially given that he can't see.