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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. I have a chocolate peppermint slice recipe which is delicious - like a cake version of after eight mints.
  2. And this is what I was playing with for a rich fruit cake blanket:
  3. Would that be chocolate and pale yellow? Have never made a marble cake! This is my Black Forest colour scheme:
  4. Ahh, thank you. No need to worry about me just am not always entirely sure of the day usually! As for the cake - on one memorable occasion I did forget a cake but chances are slim! This is what I’m eating at the moment - I was quite proud of the free form icing. Also, have I mentioned that my new blanket colours are based on a Black Forest gateau. Someone else’s idea but it made me think that other cake themed blanket colour schemes could be a good thing!
  5. Yesterday was a really busy work day but I spent the evening with my crochet hook; the new blanket is coming along nicely. Today I'm going to brave Tesco, do work for next week and this afternoon I have a pictionary game by zoom which my nephew is in charge of as one of his teachers played it with them! I might, on the other hand avoid the work thing completely as I have to log on tomorrow evening anyway to upload Monday's learning. If I do that though I really need to make sure I start first thing in the morning. It is nice to have a completely school free day at the weekend. Decisions, decisions... I also need to eat some more of the whole orange cake I made the other day, very tasty but not too sweet!
  6. Happy birthday! Have a lovely day!
  7. Well, I’m currently in pjs doing some (surprise, surprise) crochet. I did have a leaflet through the door about some street celebrations. We’re not, historically, a very sociable street and I’m a little apprehensive but we’ll see.
  8. Panders, I was doing exactly the same as you! Are there any we’re still missing?
  9. Yes - one of those with loads of names. Refrigerator cake, chocolate crunchies, tiffin. I call it decluttering the baking cupboard! I'm also trying to find recipes that don't use flour!
  10. OK. These are the ingredients, what am I making... chocolate digestive biscuits cherries raisins butter golden syrup cocoa powder
  11. You were - bonus points for attempting to answer two questions with one answer!
  12. Hurray! Well done everyone, I didn't really plan for that to be quite so hard!
  13. No you’re right - what was the place called?
  14. works for me! 9. A very haunted place, filled with mystery and spirits. Excellent horse rider especially given that he can't see.
  15. I was going for Rivendell and Lord Elrond
  16. Close enough - The Snow Queen’s palace
  17. No but it’s a very piratey place! No, think to the original, who was the main character?
  18. I just looked up gracile too - lovely word. If you're interested in words and are on twitter at all Robert McFarlane is well worth folowing - has a word of the day which is nature related and many of them are new to me. Today's was 'fairy lace' as a name for cow-parsley. Yesterday's was 'aubade' - a dawn serenade, a song, poem or piece of music in praise of the day's break.
  19. No, although I should have thought of a Discworld place. This is in Middle Earth (or at least in Lord of the Rings, just in case there are any LOTR fans out there who know the geography far better than me!)
  20. I was just thinking we needed an update. These are the ones we're still missing. 3. This place is ten miles long and five miles wide, off the coast of Mexico. It has a natural harbour with cliffs in the south west and sandy beaches in the north. Male author whose name always makes me think of trains. Throw in a pirate or two! 4. A place in a deep, sheltered valley, it was founded by a Lord and was a safe place for a group of 'people', some tall, some small, some with hairy toes and some with pointy ears. 6. A small village named after an important boundary. On the other side of the boundary is the land of Faerie where there are 7 princes and the main character searches for a fallen star. 8. This place is in the barren regions of icy-cold Finland. At its heart is a frozen lake broken into a thousand pieces. A little girl goes to rescue her friend from this place. A modern film based on this story has a song that everyone just would not let go. 9. A very haunted place, filled with mystery and spirits. Excellent horse rider especially given that he can't see.
  21. This is part of the scene at the end of Prince Caspian when all the trees speak and move again. Everyone has a feast but of course the trees can’t have ordinary food!
  22. Yay! Did you recognise the description of the meal or was it the extra landmarks?
  23. I think people will kick themselves over number 1! I have a dictionary of imaginary places given to me by my sister, it's lovely to dip in and out of. Oh and I just have to say that Wind in the Willows has one of the best picnic scenes in a book and I absolutely love the part where moley returns home and ratty helps him set his home to rights and welcome the mummers. Oh and the part where badger looks after mole's poorly foot (I have a print of that one on my living room wall!)
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