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Everything posted by Panders

  1. Yay!
  2. Think they are implying that the viral load would be quite low and that if you are careful and keep your distance blah blah it would be acceptable for you to return to something like normality. And as Sunnyday says, too many people isolating would bring too much to a standstill so its manipulated this time to work in that favour
  3. Any excuse with these boys
  4. Do you know if your son is doing anything towards regaining sense of smell ? There was a few minutes on this on the BBC morning show with a doctor - she was saying perhaps use scented oils or strong smelling herbs, spices, coffee to sniff and picture what these things look like and taste. You shouldn't sniff deeply - right into the lungs just lightly sniff for 20 mins morning and evening. https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m0012vkf/morning-live-series-3-21122021 about 7 mins in
  5. Me too and no problems afterwards
  6. Morning Froglet how are you today? Not getting any worse I hope?
  7. Yes, very happy a very good final in many respects - just wish there hadn't been quite so much of the drama/tears/emotional interviewing, seems to have been quite a pattern this year and while it has its place, I did think a little too much for me last night, same things were just being repeated over and over again.
  8. If we didn't know how much you love your family and niblings I'd say that was a win win situation 😂
  9. Glad your colleague is keeping an eye on you. Hope it doesn't get too bad. Feel we should really have festive cocktails and nibbles on here one evening just for you - if you are up to it.
  10. Today we are meeting for lunch with granddaughter who is two today and last night her parents became engaged - bit of a do then 😍
  11. Well yes, if they have your details/email to say come and get. Probably depends which company we are talking about - Tescos food for example just a name and delivery slot. M&S your name, postcode, can be enough.
  12. Apart from Phase 8, or John Lewis, or talking to local bridal shops one of my god daughter's recommendations is this site https://www.richard-designs.com/en/?s=Occasion+wear but if you do order, order in good time as some fabrics come in from Asia
  13. Hard to say Cait - how far will you travel - https://www.victoriasbridalboutique.co.uk/ This is my god daughter's shop in Kent. I can ask her for recommendations as to whether she knows of anything - she recently went to the Bridal Show in Harrogate (for professionals in the business).
  14. Just got back from a Christmas lunch - eaten far too much and that was only 2 courses - I would never have managed 3, huge portions. Very busy place but in the centre of a very local village. Lovely company of friends we have known for 40+ years so very comfortable :0)
  15. some people are just frustrating Froglet go thump a pillow for a while always helps😀
  16. Sorry - not really any spoilers there to be fair tho Finleysmaid
  17. Agreed - and merely for that fact alone he should stay in. I suppose thinking forward to final - would I look forward to seeing him in it, does his dancing excite, or make me look forward to it - not really if I'm honest, I'm in awe that he dances well and competently but he's rarely thrilling to watch😉. I have been very supportive of him during the voting up until last night. I actually heard myself saying the same as Anton - "hands Dan, hands" why having drawn out attention to the fact he was going to keep his left hand fingers closed, did he splay them across Nadiya's back, very odd, I know there's a lot to think about, but I didn't think he'd forget that, he disappointed me.
  18. Yes she did really well as did Rhys - they split my vote this week. Time for Dan methinks
  19. I was really - older one has been giving mummy a hard time so we decided they should go to soft play for a mummy and me session - think I got the better end of the deal. She is a bit of a day sleeper and up at night apparently - I can just about remember the first six weeks as being some goodness awful dream😱
  20. I've spent the day cuddling/feeding and cooing over the newborn🥰
  21. Of course - if you see my post further up the thread - you can use anything - an animal, dinosaurs etc. it's just a bit of a stretch at the end of the song sometimes to make the beat work - as mentioned by Louby Lou, these sites Cocomelon or Babybum on youtube adapt songs all the time, some I think a little too americanised but I've seen it work with my own granddaughter
  22. When I read bodies, it put me in mind of the story Little Robin Red Vest, a favourite at pre-school - then I realised you actually meant making the robins - forgive me it's still early on Sunday for me. Have a couple of jobs before the littlies arrive this morning. Have a good day Froglet
  23. Got my oldest granddaughters tomorrow morning, we are going to make christmas pudding pom poms, would like to offer them other things such as animals but don't have enough colours - I should send them off to see Froglet😍. Maybe some snow balls so they can have a "fight" - but I fear ornaments may fly! a snowman or two maybe.
  24. We took 12 day old granddaughter for her first photo call today. The photographer was a parent of ours at pre-school and she takes the most amazing photos, her real passion tho is the very early days when babies can be almost mesmerized into sleep and she poses them how she wants them, we used to call her the baby whisperer. Such a lovely morning for me and her mummy and getting to meet the photographer again.
  25. Yes Louby loo - Cocomelon and Babybum youtube programmes both have very repetitive 1-10 songs and they do work our not quite 2 year old granddaughter already repeats numbers to 10 and is beginning now to point and count, these things do work - bit like Sesame St. back in the day.
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