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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. They can 'try' - it won't be happening here and that is for sure We didn't ask for any of this - we are all trying to muddle through as best we can - the 'funding money' does not belong to our Local Authorities they just distribute it to us on behalf of Government (after they have taken a slice of course)
  2. Lovely that you managed to see your daughter and granddaughter even if it was from a distance I have been in touch with parents - but I wouldn't phone them - might be just one of my quirks - but I find phone calls quite intrusive (unless from family and friends) - emails, texts much more welcome
  3. Oh my actual goodness - Friday again - now 6 weeks since closure Wish we could get some clarity from Government about their plans - maybe next week Keep safe and well my 'Friday friends' x
  4. Oh zigzag that is just beautiful (got it to work on laptop!)
  5. Oh blow - I can't get it to play - I will try again tomorrow when I'm on the laptop
  6. I started a new thread in the Covid 19 area about Legionella - just wanted to make sure that my Friday friends have seen it - don't want to give people more to worry about but it is worth knowing I think
  7. Has taken me an age to find this post - but wanted to say thank you - have just finished this book, thoroughly enjoyed it and just about to start the sequel
  8. I'm thinking the same Tim - let's hope that it's a case of 'great minds think alike' and not 'fools seldom differ'
  9. Oh my life well they can 'try' to force me to re-open, open for longer...….that will result in them losing the only EY provision in my village
  10. sunnyday


    Not wanting to give forum members even more to worry about, but thought that this was worth sharing - copy and paste job: Dear Manager Legionella risks in vacant properties During the Covid-19 pandemic and current state of emergency, businesses have closed and buildings and properties have become vacant, for a period of time sufficient to increase the risk of Legionella in water systems. This information is for the attention of business owners or operators, landlords or property managers and anyone who manages water systems in properties. As we know the Government is currently advising home working, therefore it is timely to remind you of the Legionella risks in vacant properties, including the businesses that have temporarily closed, where water is allowed to stagnate within water systems. As a general principle, outlets on hot and cold water systems should be used at least once a week to maintain a degree of water flow and to minimise the chances of stagnation. To manage the risks during non-occupancy, consideration should be given to implementing a suitable flushing regime or other measures such as draining the system if it is to remain vacant for long periods. See guidance from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
  11. Yes me too
  12. Did anyone note that Prof. Jonathan Van-Tam acknowledged the impossibility of social distancing for 4/5 year olds during the daily briefing
  13. Yes, thank you Greenfinch I had seen this - it's all so disheartening
  14. Oh dear - have just been listening to Alistair Campbell getting a ticking off for commenting about Boris missing PMQs - hope everyone knows that I was joking Anyway 'Quarantino' is an excellent suggestion
  15. I watched Spooks up to that awful scene with the deep fat fryer - was that in the first series? Line of Duty - now you're talking - love it!
  16. Welcome to the world 'baby Boris' - I tell you that man will do anything to dodge PMQs - what do wethink they will name the new baby - I'm thinking either Dominic or Winston Seriously I am delighted for them
  17. Well done larnielass - so obvious once you know the answer
  18. Outnumbered - although I suppose that's comedy as opposed to drama
  19. Good heavens - phone calls - I wouldn't be up for that - sounds like you are doing a great job with your Facebook page I would leave it at that
  20. Nope def 2016 and then second series at some point and the new series starts next week I think - I have been watching the first two series on catch up just because I can I think that 'Joe' will be 10 in the new series
  21. I only brought home the cushions from our Book Corner, my deputy took painting aprons to wash, I will need to collect and wash all the other soft items at some point We had been keeping on top of the toy washing......
  22. Oh me too zigzag - it's the uncertainty that adds to the stress I think
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