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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Well it's okay if you are talking about baby goats or handling something/someone with kid gloves 🤣
  2. Is it just me? The use of the word 'kids' by politicians and news presenters is really getting my goat (see what I did there!) Children and young people so much better
  3. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/protective-measures-for-holiday-or-after-school-clubs-and-other-out-of-school-settings-for-children-during-the-coronavirus-covid-19-outbreak/protective-measures-for-out-of-school-settings-during-the-coronavirus-covid-19-outbreak
  4. Lovely young Froglet!
  5. Oh he has got a fringe - sweet
  6. Handsome
  7. 🤦‍♀️🤣
  8. Oh no - are we going to fight over Jimbob - I picture him as a lovely big Ginger Tom - hopefully louby will appear and tell us!
  9. Oh yes, do bring Jimbob I would love to meet him (and bring him home with me) Only one magnum left here and I think Mr S has probably got his eye on it - sure that I could pick some more up on the way
  10. Excellent idea!
  11. oooh they sound lovely! I have just eaten a 'Magnum' (you know one of those really low calorie ones) 🤣
  12. Thank you mousie I really regret not going back in June - I gave my parents the choice and only three wanted to return at that point. I think we should have gone back with just three and perhaps that number would have grown - who knows, all in the past now so no point dwelling on it
  13. I came across notes from our staff meeting held 13th March that I hadn't got round to typing up - little did we know then that we would be closed on the following Friday and in my case would remain closed for six months...... Sent over loads of info to my deputy and asked how she was feeling now about our return - she said "I have small feelings of trepidation" 🤦‍♀️ well, we all do, but I really need positivity now - my fault for asking I suppose I have purchased some really lovely washable 'playmats' that have arrived today - hmm when I say washable, I mean they can be wiped over....
  14. <whispers very quietly> think my TDL might be completed 😀 (has been hard to concentrate with all the partying going on here though)🤣 Need to go up to my setting and see what else I need to bring home to clean/wash.....
  15. Marshmallows on your hot chocolate? You will have to promise not to get that tape measure anywhere near my waistline
  16. A bit special? I think so
  17. Almost four years worth of Fridays young Froglet!
  18. I think so too In other news - I have now had 'the' email from EYA and I can't access my publications for downloads either 😮
  19. How lovely is this I posted lots of info out to my families this week - have had an email from one of my returners 'I told xxxxx that I had a letter from you and that when she goes back to pre-school she will be such a big girl that I will leave her at the door and she will go in without me, she was dancing around with excitement, wanted to see the letter and has gone off 'reading it' That is so encouraging
  20. Such good news zigzag, I am so pleased to read this xxx
  21. 😮🤣 is his name really 'Jimbob' - if so I love it My neighbours cats x 3 all have names like coco, lula etc - I have no idea which is which
  22. Spooky goings on here I could hear a small child repeatedly saying in a really sad little voice "Hello", "Hello", "Hello" - went to investigate, no child to be seen, thought 'that is coming from neighbours but I know they are out' - hmm, what to do...... It was coming from my neighbours, it wasn't a small child it was a big........cat with a mouse in it's mouth🤦‍♀️🤣
  23. Oh no! What a complete pain. Try any old BT number and see if they can put you through to the right dept. Think that might be worth a try
  24. I have got the idea that we have guidance due 24th August - the trouble is I have got no idea where I read that
  25. Feeling guilty about my last post, she has now sent the most lovely reply
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