Thank you so much my lovely 'Friday friends' x
I am my own worst enemy I am a 'perfectionist', I have been completely thrown by this 'disastrous' start, but I need to concentrate more on what went well and a whole lot less on what went wrong!
One of the 'criers' is a returner - yesterday she was screaming "mummy, mummy" at the fire door, I soon became aware of an audience in the car park, horrible, there is absolutely nothing wrong with her she has had super mornings, it is just this parting, it really is a 'temper' thing and I know this will now develop into a 'this is what I do when mummy leaves' situation.....the other two are just 'gentle protesters' and I completely understand how alien this situation is to them
Then we have 'little miss worried' - she has got it into her head that there is an air hand dryer in the loo - there isn't and I have had mummy take her in to show her - long story, short she had two 'poo accidents' yesterday - all very difficult to deal with especially as I was a staff member down - called mum back to deal with the first accident, second we had more success with - really hope that she now knows the toilet is not a place to be scared of, again I am worried that this will just become a habit, a 'I can't go into the toilet, I am too scared' situation - hopefully I am just catastrophising here!
Anyway, I have been greatly reassured by your kind comments, have had a good nights sleep didn't wake until 8am which is unheard of for me! Will now, as you have suggested try and 'step away' from this and enjoy the weekend - the sun is shining here which always helps
Forgot to say - I have spoken with my staff member with the broken arm - she is doing as well as can be expected, she reports "not too painful and that she is resting"
Oh my actual goodness 😀 also forgot to say - reason for different room/pack-away - our lovely room is on the first floor of our building - can't really ventilate properly - have moved to the huge sports hall, very high ceilings + can open doors and windows, having to lug everything up and down the stairs (I'm far too old for that)