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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Thanks Panders - he is on his lonesome, which is very hard, no visitors are allowed at all, son dropped him off yesterday and if all continues to go plan he will pick him up on Saturday Much 'bigger' procedure than last time - all done under a general, his Dr said as the target area was so deep in his lung it would be too "traumatic" to do under local and sedation We are so grateful that he has been given this treatment Just want him home now
  2. Not Friday I know - but just wanted to share that Mr S had four endobronchial valves fitted this morning, all good so far <touches wood>
  3. Hi I had a prospective parent yesterday, I made it clear before her visit that she wouldn't be able to come in but could just view from door, I went outside to chat with her I have a little boy who is hearing impaired, think his 'teacher for the deaf' might want to visit soon, will suggest outdoors I think SALT could possibly do the same?
  4. Yes, children use it on entry - not something I ever thought I would be doing, but needs must I think - our Primary School do the same
  5. Don't feel guilty - we all deserve some down time! I have just had a text from a prospective parent - she wanted to check that I had received her email yesterday as I hadn't replied 🤦‍♀️ I have just texted back to confirm that I have received it and that I will reply tomorrow as I am having a family weekend - really don't feel the need to be at everyone's beck and call 24/7 Sounds like your reply to your worried parent was spot on
  6. Ah, that's not good, really hope that cold clears up soon. Sending a virtual hug x
  7. Check if you can claim back Statutory Sick Pay paid to employees due to coronavirus (COVID-19) Louby does this help at all?
  8. I think you make a good point here my little black and white furry friend! I am looking at my next year 'leavers group' and wondering how on earth we are going to 'catch up' and have them anywhere near 'school ready'
  9. Oh no zigzag, sorry to hear you have had a tricky week I recognise everything you say in your post, oh my actual goodness the manners thing is getting to me have to remind all the time but especially at snack "yes please" don't just nod or point, you know how to say "milk please" or whatever...... Pleased to report that our week has been much better - worried about tempting fate now! Hope everyone has a restful weekend x
  10. There is an advantage to my position of not visiting any shops...... I just have shares in Amazon 🤦‍♀️🤣
  11. You rebel you 🤣
  12. I would never leave you on the naughty alone (even if I did grass you up)
  13. Not guilty miss - that young Froglet started it 🤣
  14. Oh have just followed your link - how lovely!
  15. Young Froglet - I have been looking at yarn and sock knitting patterns - very tempted to give it a go - figure I have a 'mentor' if I went wrong!
  16. Off to google 'festive sock yarn'
  17. Hi Gemma and a very warm welcome from me
  18. I think so +++ we are all under extra stress and strain ourselves Although I absolutely do not want anybody to be struggling it is kind of comforting to find I am not the only one Heard today that a pre-school very close to here consider that and I quote "we have got the cleaning sussed, we are using a steamer" - note not a fogging machine, just a hand held steamer, no disinfectant added - again I quote "just the hot steam will kill the virus"🤦‍♀️
  19. Wish we could fm - some real challenges there for you - but you are the woman for the job - I have every faith in you
  20. Remind me why we do our jobs?
  21. Oh no, no, no!
  22. Oh my life - have we got a screaming emoji?
  23. Thank you zigzag <whispers> this week has started very well - I put my foot down very firmly on Monday morning! Result - my little girl who was worried about the toilet is no longer worried at all and in fact we can't keep her out of there now (!), my screamers mum was asked to stay and settle her properly, as opposed to a drop and run situation, I explained that she has been frightening the other children and that is not on when it is all just a display of temper - mum duly stayed until 10:20 (we were mainly outside during that time) - this little girl hasn't attended today, message to say that mum wasn't well - hmmm......
  24. I know it's not Friday! Just wanted to share some great news - Mr S has a date for his procedure (endobronchial valves) at Royal Brompton - it is Wednesday 23rd September - woohoo!!! He has to strictly isolate now, will receive a Covid test kit in the post, needs to take the test at 7am Saturday, it will be collected by a courier and if all is well, number one son will drive him up on Tuesday (masks in car) ready for procedure on Wednesday - I can't go at all, which is sad, but completely understandable
  25. In other news - I invoiced a 'new parent' this morning via email and have a message back saying 'all paid' - yay!
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