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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. I can't help you I am afraid - I had one piece of info (phone call) that made me think Kent had decided to pay for only those children attending (this wouldn't work for me) but then this morning the latest news was that they have not yet decided Good luck with everything nomski
  2. Do you think they will go up - I wouldn't be too sure - I think (very sadly) that we haven't reached the peak of this wave yet - surely if infection rates continue to grow right minded people will be less inclined to send their children
  3. Oh I will add that I don't have any parents relying on me to allow them to work That seemed to be what our glorious leader was indicating was the rationale for keeping us open Might try and find the comment from Prof. Calum Semple that this was purely political decision which was not supported by SAGE
  4. It will only be a fleshed out version of what I have included in my (now edited) post
  5. I will certainly be writing to mine - it will provide a wonderful opportunity for me to express my complete outrage I took the decision, with support from parents, to keep my setting closed - great decision as it turns out, as LA will only fund those children actually present, I think I would have had no more than three each morning - that level of funding would hardly cover my rent However my initial decision was based on safety concerns - I simply will not/cannot put the children, their families and the groups adults at increased risk of infection - the infection rate in my area is terrifying
  6. Same - but I'm willing to give it a try
  7. Yep - that's what I thought too - good old Judith though for asking the question
  8. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-sussex-55567154
  9. Go Brighton! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-sussex-55567154
  10. That is so wrong That money does not BELONG to the LAs anyway - they are just provided with it to pass onto settings
  11. Jeez you couldn't make it up could you
  12. Exactly - I don't have anyone relying on me to open so that they can work I just think that we have royally shafted (again) I firmly believe that we should be closed, or only places for key worker or vulnerable children
  13. You can say that again!
  14. Have spoken to them today I don't think any firm decision yet - I'm not open anyway so I certainly don't expect funding, I wanted to know what to do as I should be completing my headcount in a couple of weeks - I won't be able to do that, I have already had a payment in advance, do they want that back now, can I submit my headcount after half-term if I am open then - sorry I'm not asking you (!) that's what I was asking them..... Having been in touch with parents I now know that I probably would have been to 3 or 4 children.....
  15. So pleased for you
  16. Definitely a boohoo
  17. Check out new thread 'Lockdown funding 2021' - sorry not sure how to link to it
  18. Thank you nomski That is quite dreadful news, indefensible.....
  19. When do you have to submit your headcount and how do you complete yours - a question on ours would be 'is the child in attendance'
  20. So are you open for just Key Worker and Vulnerable?
  21. Oi - you two I haven't touched a drop tonight
  22. More so I reckon
  23. Thinking about this again, possibly not if it is our choice to close, but I think you might be able to if you have reduced numbers of children in attendance
  24. Honestly couldn't one of those journalists asked about nurseries at the briefing
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