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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. All this talk of ambulance calling has reminded me - do you all know about 'what three words'? I don't know all the ins and outs but apparently the country has been divided up into 3 metre squares (or something like that) and each square has three words attached to it, you can give the words to the ambulance call handler...I expect that I am late to the party and everyone already knows about this I have always worried that if we had to call an ambulance it would not find us - sat navs don't bring any drivers to our house! One of my daughters-in-law has the required app for this and we now have our 'three words' safely pinned on a noticeboard louby - historical Inspection reports should still be available on the site
  2. 🤣🤣🤣
  3. Ah yes of course, we were not Tapestry users, I would have loved to have been but my deputy was really reluctant, I could have forced the issue but she was worth her weight in gold to me so I didn't want to rock the boat
  4. This is so true Mousie - always a shedload of paperwork associated with mysetting - all produced by me, simply because I felt is was unfair to ask this of my staff I shouldn't comment really as I haven't even read the documentation for the new framework (why would I 🤷‍♀️) but I do know that we have been told 'there is no need for lots of written records' plenty of times and as you rightly say this just doesn't work when you get the knock/ring at the door Next steps were recorded on my planning docs and pre- Covid we had home/school diaries where these were shared with parents When 'planning in the moment' I made sure that this was evaluated and recorded - as I said 'shedloads of paperwork'!
  5. Don't be so hard on yourself young Froglet - sleep is so good for you - tidying up can wait!
  6. Crikey louby! TDL from the safety of your home sounds like a plan to me!
  7. Hi all - tis Friday! How is everyone? Who is getting on with their TDL, who is making like an ostrich? 😂 What on earth is going on with the weather? It is blowing an absolute hoolie here - I had the shortest walk in living history today, it was all too much of a battle... Happy weekend everyone x
  8. So pleased for you - now enjoy that nap!
  9. Thank you young Froglet Can't believe you have 3 more days to go - that's a really late finish - sending lots of positive vibes your way -you can do this!
  10. I so understand the old resources - they have sentimental value too... Definitely clear on your own, well I would and be ruthless if you can, I had one fairly large cupboard that was housing what turned out to be a load of old rubbish really, truth to tell I had no idea what was in it 🤦‍♀️ which gives you a good idea of how much of it was really needed The idea of Ofsted first week back is terrifying - is the new framework massively different, I haven't looked at it at all, although, for some unknown reason I am really quite interested Can you return the diaries?
  11. That's so kind of you thank you Did that yesterday - I unpacked a lovely present - a willow heart complete with lights - left with a lovely piece of blue card - nearly saved it and then remembered 🤦‍♀️🤣
  12. Happy Friday everyone! zigzag that sounds like a plan to me - I especially love the 'unjumble the jumble that is currently in my head'
  13. Thank you Mousie (hmm I wonder when I will stop waking up at the crack of dawn!) 🤷‍♀️
  14. Thank you, that's very kind I would never, ever, ever ignore my forum friends x
  15. Of course, you won't get rid of me that easily! 😂
  16. That's very kind louby I will try and find last years summer TDL for you 🤣 Have just received an e card from a 'teacher for the deaf' that I have worked closely with this past year in support of a darling little boy who is hearing impaired - how kind of her to send that...
  17. It really will
  18. Yes fm - I have retired! I am completely overwhelmed by the generosity of parents past and present and can't believe he level of 'scheming' that has been going on without me noticing 🤦‍♀️ As far as I knew we were just finishing with our usual end of term picnic, but no, lots of extras had been arranged, including a visit from our primary school headteacher, reception class teacher and several TA's who brought some of my 'old' children with them...how amazing! My deputy and I have been gifted a super bench each for our gardens - these were made by a local craftsman and are completely bespoke, I will try and get a photo tomorrow, also a willow tree and a 'retirement rose', numerous bouquets, retirement balloons, garden vouchers and a memory book for each of us... One of our 'old' children who is now in her twenties had written a speech that she read to us - this chronicled our many years of running the pre-school... We have been thoroughly spoiled and both feel so loved How lucky are we?
  19. Thank you Cait - she is confined to her bedroom! Son and Daughter-in-Law are both double jabbed (no guarantee I know) so mainly worried about her younger sister, but then me worrying won't change anything!
  20. Thank you Mousie
  21. Granddaughter has finally got her PCR result - positive - but she is feeling better so not all bad news
  22. So frustrating her mum, dad and younger sister are all obviously unable to go to work, school...really need that result to come through, oh and of course she is confined to her bedroom
  23. Just a wee update on my granddaughter The good news is - she is feeling much better The bad news is - still no PCR result
  24. Oops and many congrats to your daughter - something to look forward to next year!
  25. Oh my goodness Cait, what a worry for you...holding Zebedee in my thoughts and prayers xxx
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