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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Ooh interesting - Nadhim Zahawi is the new Education Secretary - think that might be another whoop, whoop from me!
  2. Breaking news Gavin (Frank Spencer) Williamson is no longer in position - that's a whoop, whoop, from me!
  3. I fear that you are completely right there fm
  4. Have a lovely evening!
  5. She has, which is very sad, apparently he will still deliver the briefing
  6. louby - I found myself thinking about you this morning Can you contact your advisor at LA and request a visit to discuss your 'worries'?
  7. Oh louby - big, big hug xxx I don't know what to suggest that might help...
  8. 🤣🤣🤣 Yes I noticed that too...but seriously, poor woman, what a position to be in I don't know what's going on at our primary except that they had two y6 children out with it last week Wonder what our glorious leader will have to say for himself at tomorrows briefing - well besides 'waffle, waffle, folks, alas, waffle, waffle'🤦‍♀️😝
  9. I saw that and wondered if it was your granddaughters school - what did she say 23% of children affected? Sheesh if I heard that correctly that is some scary number
  10. Thank you Jules - although I am now retired I am still very interested in this issue
  11. When my eldest granddaughter had it she was isolated in her room and the rest of the household were unaffected - mum, dad both double vaxxed, but younger sister (15) also fine...
  12. Be careful what you wish for 🤣
  13. My own six year old granddaughter has just been here - she calls in most days when she is walking home from school - when she left I said "give me kisses", which I quickly followed up with "oh we had better only do cheek kisses" as I thought of you and your little one How is she today?
  14. Oh no, I do hope that she is okay and that she hasn't passed it on to you and Mr Panders...this is not over by a long shot is it
  15. Phew! Thought it was just me watching 😂 what a match, both young women played so well, what a result, good commentary too I wasn't tempted even once to turn the sound off 🤣
  16. Anyone else watching the tennis tonight?
  17. Oh zigzag that all sounds so tough - the biggest possible virtual hug to you and your lovely dad xxx
  18. Oh what have you been buying?
  19. Morning all - happy Friday!
  20. That's the only sensible thing to do in my humble
  21. Oh Mousie a big virtual hug x
  22. That could have happened to any of us
  23. Goodness my little black and white furry friend that sounds a bit 'exciting'!
  24. Honestly this beggars belief - have told my pre-school insurers that I have retired and no longer need cover - 2 x emails, 1 phone conversation...they have just rung again to tell me that my insurance cover expires today and that I should renew without delay 🤦‍♀️ seriously how do these people keep their jobs 🤷‍♀️
  25. Ah, thank you for asking, I am loving it, I did have a little wobble on Monday when I knew that it was all going on without me but that was short-lived 🤣 it was definitely the right decision, I feel very chilled, I don't think that I truly appreciated how stressful it had become - not the day to day stuff with the children, I could have done that for years yet, but dealing with LA who were/are so flippin' demanding and unsupportive, they need to take a long hard at their operations in my humble...an added bonus is no more training, oh and of course no more Ofsted! So, yes, retirement is great, I can recommend it!
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