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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Whoop! Whoop! so pleased for you - well done! Is eight years a record?????
  2. Coooeeee zigzag how did it go - you have never been far from my thoughts today
  3. Yes it is and all too much to deal with at times x
  4. Oh no, that is absolutely awful, I'm so sorry to read that
  5. We got to go to our eldest son's yesterday - it was fabulous to be able to spend some time with them, especially our two youngest grandchildren! Our six year old granddaughter kept us entertained with lots of singing and dancing - this included a dance that she called 'the Covid shimmy' 🤣 she donned a face mask for that one 🤦‍♀️ I love her uniqueness 🤣 Our poor DIL is really struggling with her blood levels - she has spoken to her consultant who explained that is down to her having Covid and that she probably won't be back to her usual self for another six weeks - not good at all... Anyway, it was a wonderful afternoon and evening and I will never, ever take this stuff for granted again
  6. I feel for you dear zigzag x So sorry to hear about your staff member too - this bloody virus needs to do one now
  7. Crikey fm that's an awful lot to deal with Hope that the 'missing dad' is found safe and well Wish I was closer, I could provide some 'emergency help'...
  8. As zigzag has said - Friday again - time still goes just as fast when you are a retired person! Yesterday's 'Knit and Natter' was really good - less people, but I knew some could only attend sporadically, which is fine...anyway, lots of laughter and I'm so, so impressed with the amount of squares that people had knitted, an amazing effort Hopefully we will be going to eldest son's house tomorrow for dinner - they will all test beforehand, in order to make it as safe as possible for Mr S... Hope that the weekend is kind to all x
  9. Oh zizag - good luck with everything x
  10. Sending hugs xxx What a lovely thing you have done in giving your mum a break
  11. Grrrrrrr - that's all I have to say about that
  12. Ah no we don't have Brit box Sounds good though - enjoy
  13. Tis Friday! How is everyone? I'm enjoying watching my bulbs coming up, I planted so many in the autumn, will be good to see the fruits of my labour... Have a good weekend and if at all possible step away from the TDLs
  14. Wow, wow and wow!
  15. Well - the pole dancing/knitting and nattering was great - 14 people turned up and the atmosphere was lovely - I purposely didn't advertise this group just relied on word of mouth, so 14 is not too bad at all... We are embarking on a group project - a blanket of knitted squares which we will send to 'Knit for Peace' Feel a bit 'phew'!!!
  16. Tomorrow sees the launch of my new 'Knit and Natter' group - I am feeling ridiculously nervous about this! Have switched right back into 'leadership mode' - printing off info sheets, organising refreshments, planning how to set up the hall...(have told the Hall Committee that it is 'Pole Dancing for Beginners'😂 which raised a laugh!) No idea how many people are likely to turn up - everyone that I have spoken to has seemed really keen (are they just humouring me 🤷‍♀️) We will see, I just hope that it is fun...
  17. Such a beautiful day here - lovely sunshine, lots of washing out on my line which pleases me greatly Mr S is trying to repair fence panels, he will have to ask our sons to come here to slot them back into place, he won't be able to manage that bit If everyone returns a negative test 🤞 we will be going to youngest son's house later for dinner and a 'film night' - we are going to watch 'CODA', I am told by son and DIL that I will love it but will need tissues...
  18. Oh goodness Cait that must be a real worry for you We won't be claiming from insurance so I have no idea - tree surgeon has finished, he charged £80.00 which seems more than fair to me Damage to neighbours garage roof is minimal (thank heavens), couldn't see until tree was removed - will speak to neighbour later
  19. Happy Friday! I think that I must have the kindest neighbour in living history - tree surgeon is here now to remove the tree that fell onto neighbours garage roof, it transpires that it also hit their motorhome, I had no idea... Neighbour said "I watched it fall, it was in slow motion, pretty sure there won't be any damage, please stop worrying about it" How kind is that Well, we will be able to see what damage has been done when tree surgeon removes the tree, fingers crossed my neighbour is right... Anyway, enough about me and my 'problems' which are nothing in the grand scheme of things How is everyone getting on?
  20. No surprise there then!
  21. Any advice from LA?
  22. Oh really - I could drive through the tunnel and give you a demo 🤣 we made our beat baby very special, she had a special bed (box) and she was kept out of sight until we wanted to use her! Ah happy days...
  23. Absolutely How many times were we sent 'stuff' on the last day of summer term or first day of summer holiday 🤦‍♀️
  24. Ooh blondie google beat baby - tis great well I think so!
  25. What a dilemma for you Mousie - I wish that I had something useful to say - if I was still working I would absolutely 100% be sending poorly children home - my 4 yr old grandson had Covid recently, his only symptom was a 'snotty' nose, only tested because there was another case at pre-school...roll on Spring/Summer and lots of outdoor play
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