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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Oooh - sounds interesting! That's very organised of you! Because you exist solely for their convenience!
  2. Shhhhhh - do not tell people about my 'furriness' 🤦‍♀️🤣🤣🤣
  3. Have a wonderful day lovely lady xxx
  4. We had to produce our forms at audit time - but I know that we have discussed this before and some of you lucky people have never experienced any sort of audit 😂
  5. Oh yes I had forgotten that, we were quids in for all of ten minutes
  6. I am going to sound sooooo ancient now - when funding was first introduced parents were supplied with a booklet of vouchers, they then passed on the vouchers to pre-school/nursery - it was all so simple
  7. Oh Mousie - I remember the funding forms struggle - what is that all about - I don't understand why parents seem to not appreciate how fortunate they are to receive funding and it's not a lot to ask for a completed form is it... I might have once said to a parent complaining about the 'complexity' of the form "yes, you should try their portal, that's what I have to do to gain your child's funding" - I was having a bad day 🤣 Oh and the cost of printing the blessed forms, then being faced with half the parents saying "I don't know what I did with the form, can I have another one"
  8. Whoop - way to go zigzag - you are in great demand! Have a great time with your son and his girlfriend tomorrow
  9. I believe so
  10. Add another item to my list of WIPs - we (Knit and Natter group) are now making baby hats for our nearest hospital - whoop - I love a bit of hat making!
  11. That two year old funding beggars belief in those circumstances - anyway 'just give me the code' is the right answer 👍
  12. Good morning - tis Friday again Hope that the weekend is kind to all - step away from the dreaded TDLs if you possibly can x
  13. D'you know, I am not even sure about the legality of requiring someone to sign a contract like that...my advice for what it's worth would be that your staff team should consult ACAS...and as for you my lovely you can just nod, smile and walk away from all of this
  14. Way to go louby - what is it with Ikea, I could never get out of there without spending a small fortune!
  15. I am so cross on your behalf
  16. I'm sort of happy to read that - your mind is made up, no regrets, that is a good thing I'm sending lots of positive vibes and support to you xxx
  17. Oh wow that's not long, how do you feel about that?
  18. Oooh - I'm not sure - the lady who took over from me was already registered with them as she runs another setting - but we both had to contact them as it was a change of ownership Not much help am I (sorry) What's your notice period zigzag?
  19. Oh zigzag my lovely I know that will have been a really hard decision for you xxx
  20. He is adorable!
  21. Good grief - what sort of cop out is that - grrrr If I had any 'late' to be trained children it always showed up in their 'progress reports' and I would add comment along the lines of 'we are ready to support toilet training' that seemed to do the trick...the very idea of any neurotypical child starting school in nappies is crazy
  22. Oh my life - I had no idea that HVs said that to parents ☹️ that is the most ridiculous stance - poor children and poor teachers - how the heck do HVs think that Reception teachers with a class of 30 children are going to cope with children who are not toilet trained (I am of course talking about neurotypical children) When did this become acceptable - I couldn't wait to get my sons trained and see the back of nappies - mind you, that's so long ago that it was terry nappies and those dreadful plastic pant thingies... Plastic? Rubber?
  23. At this time with a cost of living crisis I am surprised that parents want to keep forking out for disposable nappies
  24. Cute though
  25. Oh zigzag you poor thing that all sounds incredibly tough - sending you the hugest virtual hug xxx
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