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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. A crochet Victoria sandwich or a cake to eat? 🤷‍♀️ My DIL made a choice of desserts for the barbecue - chocolate cheesecake or Victoria Sandwich My 6 year old granddaughter took the orders...then I asked her what she was having her answer was "Chocolate first and then Victoria" 😂
  2. Anyone know what day it is? Honestly, it's like that unmentionable season, I keep losing track! 😂
  3. Sounds lovely - enjoy!
  4. Happy Jubilee! What is everyone up to? We have a barbecue at eldest son's house from 1pm - whoop! Tomorrow evening there is a village event - complete with a brilliant band and fireworks - whoop! whoop!
  5. I had a little giggle - imagining a real JR with crocheted ears 🤣 sorry, yes I know I should get out more!
  6. Oh fm - so sorry about the house But....whoop! whoop! many, many congratulations to you and your team for your outstanding (I'm not a bit surprised) wonderful news!!!
  7. My eldest still hasn't really recovered his sense of taste and smell - he had Covid last December...the absolute worst thing for him is that 'strong' smells like a lovely coffee shop or bacon frying smell like 'drains' - it's all quite bizarre
  8. What did you decide on young Froglet? I love a cheese scone!
  9. Crochet in jim-jams sounds perfect young Froglet! Emails sound awful, TDL hmmm not so good either Family get together will be wonderful I'm sure What are you going to see at the theatre? We have been 'out' - huge Garden Show - whoop! Mr S managed really well which was a relief and we come back a little poorer! I have some planting out to do now, which will keep me both busy and happy
  10. Tis Friday! Happy Friday Happy weekend Happy half-term break!
  11. Good grief! 🤦‍♀️😂
  12. I think it might be that one - definitely set in US - have ordered...good news for you is that if it's the right book there is a sequel - happy reading!
  13. Ah right - back to Amazon! 😂
  14. Tis Friday again! I honestly don't know where the time goes (and that's from my retired view!) How is everyone? This used to be my favourite term! Good week here, I finally had my eyes tested (way, way overdue) I was catastrophising before the appointment, quite sure that I would, yet again, be referred on to the 'eye hospital' (I have PVD in both eyes), but I was told that my eyes are 'stable', which was just wonderful Knit and Natter continues to be such good fun - check out Cait's 'Knit and Natter' thread for pics! Torrential rain here this morning which is most welcome for the garden I have a four-legged friend staying for a few days - my eldest son's 'Sprocker' - she is such a sweetie Hope that the weekend is kind to all x
  15. That's so interesting louby, thank you, I will see if I can find that book... Would it have been 'The Friday night knitting club' louby?
  16. It's great isn't it I'm so pleased that I started that little group - it's such fun, we talk about a load of old nonsense and laugh so much... I have one lady who is an amputee wheelchair user, she suffered a stroke a couple of years ago (as if she hadn't enough to cope with) on week one she said "I don't think I will be able to knit because of the stroke" - set her up with needles and wool, cast on for her and she was away - she loves the group, it's worth it just to see how much pleasure it brings her!
  17. Hey louby - that's what retirement does for you🤣
  18. Too lovely!
  19. Thanks Cait - what a convoluted way to get the photo on - text it to you first!!! I am super chuffed with it and we have enough squares to make three more!
  20. Honestly, I wouldn't care (Mr S would though!) 😂
  21. Badgers! I am green with envy, we were delighted to discover a badger set in our little field, but it's not in active use (well it is by bunnies!)
  22. Ah don't -please not slug food... Mr S has grown all from seed - he loves all that sowing, pricking out, potting on malarky! Cosmos - a packet of seeds has only produced three plants - bit of a disaster really - but hey, three is better than none My input is the planting out and the dead heading and general care... 'Team work makes the dream work' and all that! 😂
  23. That's it for today - I am 'done in' - have been planting out Sunflowers, dahlias, rudbekia, cosmos, marigolds and petunias - loads left to do, but tomorrows another day 😃 Mr S managed to get the tractor mower started so he is happy! Eldest son paid a visit to see where he needs to carry out a bit of fencing - we have his beautiful Sprocker coming to stay from Thursday and through the weekend, the last time she was here she 'escaped' from the field 🤦‍♀️ she came straight back when I called her, but it was still a 'heart-stopping' moment...
  24. The mind boggles young Froglet 🙃 The 'pizza party' was very special, lots of laughter, I didn't realise that eldest son and family were attending too - what a bonus! Today - I am busy gardening, I have just come in for a five minute break Poor Mr S is struggling to start the tractor mower - how frustrating for him... Anyway - back to the gardening!
  25. Morning all - tis Friday again! Hope everyone is okay? Very much looking forward to a family 'pizza party' this evening at youngest son's house (they have a pizza oven) - he has gone up to collect my eldest granddaughter from Uni, it will be so lovely to spend some time with her... Tomorrow will be gardening, gardening and a bit more gardening! Hope that the weekend is kind to all x
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