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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Yes please young Froglet
  2. Thanks for the tip about this FB page - officially I don't 'do' FB but one of my lovely daughters-in-law keeps me logged into her page (mainly so that I can keep an eye on what's being discussed on our 'village page') so I dropped her a quick text yesterday evening saying "please can 'we' follow Keeping Early Years Unique' and she kindly did so - what an interesting group - lost a good hour this morning reading their thoughts - not much else to do here in Cell Block H
  3. Agree with you - oh and a new portal deep joy!
  4. I agree with all that you have written - just more than a little hacked off that we were given such conflicting advice
  5. I am in a very similar position - just £356.00 in fees in February
  6. Dear Gezabel - your post has been really bothering me - you will still be able to get some 'help' if you have some fee paying children - have you seen the latest from EYA this morning? Sending you a big virtual hug x
  7. Isn't this typical of our luck in Early Years
  8. I need to know this too - have already paid last week of Spring term 4 at furlough rate Always knew really that it was all too good to be true
  9. Yes I had the same email - always knew it was 'too good to be true'
  10. I see the chancellor has extended the furlough scheme to end of June - that must surely mean that he is not expecting any reduction in 'lockdown' before then - maybe/possibly
  11. Thanks zigzag - that person has summed up my feelings exactly
  12. Thanks fm - I have always wanted to go back in June for the same reasons, but now I can't get passed the idea of 'what's different/how is it safer than when we closed' - I think I need to stop dwelling on it and wait to see what happens next
  13. Oh goodness fm and louby - sorry, I really didn't know which areas had more cases than Kent...... fm - are you feeling 'okay' about going back in June?
  14. I watched a Channel 4 programme on catch up yesterday evening (it aired on 15th) it came from Kent - apparently we have the third biggest number of infected patients outside of London and Birmingham (didn't say which other two areas were more affected than Kent) - wish I hadn't watched it really
  15. Even if we were able to set a limit of 10 children per room - how could we keep them apart - it's not like school where they could (possibly) sit at separate tables, not that I think that would be workable for Primary schools particularly Reception - I wonder how they are managing break times.....
  16. Thank you both so much for sharing your thoughts, I'm glad it's not 'just me' having the 'jitters' - I can't imagine how we can make our settings safe for the children or adults Once again, thank goodness for this forum where we can share our concerns I know what you mean zigzag about feeling 'selfish' when the NHS frontline workers are risking their lives daily (also worry about supermarket workforce)
  17. Morning all - so 'it's Friday again' - 4 weeks now since closure..... I am getting a bit 'jittery' about when we will be expected to return - some minister or other, oh think it might have been IDS has been calling for 11th May - I'm still thinking that it might be 1st June.....I won't be able to go back then as Mr S is on the shielding list but I'm sure that my team will do so if required.... Thing is - what we will be 'different', how will it be any safer than when we closed, how can you successfully 'social distance' with the under fives? Would love to hear your thoughts
  18. Yes, it has ben a long time coming, I was getting 'closing down' emails from them way before 'lockdown'
  19. We've only been once - nothing on the menu that interested me
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