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Everything posted by zigzag

  1. Hope you feel better soon. Xx
  2. In the words of Sunnyday ‘Tis Friday again’ my last day of doggy sitting today as hopefully my son will get home tomorrow! They did start their journey a day early as it was snowing quite heavily in the highlands and a lot more was forecast overnight. So they made the sensible decision to move to lower ground last night. Going to make the most of our dry weer today as it looks like the wind and rain are returning from tomorrow! out on Sunday for a celebration lunch as my son got engaged whilst in Scotland! Still can’t quite believe it! My baby boy! But so happy for them both and couldn’t wish for a nicer girl to join or family. Hope everyone is ok, have a good weekend all.
  3. Glad to hear everyone is ok, especially Mr S, that is great news Sunnyday. We have had my son’s 11 month old dog for the last week and a half and have another week to go! She is gorgeous and so good but my goodness you forget how much energy a puppy has. My dog has been very tolerant but I think she cannot wait for some peace! I have walked my legs off this week just to stay on top of her energy! It’s been so bitterly cold down here, which we are not used to but am loving the dry weather. My sons been in Scotland, in the Cairngorms and they have had cold but beautiful sunny weather. Think they may be having snow this week. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Xx
  4. So lovely to hear that everyone has had a lovely Christmas. We had a lovely evening in my son’s new house on Christmas Eve with food and games. Christmas Day and Boxing Day spent here doing the same! The three days were lovely but have to admit I came home from work on Thursday and took the tree and few decorations down as had enough of them! Getting together at my sons again tomorrow night with his girlfriends family so should be more lively than our usual pyjamas on the sofa new years! Wishing you all a very happy, healthy and peaceful new year. Xx Sunnyday top marks for knowing the day by the way! Im fed up telling my husband and Mother what day it is!
  5. Just catching up on all the news. Sunnyday so glad Mr S is doing well, I am sure you are an awesome nurse! Froglet, hope you get some well deserved rest and recuperation time! Don’t think about school until next year. Gezabel that is really great news. Wishing you all a very happy Christmas. Xxx
  6. Sunnyday fab news about Mr S and your sister. I hope recovery continues well for them both. Hope you are looking after yourself well as well. Froglet that is such a short break, I hope you enjoy every day of it. Cannot believe it’s Christmas in a week! It really does not feel like it at all this year.
  7. Hope you feel better soon. Xx
  8. Sunnyday that is the best news, I’m so happy for you both. Being home will help recovery so much. Sending you love and best wishes. Xxx
  9. When my sister was in hospital on strong meds she rang my Mum and almost had my mum convinced that she was actually in her house and being burgled!
  10. Wishing Mr S and your sister well. And like everyone has said, make sure you look after yourself in all this. We NEVER get snow on our coast of Cornwall but yesterday just 10 miles away from us they had a lot of snow! Very unexpected. Been the most beautiful day today, very cold but some lovely sunshine, the perfect winters day in fact. My brother in Kent sent a video of some snow they had today, hope it’s gone by the time we go up in a weeks time for a flying visit. Have a lovely weekend all and stay warm.
  11. That’s a beautiful wreath and so lovely of them to do that for her. Xx
  12. That’s brilliant. Xxxx
  13. Sunnyday that is great news. Will be thinking of you both and hope it goes well. Xxx
  14. Oh Sunnyday I’m sorry to hear that Mr S isn’t in the position that you hoped for. I hope things improve. Xxx
  15. We will be attending the service in our village tomorrow. My son is part of the parade and I must admit to being a proud Mum seeing him in his smart Coastguard uniform. Tomorrow he will also be wearing my darling Dads Korean War medals. My Dad always used to wear them on remberance Sunday so I know he will be looking down very proudly.
  16. Will certainly be keeping everything crossed for Mr S and for your poor sister. Another week has come and gone, I really don’t know how the time passes so quickly from one week to the next. Nothing exciting planned here for the weekend apart from getting to grips with an air fryer that has just been delivered. I’m sceptical, but everyone assures me I will love it and never look back! Hope everyone has a lovely weekend and the weather stays dry for the remberance services taking place. Xx
  17. To be honest Sue, I think us Grinches are in the minority, so I guess majority rules!
  18. Goodness me, what on earth is going on? Sue, I cannot believe you have caved under pressure from this lot to allow mention of c*******s in November! I’m logging out dissatisfied, disappointed and appalled!! Xxx
  19. Well it was rather rough! But we have escaped unharmed, just a loose fence panel. Lots of trees down in the local area though. Hope everyone is ok.
  20. What lovely news. Congratulations and fingers crossed for you all.
  21. They are fabulous Froglet, you are so talented.
  22. Happy weekend, hope it’s kind to all.
  23. Froglet hope you have a relaxing break and that the school TDL is very small! I tried the first Richard Osmans book but just couldn’t get into it. My brother and sister in law rave about them.
  24. Think we got off lightly down here with the storm and the worst was further up the country. My son and his girlfriend have bought a house in the village and yesterday they got the keys. Bless them, they are so excited. But the last two days have been knackering! We have worked non stop to get them moved, luckily it is literally two doors down from their rented cottage so it’s all been walked to the new house. Going to sleep well tonight and look forward to going to work on Monday for a rest!
  25. This may be the most unhelpful comment ever but I am SO very, very glad I am out of it!
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