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Well tomorrow many of us will re-open our doors for the fist time since March....we have all worked hard to establish a way we can work, risk assessed, spoken with parent's, had difficult conversations with staff and made our decisions....no rights, no wrongs just doing our best.....so to everyone who like me is simultaneously chomping at the bit to get back in the saddle and terrified that I or someone I love might fall off, Best of luck! 

I have no doubt that some of my plans will unravel as we go back but like all good early years practitioners I am armed with scissors, pritt stick, sticking plasters, soap and a good sense of humour......so I can fix anything

Hope it all goes OK tomorrow...stay calm, try not to worry and in the words of hill street blues....Be careful out there!☣️

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Thanks  enuffsenuf, and to you 👍

Hats off to those of you open all the way through you’re all amazing, Best Wishes to those of you (like me) starting back tomorrow and still wondering if we’ve made the right call, and to those ‘not yets’ huge respect for standing your ground and saying ‘sod that’! ❤️ 

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I would like to send my very best wishes and a whole heap of positive vibes to all of my forum friends re-opening this week

(I fall into Mousie's 'sod that' category) 

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Sending positive vibes to everyone both the ones that have stayed open, and the ones opening tomorrow. You've all done a Stirling job, and I hope mental health will now improve once everything gets in the swing, and everyone can sleep again once they see all their plans in action- and working well.  I'm sure everyone will be fine, especially if you have a setting that has both lots of room, and  plenty of outside areas etc.     Remember to have fun too.   🌻🌻🌻🌻


I still have the odd worry about whether I made the right decision or not about not opening, but I really feel our very old scout hut with no outside area, a dodgy water system at the best of times is not really the cleanest environment to put children in a the moment. (added to that most of my staff are at the top end of the working age range!)



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I’ll be thinking about you all tomorrow.  I hope the weather continues fine and you’re able to be outside in the fresh air as much as you can, and that everything goes swimmingly well.   Love to you all. 

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  On 31/05/2020 at 10:45, louby loo said:

Sending positive vibes to everyone both the ones that have stayed open, and the ones opening tomorrow. You've all done a Stirling job, and I hope mental health will now improve once everything gets in the swing, and everyone can sleep again once they see all their plans in action- and working well.  I'm sure everyone will be fine, especially if you have a setting that has both lots of room, and  plenty of outside areas etc.     Remember to have fun too.   🌻🌻🌻🌻


I still have the odd worry about whether I made the right decision or not about not opening, but I really feel our very old scout hut with no outside area, a dodgy water system at the best of times is not really the cleanest environment to put children in a the moment. (added to that most of my staff are at the top end of the working age range!)




we can each only work with what we have and isnt that the whole point of risk assessing..If someone is just opening because they think they should as they have been asked to or because XXXX down the road is...then that's very risky.  We need to stay safe and do our jobs well and sometimes that means saying actually we can't do that and keep everyone safe so we cannot comply....anything else is just tokenism..so stay safe and just do your best (starting to sound like a very very old girl guide now)

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  On 31/05/2020 at 21:10, Cait said:

I’ll be thinking about you all tomorrow.  I hope the weather continues fine and you’re able to be outside in the fresh air as much as you can, and that everything goes swimmingly well.   Love to you all. 


Thank you Cait...and likewise good luck everyone, stick to your plans and don't take any rubbish from anyone!


Here at the FSF we are thinking about all of you - those who are opening again today for the first time, those who have been open and are welcoming more children back, those who are opening in a little while, and those who are wondering whether they can open at all. You are all doing an incredible job for the youngest children in our communities. We wish you all well and take care. 

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was OK actually but we didn't have as many as we thought as some pulled out last minute (one has 4 week old baby and another was always a very anxious mum and another is classed as extremely vulnerable)

the children had a lovely day (only 6) lots of smiles and chatter which was lovely to see and hear.

My best quote of the day was a little boy - he said "I really need a chair to sit on."

Adult said "You have strong legs and can stand up. "

Boy "My legs are strong but my bottom says it needs to sit down."😂 😂

Hope everyone has had a good day too. xx



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Phew ...all good (I'm exhausted!!l 

8 this morning and 5 this afternoon. A drop in the ocean really but I guess we have to start somewhere. It felt a bit awkward with the parents at drop off and they just dropped and ran. They all followed the route in and out and stuck to the rules which has to be a first 😁

Everyone had everything I'd asked for...again a miracle.  We usually ask for snack donations but weve done that 'online' and I've already had two parents who say they would prefer to do this from now on! 

All of them are toilet trained 😅 yeah only took a pandemic

The children came in beautifully, we had put a video on tapestry to let them see what we were doing...this had definitely helped and the queuing system was like the supermarket so the parents were ok.

I'm please weve done it especially for those with additional needs ...they needed to be back even if only for a few weeks. They have definitely slipped in to some bad habits. 

We noticed all the children needed us to take the first steps to hold hands or give a hug etc and none of them could wait for a turn in conversation, all talking over each other constantly. 2 of my little girls quite quiet but as I've had one drop out I might see if they want some more sessions to help settle them back in. 

I only have one family being awkward..mum and dad divorced mum wants him back dad doesn't...we told them that they need to sort it out and he needs to come in for all the sessions or not at all (they wanted 1 week in one out) I'm not doing it..for once I'm sticking to the plan ..like it or lump it.😡

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we had a fab morning.... we arrived apprehensive and discussing the issues about face masks etc (would we wouldn't we...what ifs etc).....The system we put in place worked brilliantly, the parents arrived on time and mostly followed the one way system (with a few prompts).....The first 2 children walked in a bit sheepish but after the third it was like they had never been away. We relaxed into it and went with the flow business as usual.   Our one set of tools for each child went out the window pretty early as it was obviously just a step too far for them...We had bubbly water, chalks, cars & mountains, bikes and the wendy house with wooden kitchen units but no food.   We had snack spaced out in a circle.   We weeded the garden, planted beans and there was loads of chatter.  One little one asked a staff member "Do you have Corona virus?" to which my colleague said "No I dont...have you been worried about that?" and the little one said she had so we said that she was safe and that's why we were washing our hands a lot ....to keep us safe.....the morning flew past and we sat the children in a spaced out circle and sang our favourite songs whilst the staff started to throw equipment into net bags and into Milton....tables , chairs, bikes and gazebo legs were all wiped and I am really looking forward to tomorrow feels so good to be back!

I hope everyone else's day went as wonderfully as ours.....

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I think the thought had made me anxious and worried and over thinking everything - after a day in ( I know it's only a day) but a lot of my concerns, worries have lessened or disappeared. Obviously still watchful and ensuring everything is clean / cleaned (including hands) but will become part of the everyday routines.

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All went well, only 7 as well but they aced it, no hesitation straight in with no looking back, very chilled day, I know it’s going to get trickier with 2 bubbles but was food to be back 🙂 

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  On 01/06/2020 at 19:49, blondie said:

I think the thought had made me anxious and worried and over thinking everything - after a day in ( I know it's only a day) but a lot of my concerns, worries have lessened or disappeared. Obviously still watchful and ensuring everything is clean / cleaned (including hands) but will become part of the everyday routines.


That's what we were saying at the end of the session when working on what to clean /how etc and we concluded that we would do everything as though we ha had a possible "infection" even though we only hand a smallish group yesterday and so develop the "habit" of the new practices because even though it was wonderful to be back and all went great we still have to remember why we are working this way...

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