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Hi All

It happens all the time at this time of year. Parents ask when is sports day, leavers etc. Doesn't help it's all planned too last minute!

It's quite difficult for the manager to arrange these dates as children's attending various days (some 5 some only 1).

At present parents are given a slip with a date and time but this still doesn't stop the questions and 'double checking' because his best friend is on another day...

My daughter's school send text messages to remind parents of events. I was thinking this may be useful to us too (no online programs as I'm working with a team not great with technology).

Can anyone suggest a system they use to text parents (obviously we'll get their consent etc)

It would be to send a generic message such as 'Sports Day is the week commencing 10th July. Your child will be given a slip with their date and time. Please speak to a member of staff if you are unsure or have lost your slip'

I'll suggest to manager to get their thoughts









We give paper reminder DIRECTLY to parent - so they can't say they didn't get it xD   (Please don't get me started on party invites! Parents aways seem to have the cheek to blame us when they forget about parties- saying they never received the invite - hence the important stuff given directly)

We then stick a  notice on the door as a reminder. We do have a small notice board that they never look at- but of bit of paper flapping on the door usually draws a lot of attention for some reason....... xDxD

We have a Facebook page which I do put things on.....when I actually remember,  but as most of the staff are- shall we say 'of mature years' no-one expects us to use anything as high-tec as Facebook anyway.


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perhaps it's this time of year. I have several parents having a moan about communications (unfortunately they chose to do so whilst having a coffee at a transition meetingO.o) we have a website....notices.....group text message (set up on phone) …..tapestry …..facebook….and word of mouth and STILL they are having a moan. Shame it doesn't work both ways!>:(


I tell you - the bit of flapping paper literally stuck on door works wonders.......... I think they think it's either a 'nit notice' or chicken pox alert-therefore they need to read it! xDxDxD

  • Haha 2

Thanks all. Not just us then.


Not all parents are on Facebook. I'll look into group text or email (though the setting mobile is very  basic).



It is reassuring to know it is not just us either - I have threatened to 'staple' the notices to the children's heads but I fear they would still get missed - have to agree - notices on the door does seem to work the best - especially if you keep them waiting a little longer than normal to open it :) I get very frustrated when we do so much and still get moaned at - parents need to take a little bit more responsibility

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The other day I sent out details of the end of term happenings by printed letter, document on Facebook, a Facebook post, email and a paper copy on the notice board!  Still had two people get the wrong event on the wrong day!😤. 

  • Confused 2

I have use daily stickers on children"s jumpers. That worked quite well as children couldn't wait to share!  They are easily printed on the computer.  We had notebooks for notes going home and comments coming back, but in practice, not everyone read them.  

We tried texts to everyone, and that seemed to work quite well, we asked them to reply so we knew it had been read.  

We had newsletters and slips printed on coloured paper to be eye catching. 

There will always be those parents who don't read things, there's no way could can make them!  What I did find useful was making the key person responsible for ensuring parents knew things.  Just a quick check 'did you read the slip/see the text and reply/bring the secret santa in/ choose your party session' etc. 

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We are phasing out our text service and have gone with an app instead. Best thing ever, everything all in one place, calendar with notifications day before, news events, links to ofted, website, whay to expect and when, links to online forms and we are currently uploading all our policies.

We will not be communicating via letter anymore and most forms are now electronic thanks to someone suggesting it on here we use google forms for most things, holiday forms, feedback, funding. We are aiming to be as environmently freindly as possible. If parents can not access app then we obviously will support via paper but we give no other option. 

Its more than worth its money so pleased with it 

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2 hours ago, zigzag said:

What is the app? And how much is it please?🙂

OurSchools app we got it for 300 plus vat for the annum, sounds alot but when you realise how little paper you need, perspective parents are advised to download it and if you utilise it well it does everything for you. 

Staff have it too so they see same as the families. You can download the app and search for places who have it to nosey at them. Wouldnt be without it now 

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