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Thank you.

I'm not clear whether the consultation after July 2019 means the ELGs and profile will then change from 2020. I had understood it that the baseline they plan for 2020 would be used to track progress all the way to Y6 so the end of EYFS profile wouldn’t exist. Or are EYFS going to be reporting twice?


My understanding is that the EYFSP remains and the baseline is an added extra, so our reception children will have the 'honour' of two statutory assessments in the same year. The pilot starts this September with the trial year sept 2019 and full roll out 2020.   Funnily enough, the same year as baseline. 

When I queried the rest of development matters at one of the LED events, the response was cagey but implied that they would inevitable be re written to match the new ELGS but as they are non statutory,  there is no planned time frame for this.


At first glance, i've looked through to find any reference to Shape space and measure, and there isnt any, instead going for 2 ELGS relating to number.  Also, lots of references to stories they have had read to them, and new vocabulary although how you assess whether vocabulary is 'new' will be interesting. Self regulation, we were expecting that, and it's good to see resilience and perserverence. Interesting that the natural world now includes drawing pictures of plants or animals.

I think there will be plenty for us to discuss as we get used to it. I wonder how the 25 schools were chosen, and what the future consultation will actually look like?

First thoughts anyone else?

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New vocabulary - yes, how to know?

Understanding and using concepts about features of their environment is important, I think - 'measures' - which are removed

I don't like 'Performing'.

Isn't this too advanced for the age: "Recalls some important narratives, characters and figures from the past encountered in books read in the group"?

Number bonds to 10 for four/five-year olds??


I have indeed learnt some new vocab myself subitise and partitioning are not words I use (although I do do them!) interesting that they have included them!

Yes im not sure about the history one either but geography and biology are all included I do feel there might be more made of children bringing their knowledge to the table ..all seems to be based on what others will read or teach to them rather than using their existing knowledge but I have a bit of an issue with this anyway!

I think number bonds is fine after all that's what we teach when we play five currant buns etc and perform does sound a bit "put me on the stage mrs Worthington"! but all it means is recall and do , I do feel if you have send or EAL needs its still too vocabulary based but then I do feel that these children should be encouraged to speak English too

There is very little about children being creative...still lots of I say you do and not so much about thinking for themselves maybe. Creativity seems to being squeezed out but without creativity we are just going round in circles..^_^



A lot is driven by the debate around a knowledge based curriculum I think. I've not fully read them yet but will do this wek as I wait for our EYFSP results to trickle in from our schools!

Number bonds to ten is not a tricky thing to be honest, children do that in reception already. Ii'm curious re the focus on fluency with numbers to 10, which will allow the Key stage 1 curriculum build on R rather than be the same as R as it sort of is at the moment.

The draft eYFP handbook is curious, in that there is no reference to moderation at all, so I'm wondering if EYFSP will just be an in-school thing, along with the planned removal of KS1 SATs, so schools will be less burdoned? Progress will then just be Baseline to Yr 6.


  • 2 weeks later...
On 25/06/2018 at 18:11, finleysmaid said:

Creativity seems to being squeezed out but without creativity we are just going round in circles..^_^

I thought schools had just spent the last few years introducing  a ‘creative curriculum’? 

Thanks for posting the links, I will have to have a proper read.

Posted (edited)

We discussed the revised ELGs in our last team meeting. I have put together the attached summary from the document to bring to the next one.

I feel sorry for the 25 schools piloting this craziness!

Revised ELGs.pdf

Edited by Wildflowers

This sloppy job of the DfE has been liberating. If this is how little they care about us - about researching and writing properly to give us helpful guidance and useful tools, then why should I care so much about what they think about our committed work?! From now on, I will relate to Ofsted inspectors as any visitors - I will be happy if they like what we do. If they don't... well, that's how it is. I'm caught in a tricky position though, believing that we have to get 'outstanding' to get parents to sign up as we are in a rural location with 9 - 3 opening hours. Perhaps they released this revised pilot EYFS when everyone is busy finishing the year and ready to have a break to not create uproar...?

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