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  On 03/03/2023 at 11:20, sunnyday said:


Louby - has that dear baby put in an appearance yet?


Nope! He is far, far  to comfortable where he is!!! 😳

Hope you at least starting finding a little improvement each with the old kness (both you and zigzag)

Very cold here today- I really hoped spring was on the way 😬

Have a good weekend everyone x

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  On 27/02/2023 at 17:22, louby loo said:

They all seem so full on!


I feel your pain Looby, I really don’t know what has happened (Covid is the easy excuse for parents) many of our next cohort are defiant, not listening to a word that’s said to them, zilch independence (a couple will actually throw their coat or shoes at you and say “you do it” when asked to put them on) they are obviously used to saying “jump” at home and parents asking how high, they expect instant responses and when it doesn’t come they screech ….and some of these only just missed school last year, many take more 1:1 staff time than our Sen diagnosed chn 😔 


Hope everyone is ok, feels like I’ve been awol lately …where did that week go  🤷‍♀️, I spent last weekend celebrating my little grandsons 1st birthday 🥳….where did that year go 🤷‍♀️

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We too are having a tricky year group...all the same issues as ourselves....plus several still not toilet trained! 

I spent the weekend digging out old bricks buried in the garden !!! 😁

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I’m looking for some ideas - I’m planning to make lunch for some people at work this week (the people who do lots of unnoticed work!). I’m hoping to do a salmon and leek quiche but am wonder What to have with it… any suggestions very welcome!


Errrrr.   Mini cheese scones with Boursin and a slice of tomato?  Blinis with smoked salmon? Crusty bread or crackers with some pâte or hummus to apply?  Crudités with hummus or other dips? Platter of meats and cheeses, grapes?  

obviously some sort of cake, cheesecake, - trifles seem to be in fashion.

If you’re doing quiche, is it a knife and fork event or pick up nibbles?   Cold or hot? 


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Crusty bread/crackers with a meat & cheese platter and grapes is a winner with most people especially with a bit of chutney / hummus / sundried tomatoes / olives

Easily transported too lol

Quiche sounds good 😋

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Some lovely ideas there from Cait and Sue

Is this a 'sit down'? if so I would serve the quiche with a crisp salad and some buttered new potatoes

For pudding cheesecake sounds good (just don't make that 'loft insulation/mini trampoline' lemon creation that you made the other day! 🤦‍♀️🤣

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Lovely ideas thank you! It will sort of be ‘sit down’ - the food will be ready and people will grab a plate when they can! We have a jacket potato group when someone buys a load of potatoes, we bung them in the oven mid morning and people have a hot (if hastily eaten) lunch for once!

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  On 08/03/2023 at 11:48, sunnyday said:

Some lovely ideas there from Cait and Sue

Is this a 'sit down'? if so I would serve the quiche with a crisp salad and some buttered new potatoes

For pudding cheesecake sounds good (just don't make that 'loft insulation/mini trampoline' lemon creation that you made the other day! 🤦‍♀️🤣


I was pondering a lemon cheesecake on my way home. Was also pondering the loft insulation just to see how polite people would be!

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Certainly is Friday again! And what a week!!!

Baby finally arrived yesterday 😁 - but not after an easy time 🙁  I've had the granddaughter since Saturday when mum-to be went in to be induced- which then ended with a c/s yesterday. Baby absolutely fine, my daughter on the otherhand really had a bad time.  But that was all yesterday and things are looking good again today.

We had snow Wednesday (I think) so was up early for a snowball fight and buliding a very small snowman 😂. Wel, my kind of snow because it was gone by lunchtime!

Anyway, I'm a tad worn out and I realise I have an incredibly bossy grandaughter 😳😂😂 

Have a good weekend everyone, and Froglet- I hope your staff meal went well, you are a very kind person, and, although I've not met you- you remind me of my dear friend. (she has just set up a yoga class for her school- adults not children)

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Congratulations Louby, what lovely news! Thanks too for your kind words - people did enjoy their lunch.

 I had a lovely weekend going to watch my youngest niece’s first dance show - she was a poppy in a Wizard of Oz ballet. Then Sunday was mostly with family as we celebrated mum’s birthday. Back to school today and I am so tired - am sleeping really badly at the moment and have been properly awake since 3.11am and half awake since about 2.00! I’m thinking of going to bed now then getting up early to do jobs tomorrow.

 I have a very challenging situation at school at the moment which is really starting to get to me, still - onwards and upwards!

  On 13/03/2023 at 19:42, Froglet said:

Congratulations Louby, what lovely news! Thanks too for your kind words - people did enjoy their lunch.

 I had a lovely weekend going to watch my youngest niece’s first dance show - she was a poppy in a Wizard of Oz ballet. Then Sunday was mostly with family as we celebrated mum’s birthday. Back to school today and I am so tired - am sleeping really badly at the moment and have been properly awake since 3.11am and half awake since about 2.00! I’m thinking of going to bed now then getting up early to do jobs tomorrow.

 I have a very challenging situation at school at the moment which is really starting to get to me, still - onwards and upwards!


Ah young Froglet - great news about the lunch - but bad news about your sleep and about your 'challenging situation' at school, thinking of you and sending positive vibes your way x

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  On 15/03/2023 at 09:18, SueFinanceManager said:

Congratulations Louby .... can I ask what you got?  A new grandson or granddaughter?  Did you say and I missed it?  Hope your daughter is on the mend 💗


i realise you are not asking me - but I won't let that stop me answering 😂 think blue Sue - ooh a rhyming answer at that 🙃

(louby will be along in a minute to say: don't listen to her, it's a girl!)

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Back in the dim and distant past, pink was for boys and blue for girls, we are told 🤷‍♀️

  On 15/03/2023 at 15:31, Cait said:

Back in the dim and distant past, pink was for boys and blue for girls, we are told 🤷‍♀️


Eh - what - ooer - I didn't know that - I will probably be in trouble anyway for a very 'non pc' and stereotypical statement🤦‍♀️🤣

  On 15/03/2023 at 09:18, SueFinanceManager said:

Congratulations Louby .... can I ask what you got?  A new grandson or granddaughter?  Did you say and I missed it?  Hope your daughter is on the mend 💗


A boy, and the granddaughter is not that amused at the moment - we're up to day 6 and she will  at least sit next to him now! 😂

  • Haha 1
  On 15/03/2023 at 17:29, sunnyday said:

Oh louby - that's so funny 🤣


Well, to be fair going better than expected- when given a baby-boy doll (in preparation) ... she threw to the side saying  "that's discusting!!!!"  

I must admit she's not a 'doll' kind of child, and if mum had had a teddy bear rather than a numan baby things would be a lot different 😂

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  On 15/03/2023 at 17:09, louby loo said:

A boy, and the granddaughter is not that amused at the moment - we're up to day 6 and she will  at least sit next to him now! 😂


We are still struggling 15 months on to get the older granddaughter (3) to accept her younger sister - little steps are good,


Bit late catching up this week! Louby, congratulations hope all are doing well and your Granddaughter is coming around to the idea of a baby brother now!  Froglet, not being able to sleep is awful. I’ve had a spell of that recently and it’s really horrible. I’ve been trying snooze gummies from STARPOWA and they have really helped me, I am now mostly back in a normal sleep routine. (They are also natural.)

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  On 15/03/2023 at 18:58, zigzag said:

Froglet, not being able to sleep is awful. I’ve had a spell of that recently and it’s really horrible. I’ve been trying snooze gummies from STARPOWA and they have really helped me, I am now mostly back in a normal sleep routine. (They are also natural.)


Thanks for that recommendation. I’m never great at sleeping but am generally pretty good at cat-napping which hasn’t happened recently - am falling properly asleep downstairs and then not sleeping upstairs!


How many nurseries and childminders will go out of business due to this! Also Cannot believe they lowered the ratio for two year olds! So very glad I am out of the sector, but feel very sad about the knock on effects for everyone.

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