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Hats Off!

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I bought a batch of sunhats years ago for just that reason so many parents dont realise that their

children need hats AND suncream,which I also buy as would hate to see a child not able to play out because mummy forgot to apply in the morning.xx


Just getting so fed up with it all. The more you try to help the more they expect and in some cases try to demand. I am waiting for a parent to tell me that WE have run out of suncream!!!! To answer the question about half (9 out of 18) for hats and maybe 5 already with suncream on.


We have a huge stash of sunhats in every style you could wish for (although the dog-eared camouflage one is the big favourite). We do ask parents to bring hats for children and about half of them do. We supply suncream, at great expense I have to say, as we are full daycare. But we found we had to use our own so much when we asked parents to bring it in, that in the end it just wasn't worth the hassle.


Another bug bear of mine, while I'm moaning, is people saying when they bring sunburnt children in "Oh they were wearing factor 50 but it didn't work" I even had one of my staff tell me this yesterday when she came in with scarlet shoulders. Nonsense. If you wear high factor sun cream and re-apply, it does work.

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None ...but then they have to keep one in the setting at all times :P


Same here - when they join they have to bring in a sunhat and a pair of wellies which stay with us until they leave - it's the only way :rolleyes:

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we always had a big basket of our own..they were printed with our logo , we could also use them out on trips as an identifier for our children.


We once had a child who developed an allergy to a sun cream she had used before many times , she ended up in hospital . Luckily this happened when mum was with her, but it always worried me that it could happen in the setting any time. We did ask parents to supply and apply sun cream and had a huge bottle we gave to parents to apply on arrival -

wish we could buy the ones my son buys in Australia a 3 litre pump bottle of factor 50 at a low cost ..


We also had a supply of long sleeve shirts for those arriving burnt.


and factor 50 works if applied correctly, most people do not apply enough hence the reason it doesn't work..



Same here - when they join they have to bring in a sunhat and a pair of wellies which stay with us until they leave - it's the only way :rolleyes:


It definitely is ..... we only apply lotion at lunch time to those staying all day, the parents have to apply before arriving :o


It definitely is ..... we only apply lotion at lunch time to those staying all day, the parents have to apply before arriving :o

Same with us!




Another bug bear of mine, while I'm moaning, is people saying when they bring sunburnt children in "Oh they were wearing factor 50 but it didn't work" I even had one of my staff tell me this yesterday when she came in with scarlet shoulders. Nonsense. If you wear high factor sun cream and re-apply, it does work.


Unless of course they are buying fake stuff at a very cheap price from markets/carboots sales maybe ?


Out of 35 children 4 brought hats but I am not bothered as we have loads. We ensure that every child wears a hat outside but we are lucky to have the shade of 2 large trees. We ask parents to use an all day lotion although we did have a parent who said sun creams in her bag I didn't have time to put it on. My reply was if we were to put sun

cream on 45 children we would never get outside.

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wish we could buy the ones my son buys in Australia a 3 litre pump bottle of factor 50 at a low cost ..


Oh me too. I've looked for really big bottles online but haven't found any.

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We have all said this before - it's like a child - the more you do for them, the less they do independently - parents will not remember these things unless you stop providing them.


If they know there won't be enough hats to go round - then they will begin to remember, if they know you don't supply sun cream they will start to make sure they do it.


Don't advertise the fact that you have supplies - that's the only way to do it!!!


I have a small spray can of F.50, which I will use and loads of hats, but parents don't necessarily know that, so don't rely on us. As it's an extra you could start making a charge for it - and make sure it's a high charge - they may well come to their senses about putting it on themselves.

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My daughter burnt last weekend using a suncream 30 but only for UVA rays....seems as though you have got to have a suncream with UVA and UVB...makes a difference ..xx

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