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Chat tonight?


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Anyone interested? I'm going to go and dust and loiter and I have half a tin of chocolate orange brownies if anyone's interested. I could do with some company tonight and everyone (and I mean everyone) I know is either out or not answering their phone to me!

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Not me Froglet, sorry.

Had Ofsted Friday and Monday and while that was a little stressful the aftermath is worse.

One staff member was praised in all areas and its caused huge, silent, atmospheric tantrums from the two who have always put her down and belittled her. I'm having text messages and facebook messages so I'm off for a bath and a read of the late, hugely great, poor old Terry Pratchetts Snuff.

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Froglet old bean - the Archers is on - get priorities straight!



I listen to the omnibus! Hadn't even noticed the time actually. OK, sorry!

I tried the Archers last year, I didnt get it and there was one woman who I could cheerfully beaten with a spade

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I tried the Archers last year, I didnt get it and there was one woman who I could cheerfully beaten with a spade

There is always one - I listen intermittently and mostly end up wanting to throttle someone. Last week it was Ruth and I'd only had the radio on for about 3 minutes!

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I tried the Archers last year, I didnt get it and there was one woman who I could cheerfully beaten with a spade

I have to say there are at least 3 or 4 I would cheerfully beat with said spade, but it's only 10 minutes and not the time I would waste watching a tv soap, I can do other things (generally washing up ) while listening

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Did you know that if you put chocolate in the fridge, the cold reduces the calories??!!

I find that putting it in my tummy reduces the calories available for eating fairly quickly! ;)


My niece being a canny young thing (nearly 3) was wanting to eat something extra and was told 'no, you won't have room for your pudding'. She looked at her mum and said 'but I'll put it in my pudding tummy'! At Christmas she'd made some chocolates for her nursery people and suggested, oh so helpfully, that she could carry them in her chocolate tummy!

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Louby loo - sorry for disappearing! My sister actually called me back which was lovely but I couldn't type and talk at the same time! Plus I missed Sewing Bee so am now going to catch up on iplayer!

That's ok- I got my mitts back on the remote anyway :-)



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  • 4 months later...

Well I've dusted and tidied and plumped the cushions - couldn't sleep so I thought I might as well be useful. I have restocked the wine cabinet with Prosecco to celebrate selling the house, if anyone fancies a virtual celebration sometime!


For anyone who doesn't know how to find the chat room, click on 'apps' above and 'chat' shows in the drop down menu.


We don't seem to use it as much these days as we used to.

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Glad to know it wasn't just me who couldn't sleep last night! I popped in in the early hours Cait - looks lovely!


Mundia- I was thinking about chat the other day too. Regular chat would be nice - I rarely joined in before as it was on my choir night but I don't go anymore!

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That's why I told you how to get to the room. I imagine quite a few who have joined since the layout of the website changed don't know which corridor they need! In the previous incarnation of the website there were more obvious signs.


Ooh, does anyone remember the ghost? Hehe.

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