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online sef help needed!


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well that's the problem HOW are you copying into the document??? it wont allow me to do it the way i would normally. So if i create it in word and then copy, the ofsted online site will not allow me to paste it into the box......what are you doing that i'm not?????

Edited by finleysmaid
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AHA ...no this is not what i do...although i've just remembered this is what Cait told me to do....IT WORKED! so thank you.



P.S for anyone else having this problem do not try to use right click to copy and paste it doesn't work xDxD

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Yup - often online docs need you to use keyboard short cuts instead!


TBH i could really do with some IT training but i can't find any around so i just have to resort to appearing stupid and asking anyone i can!


I did IT for o level when it was about binary numbers and the history of babage! :oxD

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TBH i could really do with some IT training but i can't find any around so i just have to resort to appearing stupid and asking anyone i can!


I did IT for o level when it was about binary numbers and the history of babage! :oxD


You should worry - IT hadn't even been invented when I went to school :blink: xDxDxD



Cheers Cait! :1b

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Thank you, wish I'd known about the keyboard shortcuts months ago, lost hours of my life trying to complete online SEF, paused to have a summer holiday but now need to get back to it. GRRRR

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Can't believe it - having phaffed about with the b****y SEF for weeks I'm finally ready to go online with it, but, wait, perhaps staff should have a good read first and change bits.


this has been quite a labour this time round desperately trying to cut back and do as our lovely Catma suggested, SEF needs what you have been doing in any development plans, or as a result of previous self evaluation - not what is done, it is so easy to keep slipping into what is done :o :blink:. I have gone to bed very happily with what I have written that evening, when I get up or some time the next day or so and re-read I think "what a load of codswallop (not my immediate word!!) I am very happily distracted from writing it for 10 minutes by choosing which biscuits to eat, anything to get away from the darn thing, but, now it is finished, I think, it is anyway, well that is until I re-read tomorrow, or the staff read it on Thursday. Regardless, it goes on line at the weekend, enough, as they say, is enough. :D:D

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It's such a relief to hear you describing 'coming back to it' and thinking 'what on earth was I on about there' - I do that so often - but oddly I have sometimes found that if I leave well alone and then share with staff I can suddenly see that it was fine after all :blink: :D


Oh just popped back to say......well done you anyway for getting it done at all........that was one of my 'holiday tasks' too and it hasn't even seen the light of day :ph34r: - that's along with lots of other 'stuff' that I had intended to do - oh well....... :rolleyes:

Edited by sunnyday
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I too managed to complete SEF this holiday, spent ages and ages, coming back to it until I decided "What the ..." - its not an exam paper with wrong and right answers! Yes its important but so are many other things, like concentrating on the new children starting, or the two children with SEN so I just put it on line with a big sigh of relief!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Cait this link was the most useful piece of information of the day, the month, the year!! Thank you so much. I have now managed to update my SEF quite easily after the worry I have had all over the Summer holidays. Today was the day I was going to update the new SEF document and I have made a start so for that I THANK YOU so much. Feeling better about my work this morning! X

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