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only had 48 hours notice so wore a dress that i had worn for my SIL 's wedding ( everyone was in the same position.) and no i dont get much from the store....bit pricey on my wages xD if you saw the pics i was upstairs where they opened the hampers

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Wow! that must have been amazing! ive applied for the concert tickets which includes a picnic in the palace gardens, do you think the queen will make a apperience?

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How fantastic. :1b :1b As an avid Royalist i can only imagine how lovely that must have been for you all.

I did have the pleasure of meeting and chatting with the Queen Mother when she was alive, also met Princess Anne last year, through hubby's job. :1b

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Glad you had a great day and enjoyed it..


remember how I felt going to a Garden Party many moons ago now.. so exciting.. ( have been introduced to the Queen twice and hosted a few royals on visits in my time.. benefits of a service husband)

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ooh there are lots of us 'by royal appointment' perhaps steve should give us our own little crown for our posts :rolleyes:

No photos im afraid...security was so tight we were not allowed but i am promised that the official ones will be available to us soon.

At one point i was on sky TV but of course they only go for the money shots and for some reason i don't sell papers :(

Wow! that must have been amazing! ive applied for the concert tickets which includes a picnic in the palace gardens, do you think the queen will make a apperience?

...i don't know about this one though petuniak6...although Harry always seems to be up for a concert so you never know :P

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I like your new avatar by the way, finleysmaid! Although I must confess that seeing all the moving ones together on one screen is apt to send me a little :blink:

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