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washing up bowl, dish drainer etc - could replace a dishwasher !!!!!!!!!!! :o


Sue J





He's currently refusing to by a dishwasher - due to the fact he would have to lose his 'special beer fridge' (that I might add has the grand total of 6 bottles in!)

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He's currently refusing to by a dishwasher - due to the fact he would have to lose his 'special beer fridge' (that I might add has the grand total of 6 bottles in!)





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He's currently refusing to by a dishwasher - due to the fact he would have to lose his 'special beer fridge' (that I might add has the grand total of 6 bottles in!)


Oh I'm on your side - beer fridge be blowed! :o


I lurve my dishwasher xD

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A 'Mary Poppins' tape measure - you know one of those that says "Practically perfect in every way"!


And if anyone can tell me where to get a metre/yard of jaffa cakes from please do - I've not seen them other than as a gift and I know the perfect person to give one to!

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And if anyone can tell me where to get a metre/yard of jaffa cakes from please do - I've not seen them other than as a gift and I know the perfect person to give one to!


My dad's spare bedroom!!!!! I think he borught up all of sainsburys leftovers after christmas!

(I am helping him get rid of them though)



I was going to say a chocolate tape measure.

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yes well done helen - he makes a fantastic spag bol but always calls for help when measuirng out the pasta , so either too much or too little , now he can complete the whole meal by himself as he has a stainless steel gadget to help him with his portions, as we allknow men inches vary from women's :o

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