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I locked up last night but only slid the bolt on the cage, I didnt actually slide it into the latch. This morning Max had gone. I'm so sad, I keep crying. Its minus stupid here and he's only used to sleeping with a thousand blankets (only a slight exageration) and a friend to keep warm. i've walked up and down the allotments we back onto and been in neighbours gardens. i've put posters up on lamposts and at the 2 local vets and now I cant do anything. He's microchipped so hopefully, some kind soul will find him and hand him into a vet.

I cant believe how stupid I was when I put them to bed last night. :o


Oh Rea ...thinking of you. Fingers crossed he comes home safe and sound


I lost my nephews hamster in similar circumstances. We crawled around on the floor pretending to be lost hamsters and found it in a dark corner behind a box of shoes. Perhaps a lower level search may find him?


One of our guinea pigs fell out one cold and wintry night in similar circumstances and we found him under the shed looking hopeful next afternoon! I was distraught too


When I was young one of our cats got run over and had his leg in plaster. He was so upset he ran away and was gone for a month. Obviously we thought he was dead somewhere under a bush until he turned up in the garden looking very sorry for himself (minus the plaster!)

So NEVER give up hope. Miracles can happen even if you have to wait for them.

Jane xx


I'm freezing cold. i've been and posted 70 leaflets through doors. Pets are worse than kids, at least they can have a phone. I'm on a ferret forum and they say to give it a few days and mostly people hand them in if found so there's a glimmer of hope, if he can survive the cold.

Its amazing how sad I feel.


one of the tips i was given when the hamster went walkabouts was to set a sort of food trap....put the food in a bucket (or deep box in your case!!) and put a tube balanced against it ...the idea is that the animal climbs up to get the food and then falls into the box ...then stays in there to have supper. Is there any chance something like that would work?. The one thing that animals return for tends to be food!

good luck :o


I hope he's found soon too.......................I guess maybe nature will kick in and he'll try to find somewhere cosy before he returns home to give you a ticking off? Hope it all ends well xx

I do hope he turns up.

I can't begin to imagine how you feel, I get physically sick with worry when our rescue cat is gone for more than two hours.





Exactly the same here. :o


Oh no, come home Max.

I hope he's home soon. I was sick with worry when my wimpy softy moggy went missing overnight.

I walked all round the streets whistling for him and shouting him and peering into people's gardens (I was lucky no-one phoned the police!!) and saw no sign of him. I didn't sleep a wink that night and kept going to the back door whistling and shouting hoping he would appear. I was absolutely convinced he must have been run over or tortured by hoodies or any amount of other hideous consequences. The next night at teatime he came wandering in as if nothing had happened, demanded his tea and then slept for about 24 hours. I can't tell you how relieved I was to have him home.

Pets are definitely more worry than kids!!

I've got everything crossed for Max's safe return. Please let us know as soon as he gets home xxx


Nothing Sue. I left a spare cage open with hay, blankets and food last night but no sign of him.

I've leafleted homes and put posters up on lamposts all about. Today I'm putting posters in library, shops, playgroup, school etc. and in my car.

Phoned RSPCA and now he's on their lost register. I've joined 3 more forums this morning just to get the message out there. Cant really think of what else to do, except keep our fingers crossed.

Someone on the ferret forum reminded me though that hedgehogs and other animals survive these conditions so I hopefully he'll just be in a bed of leaves somehwere while in the meantime, I'm posting my phone number for any Tom Dick or Harry to use!

Thanks for all the positive thoughts guys :o


I was so hopeful that you'd popped in to say he was home safe and well - let's hope Max has found somewhere warm and safe and will be home as soon as his adventure is over....



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