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That's lovely news Geraldine.


They may just have an inkling that something might be going on. Just like any other parents they'll be trying to read between the lines when their daughter brings a male friend home.


I'm sure your son has made a very good first impression which is so important with any potential in-laws (whether they know they are or not!).Let us hope that things will progress positively from here.


Keep us updated xx

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Thank you for sharing in my happy start to the new year.

How quickly things change :o I tremble as I type this and can't actually believe I am writing what I am but my 'policeman son' is very poorly. He left here yesterday fit and well to return to work and today we got a phone call. He has been admitted to our local hospital where they are awaiting results of a CT scan and lumbar puncture which they expect to confirm their suspicion of meningitis. I have popped home but will be going back shortly.


I am not religious and therefore feel a bit of a hypocrite in asking those of you who are to pray for my son.


I have everything crossed that all will be well it just has to be but I am scared, frightened and feel so utterly helpless xD

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spoke to nurse, dan found lumbar puncture quite traumatic -they did it at 1:30 this morning. Still on painkiller and fluid drips been to see him but he is very dozy

and just sleeping - being reviewed again later this afternoon but he is going to get better - thank you for your messages :o

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Gosh, I've only just read any of this.


Really hope your son is soon well again Geraldine. They never stop being a worry do they. Best wishes to your other son too, hopefully he and his girlfriend will be able to be together.

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You are very much in my prayers tonight. I don't think it's hypocritical to ask for prayers from those who do believe in a higher power. It shows the depth of your feeling for your son.


Much love coming your way. Let us know how things are going. x

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My goodness Geraldine...you are on a rollercoaster.....all my love and good wishes and prayers coming your way.....look after yourself please....when things hit us like this we tend to forget ourselves and it is imperative that you are well and able to support your family (like we do!).......I don't know how we ever get through life's obstacles...but somehow we do...sending you some virtual strength....xxxxxx :oxD:(:(

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Geraldine, I have only just read this and I have gone completely cold. I am not religious either but am fervently sending my thoughts and strength to you all, hoping he makes a full recovery to good health soon. xx

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thank you all again :o


HE's home xD:(:(

I feel a little like I did when i very first brought him home 28 years ago! He is still far from well but is making great progress. We have strict instuctions and have to take him back immediately if there is any concern.


Walking isn't great due to 'post lumbar puncture' but he can drink now and things are on the up :(


I keep 'checking on him' and admit to being a bit like a mother hen but don't care he's home and getting better :wacko:

I wouldn't wish the last few days on my worst enemy.

It's rather ironic that on new years eve he went shopping and bought new jim jams, slippers and dressing gown for the new year pyjama party at the local pub - little did we know they would come in useful!

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