Guest Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 Hi I just feel like having a moan..... i just feel like walking away if it wasn't for the children i would have left weeks ago... we are a committee run pre-school in a church, we are having soooo many problems with the building by the church telling us what we can and can't do that it is making it sooo hard to run the pre-school...... they have now taken away one off our rooms so we have no where for the staff to have lunch that is away from the children, we are not allowed to put anything on the walls, so everything gets put up in the morning taken down in the evening, they have now put in another group after us who are standing there waiting while we are tidying up, we have no outside space, the cleaner is non existent so the pre-school staff clean everything even the floors and toilets,we are a pack away pre-school so everything has to go away they have also taken away our 2nd cupboard so our small cupboard is now floor to ceiling, it's sooo dangerous, talk about health and safety, i have non existent committee who are doing nothing,at the moment i'm juggling all pre-school paperwork, planning, finance, fundraising and trying to do a degree and i have a family...... the list is endless.....just wondering why i'm doing this for a pitence.....i just wanted to moan to someone who understands as being a manager i have no one else to moan at.... sorry..... for moaning.... Quote
HappyMaz Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 Oh dear simcity - you are fed up and quite rightly so. I'm not sure what advice I can give. It does sound as if your committee need a bit of a shove - if you're concerned about the health and safety aspects then I would put that in writing and ask what they are going to do about it. Much better that they get involved with the landlord now than have a member of staff put in a claim for industrial injury if something awful should happen. And I'd lock the doors when the last child leaves so you can tidy up in peace without the next group breathing down your neck. I know its difficult because as a committee run group there's little you can do to sort things out. It may be that all you can usefully do is write a formal letter to your Chair telling her what is happening and how it affects the smooth running of the group and see what happens. Either that or stage a sit-in. Sorry I can't make your problems go away, but I hope getting things off your chest made you feel a tiny bit better. Good luck! Maz Quote
Cait Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 Oh dear, sounds like you are having a rubbish time at the moment. It's no fun having people breathing down your neck at the end of a tiring session - are they another children's group? Quote
Guest Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 so sorry to hear you're having such a rough time.xxxxxxxxx Quote
Inge Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 sounds like you have a right to moan...... I would need to as well with all that going on... I have been there with all the non existent committee and control of everything bit.. and personally while it sometimes got to me I did prefer to know what was happening than have someone who decided what is best and not really know anything. Hired halls always are the worst to run..... while we all do our best it does sometimes get to the why am I doing it stage.... I assume the church are after more money which is why they have hired the hall out more and removed your storage... did anyone ask for reduction in rent for loss of space.... Our church tried to increase our rent recently by a huge amount... but by the time I gave them a cleaning bill, and a list of jobs which needed doing, and for redecoration (not done for 10 years I ran the group!) they did actually back down! Think they were a bit scared of me as when he saw me coming he would often disappear fast! It was a funny sight me accosting him after the morning service and him vanishing fast as he could....staff would all take it in turns so he never knew who was about to complain next!! That said when I left he saw me out in the street and said he was sad to see me go. mm I'd just set the new manager on to him! Like you no cleaning done except by us... so we decided to only clean before we used it.. and left if afterwards us for others to use as we would only end up cleaning twice! Not one complaint! But if there had I was armed with a long list of what we had to do every day to make it usable and photos to back it up! Our one saving grace was the fact that we could decorate and put up displays and picture as much as we wanted and we negotiated some land for a garden free of no where near as bad as your issues. I was also lucky in that the staff were very supportive and did a lot of the work with me.... And all that for what is not a living wage is it? Really cannot give much in words of wisdom.. just I say I really do understand, perhaps another try at the committee.. quote they are the employers and ultimately responsible if something goes wrong speach.... (my final straw card!) Keep on moaning here if you need to.. we will listen even if we have no real solutions Inge Quote
louby loo Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 I can't really think of anything to add....but to let you know you are not alone! xxx Quote
Guest Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 Oh Simcity - I really do feel for you. I'm in shared premises and we have had our share of problems. My best advice wold be to try and get some sort of written hirers agreement with the hall. It would really help to protect you, getting ours was not easy and lots of problems along the way . But now our council know exactly what we hire and when, our storage facilities and the cleaning agreements. It might seem like lots of work, but I would blame EYFS and OFSTED (always good) and that you need written confirmation. This would help focus the church's attention on you and what your needs are. Is there any way you can go along to a meeting of the church and let them know about "every child matters" etc and stress how you need their help to help their parish's children. I would probably be very humble and grovel (always good) - failing that will your local early years unit help with negotiations. Do they have a business support unit who can offer advice? Good luck - it can improve. Honest. Quote
sienna Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 Sorry to hear you are having problems simcity. I can't offer any advice just wanted to say I hope things get better for you soon. Quote
Guest Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 Thanks for all your words of advice... as our building is owned by the church the council have nothing to do with it, we have attended 2 church meetings and explained our position that was a year ago , we also asked for a written agreement... i still have niether after loads of telephone calls and e-mails... we have explained about the cupboard and how we don't have enough storage they suggested we cleared out some of our toys, resources to make space......... i have contacted my early years development worker and she was no help at all......said there was nothing they could do...... I'm fast running out of options, i have also looked around for alternative premises but there isn't any.... I'm feeling very dispondent, feel like looking for a job elsewhere but then i have this problem with not being able to let go!! Quote
Guest Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 (edited) I can't add much to the above other than to say, if your church is C of E then you can write to the PCC. They are responsible for the running of the church. I'm in a similar set up to you although we don't have problems. Also, I am the church warden (at the mo) so if nursery have a problem I ask me and usually get a satifactory answer! Seriously, have you met the wardens (usually 2 people?). It would probably be worth getting them on your side, inviting them in say to judge an Easter Card or Bonnet competition or something that they can't say 'no' to and then walking them through your 'challenges' not problems! I bet they don't even realise most of your frustrations. Is there any mileage in asking the church to bump the next group by half an hour or even 15 mins? Trouble is as you say, they are probably trying to maximise their income. As a church warden I do understand where they are coming from too. Good luck, keep talking to us and we'll help all we can! Edited February 23, 2009 by Guest Quote
trekker Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 I understand the need to share what is getting you down...its so hard when your supervisor . I have said many times that I wished there was a 'supervisors support group' where we could go and let it all out and know everything would never go any further. I havent had to deal with putting everything away at the end of sessions and we do have a cleaner so I definitely count myself lucky in that respect. We also dont have anywhere to eat away from the children (and do not have a break anyway in our 7 and a half hour day) but it's not so bad to sit with them - we enjoy our daily chats. ( though a break would be nice ..we just dont have enought staff to do it.) Doing a degree and trying to manage everything is soo hard..I got so stressed doing mine that my early years advisor advised the committee I was trying to do too much and to let me have paid time to work on my research and assignments if needed ...thankfully they agreed and although I didnt take up the offer much it was helpful at times. Do you have a childcare advisor you can speak to who can make some firm suggestions to the committee even if they cant deal with the church? Maybe they can suggest ways to get funding to purchase new storage cupboards or something to help too. Good luck with it all. Quote
Rea Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 Loads of sympathy simcity, I've been there too. You need to ask the church to reduce your rent to allow for the reduction in space both of the room and the cupboard. If you can get an agreement get one, although our church hall would never do one, after been there for 40 years they still insist rent is paid by the session each half term to give them the option of saying no to any days they choose. They've never done this but security isnt there. You also need to tell the committee that as acommittee run pre-school they need to be more involved. I once sent a letter to all our parents informing them that without a functioning committee we would have to close because we werent working to constituion we'd adopted from the PLA. We soon had people join. Are you part of the PLA? If so they can help with matters of premises and committee, although to be honest here in Birmingham the PLA have lost a lot of power and influence it seems and the DW are virtually non existant thanks to the City's team, who also dont show up, but thats a whole different thread! For now, I'd take each day as it comes. Do what you're paid for, clean as you need to for your group. You could also speak to the room users after you, see if you can arrange with them an extra few minutes to clean after yourselves or put it to them that they sweep themselves especially if you have to clean before you can use the hall. Good luck. Quote
hali Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 oww i feel for you simcity - i too am looking for another job after 9 years im afraid im fed up with committees - feel very upset they are making me leave my beloved job - but unless i can get rid of them theres nothing i can do....... good idea to write a letter to them - express the importance of H&S and on their heads be it of it all goes wrong!!!! good luck hun lots of hugs xxx Quote
purplewednesday1 Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 Sorry to hear it's so rubbish ... I'm no help to you I'm afraid except that you have my solidarity ... sounds like a nightmare pw1 Quote
Guest Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 Have you contacted your local PSLA advisor and LA advisor about your problems- they may be able to help you find new premises. Quote
Guest Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 Hi there it is the first time I have posted on here - but i can completely understand where you are coming from, i am in a similar position to you. We put a new noticeboard up in the hall where I work, and got asked to take it down as it was too bright and made the village hall look like a place where children came. I tried to explain to these people that the children who came to the setting were the future of our community, however they refused to listen. I also have an uninterested committee, and myself do all the work that the committee used to do, along with everything else, a degree, EYPS and three children. Sometimes I cant sleep at night worrying about what needs doing, and I often feel like I am compromising the time I spend with my own children. There is not a lot I can say or do - to make it any better, but try and go get some support for yourself. Thats my plan - and to start asking for more help within the setting. Remember you cant do everything. Take care Jo Quote
Rea Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 I'm feeling very dispondent, feel like looking for a job elsewhere but then i have this problem with not being able to let go!! Dont let that decide for you. For all of us who have worked hard at a setting and got involved with the families and the day to day running, it is hard to leave, but it is also possible to look back and not be upset at having to let go. Unfortuantly the place will continue without you, you are not indespensible and the children and staff will be able to carry on without pining. Dont let any of it make you dread going to work, or feel like the whole thing is too much effort. Quote
bubblejack Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 Yes I certainly know where you are coming from, been in that situation with various church commities. After 28 years they do at last listen to my points of view so hang on in there. Put your concerns down to them in a letter to be discussed at their next PCC and ask to attend their next meeting. As others have said use Health and safety issues etc. After all the church are probably relying on you for regular income so they do need you but if they are allowed to change the rules with out consulting you things may not improve. Are you able to get any funding from the Capital Fund for outside storage space. We have just acquired an outddor container. Also get the parents on your side and share your problems with them. The word will soon be passed around, maybe to other church members. Its not good publicity for the church if they are making things difficult for you. Good luck and keep negotiating because once the church feel that they can't walk all over you they may see your point of view. Quote
sunnyday Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 Hi - I too know exactly how you feel - I won't burden you with my story - that's just not helpful - but a couple of suggestions - things that worked for me. Have you thought about inviting some of the 'Church committee/wardens/PCC' into pre-school so that they can see what an excellent job you are doing with the youngest members of their community. In my experience some of the slightly older (choosing my words carefully here!) people in any community may not have a clear idea what pre-school is all about - indeed they sometimes have pre-conceived and inaccurate notions about just what it is we do. This may just help to 'get them on side' - worth a try anyway. What about some sort of joint fund raising effort - again might be worth a try. I'm so sorry to hear that your own committee are being so hopeless - I think a letter to them and to parents is called for - as per an earlier post. Really hope things get better for you soon. Sunnyday Quote
HappyMaz Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 There is not a lot I can say or do - to make it any better, but try and go get some support for yourself. Thats my plan - and to start asking for more help within the setting. Remember you cant do everything. That sounds very sensible, Jo! Welcome to the Forum. Now that you've made your first post, keep them coming! Maz Quote
wellerkaren Posted February 24, 2009 Posted February 24, 2009 sorry to hear that things are not going very well for you at the moment, I hope that the situation improves for you soon. a virtual hug is comign your way (**) Quote
Guest Posted February 24, 2009 Posted February 24, 2009 I hope you can get some help soon - it sounds awful for you. Sending hugs and sympathy/empathy here too... Quote
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