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The Biggest Fsf Quiz Ever..2

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Oh how rude! I am most definitely not drunk! :o

Reminds me of that old joke that ends Piston broke?... xD



OK, so they both love freshly baked bread!


They do indeed! Correct Maz!

Posted (edited)

“My favourite time of the day is when I check on my two girls just before I go to sleep and they reach out a hand and murmur back at me that they love me.” - Nickysussex


Edited by aliamch
“My favourite time of the day is when I check on my two girls just before I go to sleep and they reach out a hand and murmur back at me that they love me.” - Nickysussex


Is that the last one, Nichola? aliamch is doing sterling work!

Posted (edited)

Just part of Q 62 left, plus 63 and 66/

Edited by Nichola

Congratulations Nichola on your 1000th post, I'll leave you in peace now. Just got the 'I want to come home' phonecall and she's bringing two pals with her!


Q62 - salsa73 - sure I answered this earlier?



Shawshank Redemption

Sorry again!


That's it! You've got it now!

That's it! You've got it now!

Just be sure to keep it to yourself: I don't have time to be ill!



63. More on our favourite topic of food! Shiny was the only person who mentioned fruit with strawberries being one of her favourites. The rest of us stuck with unhealthier options, some of the favourites being treacle sponge, icecream, cheesecake, chocolate éclairs, mince pies and triple chocolate muffins. JacquieL loves her M&S carrot cake but who else loves it but can’t eat it?

At a rough guess, I'd say its Cait - because she's a coeliac.


Good guess Maz, correct!

Just question 66 left... 66. Where in the world would you rather be? Although France, Barbados, Greece, USA, Latin America and Hawaii all got a mention, for most of you places in the UK were favourite. The favourites really did cover just about the whole of it - Scotland, Ireland, Wales and many places in England too. However whose favourite place was “snuggled up on a settee watching a good dvd (with my fiancé)”?


63 Who likes M&S Carrot cake - Bugs Bunny (well it is late :o )


66 Who likes to snuggle on sofa with a DVD - The 'Office' bloke, (sorry brain tired can't remember his name ) He's watching his 'animals' DVD because he love himself, so would I if I was him



66. Where in the world would you rather be? Although France, Barbados, Greece, USA, Latin America and Hawaii all got a mention, for most of you places in the UK were favourite. The favourites really did cover just about the whole of it - Scotland, Ireland, Wales and many places in England too. However whose favourite place was “snuggled up on a settee watching a good dvd (with my fiancé)”?

Da da da da da da! Paula

63 Who likes M&S Carrot cake - Bugs Bunny (well it is late xD )

This is no ordinary joke. This is a Peggy joke... :o

Q66 - Paula

that's it for definate, their back!



Well done! You've done well with that last lot of Qs!


Mundia has some more for tomorrow but for now, good night! CIN has just done their latest total and it was just over £19.9 million so thanks to everyone on here who has donated.

Mundia has some more for tomorrow but for now, good night! CIN has just done their latest total and it was just over £19.9 million so thanks to everyone on here who has donated.

Oh I knew there was something I was supposed to do: did anyone guess how much I spent at Ikea though? :o

What plastic rockers? I Got bored reading your list...

Wait til Monday: very exciting!


Forum babysitter here xD Got in from the most fabulous evening out bopping with Helen and a couple of other friends and after curing my munchies with tea, toast and biscuits have finally managed to get to the end of all 18 pages of the quiz......


I am still not sure what the answer to Q17 was, maybe I drank more cocktails than I realised :o


I can't wait to send out badges and mugs to all the lucky winners next week, well done to all concerned :(


Sue x

For Mrs Weasley and Peggy of course

this one shows the leg with wheel raised :o

Now that is sheer inspiration! Will be contacting "the usual retail outlets" in due course! xD


I wondered how long it would take you to post something, Sue!


Glad you had a good evening - hope you tipped your babysitter well! :o

So how much did you spend in Ikea Happymaz?

Well I don't think I can divulge: no-one has guessed correctly though!

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