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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. I very nearly bought myself a cutting maching just so i could make felt flowers- I had to give myself a serious talking to! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  2. I love felting!!! I haven't done it for a good few years though. I bought myself a resin kit- not my normal kind of thing at all 😳, but I'm totally fasinated by the whole thing. (although part of me thinks I shouldnt be added plastic cr** to the world 😒, my usual hobbie/crafts are genrally more environmently friendly! x
  3. Vet recommended spoiling her with food - which is not easy with the most unmotivated by food cat ever!!! Weight loss is one of her symptoms but she's just interested in food and never has been 😬 Please dont mention printers! Andy has had a very stressful week with ours πŸ˜‚ He wanted to print 1 page, but managed to print the whole document 39 pages..... he did this 3 times! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  4. Hiya all, Another week to go for us. (three days for me). We've had a poorly cat this week, bloodtests show nothing serious (phew) Actually think she may be feeling 'put out' when the GC are here 😳... even thought the GD is the sweetest and gentlest liitle girl with all animals. However the GS is not showing the quite the same compassion!. Awful weather here for the last 24 hours, lots of local roads flooded thankfully not homes though.
  5. I'm just waiting for the whole Martin Lewis "Are you owed backdated holiday pay?" fiasco I can foresee happening any time now! 😭
  6. Thank- you for adding that information, I must have missed with my new lacs-adaisy-cal approach to working outside of paid hours! Mind you, I am even more confused- as when I googled I felt it implied the opposite (although it did give your above calculations 😳) i found headlines saying 'thousands of term time staff owed money' !!!! (Or were some people just not paid any holiday?) I do our wages (April-March, I follow the funding year) and use the govenment calculator to work out hoilday pay so I'm hoping I'm all good. I really hope you manage to sort it to your benefit. Staff (well not all I should add 😬) do so much unpaid you'd think they'd be more forgiving about small over-payments as a goodwill gesture.
  7. WT*! I know nothing about this! This seems to have been kept quite? I guess it will make a difference going fowards- but i wouldn't make staff 'pay time back'. Yes, our half term is the following week, with a short term before Easter.
  8. Well, all I can say with regards to work is - COVID broke me! I completely changed my attitude towards working in my own time. You both need to be kind to youselves. It's important to have time to take care of own wellbeingπŸ’ž I have now have a list of things that 'should' be done, and one for 'must' be done. It taught me I was putting pressure on mself to be running a perfect setting, and what I also learnt was that the parents really don't care as long as the children are well cared for, are developing as expected and are happy! (Froglet- your school needs to respect your homelife too x) However, as a side note how have you two only got one week left??!!!! We have two to go πŸ™€ xx
  9. Hi everyone! I'm just checking in quickly before off out for the day- nothing exciting i should add!πŸ˜‚ I loved having dog sitting duties, but it doesnt happen now since our regular passed. I do say we are getting a dog once I have finally left the preschool though 😊 Another week flown by- it's already happening...... January seemed forever- yet I can already see the end of Feb just around the corner!!!! My daugher has just returned to work, and yesterday I had to look after both πŸ™€πŸ˜³ Granddaughter off sick from her nursery (school based) it wasn't that bad to be honest, but I do hae the granddaughter again tonight for her weekly 'sleepover" ... more 'arts and crafts' then!πŸ˜‚ Have a good weekend all,. xxx
  10. How's Mr S doing now? I've only worked two days this week, and have recruited a new bank staff member therefore looing at more time off now! πŸ˜πŸ˜‚ x
  11. Same here! πŸ™€ Sister in law currently stuck in Portsmouth waiting to go on a cruise 😳
  12. Well I don't feel so alone now. I have even been places- theatre, the underground train etc... (plus going around a bit at work again) Good to hear you are feeling better.
  13. Hope you feel better soon. πŸ’ Has anyone esle not had Covid? My staff joke and call me 'Billy no mate" and that I must have no life or friends! πŸ˜‚
  14. Another week gone by. Congratualtions Zigzag, lovely news. A quite weekend for us, just a 1st birthday party (not the grandson just yet!) Hope everyone manages to have a peacefull weekend xx
  15. Well the week's certainly are flying past!πŸ™€ Not much excitment here this week. Nothing exciting planned for the weekend either, although I do have the granddaughter for a sleepover tomight - so having a 'fun' πŸ˜‚ afternoon of crafting planned (by her not me!) Good to hear Mr S continues to improve (obviously due to your nursing skills) and Sue - coffee and cake is soooooooo much better than golf!πŸ˜‚
  16. She been throught the full range of emotions - she's more upset about a couple of teddies and a small 'pouch bag' I made her for quick nappy changes! Luckily the granddaugher has a wide range of favourites this one was a reindeer- so that can conveniently 'disappear' with the Christmas decorations for now giving plenty of time to find a new one, and as for the pouch I pointed out I could make a new in in 30mins!
  17. Yes, it's not the car as such - more all the bits' and pieces inside πŸ™
  18. Morning, everyone Stressfull start ot the day, my daughter woke up to find her car had been stolen overnight! 😬 I went in to work yesterday we had an inset day - but I only stayed a couple of hours, and then just left the staff to get on with whatever needed doing (I didnt even leave a list!!!) So far I'm not really liking 2024!
  19. Happy New Year everyone.
  20. Funnily enough I was going to mention 'bins' in my post πŸ˜‚ My brother-in-law has had a good few months of wound pain- all started with a blister, ended up in hospital for over a week. It's taken a long time but he is now finally fully recovered.
  21. Top Marks for knowing it's Friday! Good Christmas here too, and now we're going for round two for GD's birthday on the 1st.... I just can't believe she's 4 πŸ˜³πŸ™€ Hope Mr S is feeling better again soon- possibly the weather not hleping? It really is so gloomy out it makes even the healthiest feel down πŸ™
  22. Things looking good for you! 😁 Hope Froglet makes it through today.... and then doesn"t she sleep through Christmas !!!!πŸ™€ We (me, Andy and grandaughter) had breakfast with Father Christmas this morning- I must say back in September an 8.15 arrival seemed a good idea πŸ˜‚ It was very nice though. I think I'm almost Father Christmas'd out now!!!!! Andy had to do two 'gigs' last week (he's getting a reputation locally as a good Santa!) xx
  23. You can do this β˜•β˜•β˜•πŸ°πŸ°πŸ«πŸ«πŸ’.....πŸŽ…πŸŽ„πŸŽ xx
  24. Sunnyday - good news about Mrs S and your sister, hoping the good run continues. Finished yesterday with our party and Andy as the big manπŸŽ…... he grumbles about doing it- but loves it really πŸ˜‚ We had our staff meal last night, and today we took the grandchildren to a christmas show (not panto.. the one thing I do not like about Christmas!!) I am now ready to sleep for a week πŸ˜‚ Hope everyone has a good weekend. x
  25. We 'stretch' the spring/summer funding which means we use a few days of the summer added to the spring term if that makes sense? Just means we can finsih a few days ealier in the summer. (although looking at the calendar quickly now even i'm not sure how it's going to work out this year πŸ˜‚)
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