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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Well, the highlight of my week is - today I'm having afternoon tea with princesses. (possibly disney?- but I hope not!) It's such a shame about the weather because it's at a lovely hotel and it did/does include outdoor activities with the mini princesses attending. ☔
  2. My winter vests only get put away 14th- 18th August!!! ...🤣
  3. Well, I may get back on track as I now have both again too again today as mum has a migraine- she's not suffered before, but her dad (Andy) used to have horrendous ones. And Sunnyday I do have to add my granddaughter LOVEs your avator (not sure if that's the correct word) ... I may have just cranked the heating a little... 🙀
  4. Got to love a cardi - especailly on a day like today!!😁 I am officaily old and confused. I am totally confused as to what day of the week it is! I usually look after GS on a Thursday, and out for day with both GC Fridays, this week looked after both Tuesday, and out today..... I now think it's Friday night 😳🤣
  5. That's not good. 🙁 We had fun trying to do my granddaughters!! 🤣 Snap! 😁
  6. That looks beautiful!
  7. Are you ready to come and do my hedge now ? (please 🙏) Hawthorn.... and you definitley mow after cutting - else you end up with 50 thousand little hawthorn trees growing in the lawn 😭
  8. Afternoon. I sort of missed last weeks check-in as the weeks are going TOO fast! It's a bit sunny here at the moment, however, I am actually laying on the sofa trying to recover from a morning out shopping with the two GC. I need to lay in a darkend room for another few hours I think! (even my purse is worn out!) Hope the fundraising goes well Sunnyday. Have a good weekend eveyone xx
  9. Sorry to hear that Cait. Hope it gets sorted soon.
  10. I went for a blubell walk in our local woodland burial grounds with my friend - someone asked if we were 'picking our plots too' 😳.... to be fair they were around the same age as us though😂
  11. Such wonderful news - sleep like a baby every night now 😊 Yes, exactly that! It is so strange. Hope it goes well ! Around here many just seem to hang the bags in bushes waiting for the poo fairy to collect!
  12. Plenty of rain here! (and cold again too!) Another whizzy week - can't believe we're half way throught the half term already 😳 xx
  13. I was thinking greyhound too! I mean they are big - but as mentioned a lazy beyond belief! We have a few around here (I see all dogs as I'm on the local 'dog-walk' highway 😂) As mentioned they like to sleep most of the time and only seem to need a 20 min walks according to the rescuee's I've chatted with. One is not even the slightest interested in cats far to much effort I think!
  14. A few updates since I actually started to post 😂 Good points about insurance. I have had both rescue and puppies, but I would say if you go down the rescue route- make sure it is form a reputable homing centre that take time to match up dogs+owners well. That said, we had our rescue from 'word of mouth' and he came from an alcholic lady who just couldn't look after him. He was thee most loving dog ever- it was like he knew he had a second chance and he wasn't going to blow it with bad behaviour!
  15. Oh dear, missed Friday again! That might be due to the Firday Sleepover with the GD........ oh my, can that girl talk!!!! Sunnday- hope you enjoyed your walk 😊 Have a good weekend everyone x
  16. I can't really think of a negative 😳 I would say choose your breed wisely - and have something that suits your lifestyle.... big/small, energetic/lazy, easy care coat vs one that needs professional grooming etc. That said, I'm thinking you probably already thought of those things. 😊 x
  17. Hope you had/have a really Happy Birthday Zigzag. 🎂🥂 Gezable too - hope yours was good 🎂🥂 Well, we've certainly had all four seasons this week!! ☔🌬️ 🌦️🌈 xx
  18. Fridays keep coming around so fast I keep forgetting. I'm well and truly ready to go back to work for a rest! It's been a lovely warm day here today, and we've just booked a holiday for the end of June- so ending the week a high! 😁 Sunnyday I hope you've had a good day with your GS, I've had mine over for the day... and we have renamed him as 'the wrecking ball', nothing and I mean NOTHING is safe when he is around! 😂 Have a good weekend everyone xx
  19. As if these two poppets could cause muddy trouble!!!! 😂 I had a muddy incident like yours a few years ago.... we refer back to it as my 'skating on mud' moment! (there were witnessess!🤣) I hope it's not too wet and wild for you. I've just got back from a walk and it was already warm out - but at least it's bright if not actually sunny out.
  20. Almost forgot it's Friday! Sunnyday- seem's you've had a good week allround 😁 SueFN - seem's you've had a soggy week! 😬 Froglet - seem's you've have been putting yoursefl first for a change! 😇 ...Keep it up! xx
  21. You two both need to put yourself first!!!!! I did/do - and guess what?.... I don't really think anyone at work has even noticed! (they just have to think a bit more for themselves) 🙀😳😂
  22. A very handson chap! 😍
  23. YESSSSSSSSS! Congratulations to EVERONE! (I'm actually tears for you - I'm so happy!)
  24. That is such good news and I'm actually really excited for you 😁. IVF is such a journey for everyone involved including the extended family. My daughters friend went through years of hearbreak too- like you with two failed attempts. Happy ending for her too 😊
  25. Oh that is sad. :(
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