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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Good work both of you! I have actually been into work this morning and sorted a few things - then went off for an early lunch. 😊
  2. The best kind of coffee!! Hope it doesn't keep you up all night all that caffine!
  3. My go to easy type books! I also like a bit of Milly Johnson. I read The Lost Bookshop, by Evie Woods recently which was a bit different and I quiet enjoyed. Hope you're feeling better soon. xx
  4. I have the two today and tomorrow, not overnight though! 🀣 (daughter works Wed + Thur) I'm considering venturing out with the two of them tomrrow, I mean I do take them out in the village but thinking of further afield! πŸ˜³πŸ˜‚ Have a good coffee and catch up. β˜•πŸ° Good for you! πŸ˜„ Any good books? I've been reading mainly free kindle books nothing to exciting πŸ™„
  5. Just checking in on everone as I know longer know what day of the week is it anymore! Cait- hope Zebedee is doing better now? Hopefully the good weather helps, even if its just mentally and being to sit outside in the sun/shade for a little while 😊 Zigzag - you must be really busy now - a total swap around workwise for you? Remember to find some downtime too! 😊 Sunnyday - I'm still waiting for my todo list 🀣 Hoglet and Mouseketeer - rest, rest and rest. And when you've done that.... rest some more 😊 Anyone else need advice? 🀣🀣🀣 xx
  6. Hi Everyone! Glad eveyones dog duties have gone well this week 🐢🐢 Pretty quiet week here in the sunshine, I seen the GC most days and had a two night sleepover with the GD, now time for a quick nap before we're off out with friends this eveing (GD would have stayed again tonight given the chance 🀣!) Good weekend folks xx
  7. Yes please!!!!!! I really don't know what happened- honest Sue I did only mean to post once 🀣 (or maybe I was trying for an Olypic medal in posting posts!😳) 😊
  8. He's adorable!! 😍
  9. Nothing other than the 2-3 checks. Parents are invited in for a chat anytime they wish- we send out a reminder each half-term. Obviously SEND children would have reports/paperwork etc. We are a sessional, term-time only setting and a lot of our 'chat needs' are met at drop/off pick-up. If we have a child we feel may need more support we will be more pro-active at getting the parents in for a chat though.
  10. 🀣🀣🀣 ..... I love my grandchildren - but, boy am I glad when they go home!!
  11. Good use of a crafty sort out πŸ˜„ Do you have a plan for them? Could make lap blankets if not? Loved your orignal one for you daughters wedding. I still have the one my mum made me while I was still at home and now my GD loves cuddling up in it.
  12. I kept thinking it would get better!
  13. 😳..... not sure what happened there! Although I do have to ask - what were other poeples thoughts?
  14. Love them 😍 I've spent the afternoon trying to sort my craft stuff out.
  15. Well, I watched the openng ceremony.... and let's just say it was 'different' !🀣
  16. Nearly forgot is was Friday! Bit like you sunnyday- busy week too! Nothing exciting to report other than the sun is out ! πŸ˜‚
  17. You got this...... breath deeply and keep your eye on the finish line! 😊
  18. My outlaw ( not sure what to call her "fellow grandparent in law" ?) is in a Choir, she absolutely loves it so much - all familiy events have to planned around it now🀣!!
  19. Make sure you do make time out for yourself though .... you'll be no good if you're burn't out! 😒 And make sure you claim for any hours worked. Our long days are full, but we have a fair few spaces on our short days- if I was business minded I would (should) offer more longer days - but Im not so I won't!
  20. Yes please! I kid you not I am now so 'switched off' to the preschool I no longer let it take over my hoildays like it used to! I'm not really sure if that is good or bad? 😳 My one 'take-away' ( as they now like to say) about COVID is - nothing really matters other than home-life! I used to have lists about listsπŸ˜‚ .... now I have the attitude 'if it gets done- it gets done' and I'm the only one that seems to notice if it doesn't get done, therefore nowadays I no longer get bother to get it done! 🀣 Obvioulsy I do do the (very) basics 😊 For example, normalyI would go in today, or this week and have a good clear out, but now I think 'well we're quiet the first week back- the staff can do it then! xx PS I will still buy new stationery though 😁 , and I really miss the big Staples store we used to have nearby! 😭
  21. Finished for the summer........ phew! Hope all go well for all of you still working for a little while yet, and I hope you 'all year rouders' have a quieter summer.😊
  22. They seem to stuggle to get things finished all the time, rush them and most look a mess. I'd rather see better finished items - but I guess that makes boring TV! Although, that said some of the pattern challenge demonstration items have quiet a few glaring faults that Esme and Partrick seem to gloss over too!πŸ˜‚ Not sure about the presenter either he strikes me a being a bit bored by it!
  23. Just don't start scratcing it, hopefully all better by tomorrow 🀞🀞 x They just don't a seem to ab
  24. Just don't start scratcing it, hopefully all better by tomorrow 🀞🀞 x
  25. Welllll, if you're going out to watch the football somewhere - you could always facepaint yourself ??
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