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Everything posted by Mouseketeer

  1. This morning I can confirm they are somewhere between a scone and a rock cake :’( I really don’t get anyone’s passion for cooking, I’m much more a believer of “if someone has already made it and put it in a packet for me who am I to argue”
  2. I think I already have it 🤣
  3. Me too...took 3 b****y hours and if you told yourself they were scones they weren’t bad 🤣
  4. Ohhh 3. Kiss me Kate 1. The king and I
  5. Not yet, plan to over the weekend, I’ve never see it . I think we could use some clues panders 🙏
  6. I tried to make ‘Priscilla queen of the desert’ fit but couldn’t 🤣 or any of the others I can think of, love a good musical ....if anyone gets the chance go and see ‘come from away’ was brilliant!
  7. It hasn’t helped sunnyday 😂
  8. 4. The lion king 8. Miss Saigon
  9. Lol you were in the right table with snooker
  10. Both close but no cigar ;-p
  11. 1. 21 = S on a D 2. 4 = S in a D of C 3. 12 = S of the Z ✅ 4. 7 = P in a N T 5. 3 = C on my H 6. 22 = B in a G of S 7. 3 = M in a T 8. 16 = O in a P ✅ 9. 7 = C of the R 10. 6 = L on an I ✅ 11. 9 = L of a C 12. 4 = S in a Y
  12. Have we actually completed one? I reckon we’ve actually finished one :-D
  13. Oh I missed the last one. 2. Sage 3. Irish stew 4.blue nun 7. Champagne 8. Sorrel 10. Guinness 11. Bread and butter pudding 13. Chives 15. Fish and chips 18. Parsley 20. Nutmeg
  14. 2. Tiddler (yep thought it was the first one) 3. Mandelay (Rebecca) 4. Peter Pan
  15. 1. Tiddler 3. Mandelay (Rebecca) 4. Peter Pan (yes!)
  16. 1- Wind in the willows? 7. Charlotte’s Webb
  17. This has been bothering me for days, I didn’t want to cut them off completely from seeing what their key parents are posting but also didn’t want them posting any more next steps or doing progress tracking as I do see that as providing a service (it’s something they would have done under employment), all are now furloughed, I’ve deactivated their individual accounts but we do have a staff pin only accountant that all use if adding someone else’s KC to an ob, if they ‘choose’ to look at that they can and acknowledge receipt, we explained to our parents that they’d be unable to send out any more next steps, they added lots of stories and fun activities to share with home before being furloughed that I can continue to send out and I’ll pick up assessments from parent obs. My staff wouldn’t be generating revenue but I guess it’s what each individual feels counts as ‘providing a service’ ...a really tricky one 🤔
  18. Cryptic pop groups for starters: 1- Cheerful start to the week 2- GP snagged 3- Easy primary colour 4- Fun park with magnetic attraction 5- Getting nowhere 6- Gorgeous, but not from up north 7- Senior teachers speaking 8- Not an old command 9- A single way 10- These lads sale domestic animals
  19. I can’t believe we are still free of the C word (and I don’t mean C*******s Sue). We have usually discussed, shared, planned and prepped for anything that’s being thrown at us by now 🤔 Where is everyone at with how they’re trying to managing C-V? (Apart from hand washing to the tune of baby shark but at least it’s more catchy than Happy Birthday) I guess the covering SSP for 14 days was good news in the budget but not so much that we seem to not have made the list of ‘exempt’ from small business rates list :-( I read a great article by Rebecca on FB but can’t find it on here?
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