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Everything posted by Mouseketeer

  1. I think that’s sounds right, It would have been much simpler to just say all staff are furloughed for the first 3 weeks @ 80% and that equates to the loss of fees and then taken them out of furlough, this way we may get to claim back a minimal % of what we pay them but they still can’t do any work because they are ‘furloughed’, the other option is take them off furlough ASAP and reduce their hours, we really needed to know this before setting out our furlough ‘stall’ to staff. I guess we need to deduct the pay of unfurloughed staff to see what is left from funding to know how much of other staff it would cover ...oh I hate Maths 😡
  2. Me too, it’s ridiculous to dump this on us now after we have furloughed staff, I can’t even begin to think how to work the percentages out (probably due to seeing red at the moment) 😡 the funding doesn’t only cover wages, what do they think we pay all our other costs with? We rely on this terms higher income to cover the Autumn term and not have to lay off staff for that term.
  3. It’s disgraceful to land this on us on the weekend before the claim line opens, we can’t speak to our LA’s or our payroll companies and having already furloughed staff :-( For charity settings we already can’t claim the small business grant, are loosing the time of year we do most of our fundraising and now have to work this lot out, we rely on our higher funding income this term to carry the Autumn term 😡
  4. 1 looks like the stalk is at the wrong end
  5. 7. Hazel 9. Ash (but leaves might not be long enough) I hope none are lime as I have a massive lime tree across the road but the leaves aren’t out 😆
  6. Ohhhh fm I knew the conker tree 😝 I thought oak for 6 and possibly bay for 8
  7. I was listening to someone yesterday talking about Germany considering re-opening schools but for older pupils where as other countries seem to be suggesting the youngest sectors go back first ....and let’s face it Germany seem to be managing it better than other countries seem to be 🤔
  8. 🥴 I am a Nando fan Compaq is laptop/pc brand ...owned by hp now I think 🤔
  9. I fully get that those still open need compensating ....some are losing a lot of money by staying open but surely that is just wrong and you bet if they get away with it other counties will follow 😠 it would be interesting to know how many children are still in settings to warrant withholding 20% of all the closed settings funding ...sounds like a win win for Wiltshire!
  10. Good work all... 1.Nandos 2.compaq 3.toyota 4.chanel 5.twitter 6.kellogs 7.costa coffee 8.body shop 9.liverpool victoria 10.radley 11.BT 12.pepsi 13.skype 14.ikea 15.great ormond street
  11. I really like topics (Bueno bars best) but they always seemed small compared to mars, snickers etc ..and that is quite an important consideration :-D
  12. I think I messed up my numbers ... 2. Drifter 13. Snicker 14. Milkyway 17. Golden cup (how old is this? )
  13. 3. Mars 6. Topic 9. Snicker 10. Milky Way
  14. I thought I was missing something with this one as I hadn’t seen one with two different symbols having the same value before.
  15. WD Froglet it is 144 👏 the little man is wearing shoes, boxing gloves and sunglasses in the bottom row so he is 67 own his own x sunglasses (2) = 134 add 10 (1 shoe) = 144
  16. Have a go at one of these....
  17. 4 is the only one I can vaguely hear in my head but can’t get to the title 🤷‍♀️
  18. Impressive fm!
  19. Can we have a clue for 5 please panders?
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