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Everything posted by Mouseketeer

  1. https://www.open.edu/openlearn/free-courses/full-catalogue that’s a better link.
  2. hi blondie, these look like they have some useful free training on, I’m going to give a couple on the open.edu website ago, apparently they don’t take anything like as long as they as state, it might be a case of picking out the free ones. www.earlyyearscareers.com www.theearlyyearstraininghub.co.uk www.open.edu www.virtual-college.co.uk www.britishcouncil.org
  3. Jaffa cake ....what’s the question? I was sent a link to Joe Wicks for seniors today 🤣
  4. Oh noooo hit the post with Jaws he was in it too
  5. Not so bad a week here if a bit ‘samey’ ...get up, eat, stress over furlough, eat, stress a bit more, eat a bit (well eat a lot more actually) go back to bed, repeat.. A bit of excitement today when I managed to get a shopping delivery slot, the first in 5 weeks! Our setting received a donation Cheque for £211 from PayPal in the post today, I’d had a few emails telling me there was a ‘grant donation’ waiting to be claimed from PayPal but thought they were scams and ignored them :-D
  6. jaws (Roy Schroder was the dad actor)
  7. Confessions of a window cleaner
  8. I would try the HMRC online helpline (they were more helpful than the employer helpline), if you can get past the security questions they will just email you the gateway ID and another email to change the password, if you can’t pass the security questions you will probably have to go to the employer helpline and tell them whoever set it up is no longer associated with the business, they can then make the existing one defunct so you can set up a new one. I do think the phone line people were more knowledgeable than the webchat people ...and I spoke to a few!
  9. That is crazy zigzag 😠 I’m going to put my big girl pants on and see if I can see this portal thing ....I'm not saying I’m going to actually do it, I’m expecting to hit a problem with the UTR number (if I can get that far) I have one from setting up for the free childcare tax scheme but a couple of years a go a new cm clicked the wrong thing doing the EY2 and made themselves the NP, ofsted automatically update HMRC with that info and they became the registered person for the childcare tax scheme and I had a week of hell putting that right, Ofsted had to talk to HMRC in the end to reinstate me and I seem to think we got sent a different UTR letter ....I don’t know which one I have now and can only find one 🤦‍♀️
  10. I feel the same Lynned at the end of the day we are employees too and nobody takes that on board, sod our well-being hey?, not one of my staff (all furloughed on full pay at the moment) have even asked how it’s going and the committee seem to have vanished off the face of the earth 😠
  11. My committee went back on pay increases they’d planned to give to all above NLW.
  12. Hi Lynned, I haven’t looked at the portal yet to see if it’s possible to claim a lower % for all, but the guidance says about combining staff whose salaries are no greater that the ‘private income’ % you’ve worked out, but I image it’s going to work out 80% of the staff you can get closest to the max you can claim .....but I could have misunderstood that and the min 3 wks is almost up for us so I can decide who to keep in or take out, I know they need to agree but why wouldn’t they, ours are all on full pay if they didn’t agree they’d likely all be offered a reduction in hours...maybe I’ll take them off and furlough myself ;-p
  13. Hope you’re having a good Birthday Zigzag 🎂 🍷
  14. Exactly ...someone has another view and then you doubt yourself all over again 🙈
  15. Thank you for confirming that, that’s how I’d done it, just the months gross pay including me as a non-furloughed staff but someone was trying to tell me I couldn't include my wage in the total monthly wage only staff we’d furloughed.
  16. I’ve got my self back in a muddle now ....are you using your ‘total’ wage bill for the month (everyone not just the furloughed staff) to then get to the 80% if that figure to then work out your fee % that you can claim?
  17. Looks that way, but if you have no kw chn what are you supposed to do?
  18. No me zigzag, especially by the people who know they are irrelevant to us ....what’s that all about 😠 I run my furloughed staff through it and just the dates they wanted from you are b****y confusing, if you click the ‘topping up’ option it shuts it can’t calculate .....useless !
  19. Well that seems pointless EYA just sent it, not sure what has happened to the one they were preparing?
  20. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/work-out-80-of-your-employees-wages-to-claim-through-the-coronavirus-job-retention-scheme might be time to have a play with this, just emailed from payroll.
  21. Yes! Well done Cait FSF born 2003 ...it says so on the home page :-D I think that’s 7 points to you 👍
  22. 4. ‘It’s’ more than one voice I am making these up as I go along :-/
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