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Everything posted by Mouseketeer

  1. Enjoy your Birthday Cait 🎂 💐 🍷
  2. Hi, I suppose if we did get the go ahead for June opening funding is already confirmed as being retained for the Summer term if parents decide that’s too soon, but I’m also concerned if parents are still nervous come the Autumn term as to whether we will still be funded if parents choose not to send chn who would have been coming (presuming we are even open then; 🤷‍♀️
  3. https://famly.co/blog/covid-19/denmark-reopening-child-care-corona/?utm_source=facebook_groups I’ve just been reading this, released today on how Denmark are doing it and it seems they’re breaking down into smaller 1 adult managed groups. I’m not seeing why so much emphasis is putting on testing either fm, you could be clear one minute and not a few minutes later 🤷‍♀️
  4. I couldn’t make Narnia fit 1 until ‘chronicles’ was added.
  5. I concur ....I can’t get past Narnia ...and can’t fit that with the clues, Middle earth maybe for 4?
  6. I think the big announcement might have moved to Sunday now instead of Thurs ...guess the planning isn’t going too well 🤔
  7. Maybe something parents sign to say ‘by allowing my child to return to setting I understand that whilst you will take appropriate hygiene precautions, social distancing for adults and restricting visitors from entering the setting to limit the spread of infection I also understand there is not a hope in hell that you will be able to socially distance my child from their peers or staff managing their personal needs’ :-D
  8. We use individual bought pots for dough disco type activities (so adult led anyway) rather than general use handmade playdough, I’m thinking about rotating washable resources daily, maybe 2/3 options tubs one day while others are back in sterilizing fluid to alternate ...but who knows, so many ‘what abouts’, all we can do is our best to minimize the spread of infection much like we had stepped up to more frequent no other adults in, hand washing, high contact washing down, more steaming 🤷‍♀️ We have a big outside area so it will be spread out mostly I think, I’m really hoping my staff don’t want to go dine the mask route unless we are told we have too.
  9. That’s going to be tricky and what about mud kitchens? I guess that’s a no too. my plan for water play would be individual bowls of soapy water (if no eczema) ...do you think that would be ok? And I guess they could have their own pots of playdough?
  10. No idea how it will all work and to be honest with you’ve I’ve not given it too much thought (I’m just better focused and far more productive with a deadline to work too) I have been wondering if allocating each member of staff a set of chn they stay with as a group through the day and move around areas might help minimize the risk of infection, instead of 4 staff and 20 odd chn all mixing up, 1 member of staff would stay it’s a group of ratio’s chn, I know there will be the logistics of that to work out ...eg nappy change, lunch time etc so just something I’m playing with at the moment. If we get notice to open from next weeks announcement I will send a questionnaire to parents to see how many would want to send them back ASAP and arrange a virtual meeting with staff to find out how they feel about it ...so maybe I’ve given it a little more thought than I realized 😉
  11. I had a compost delivery but nothing to grow in it really, sweet peas from seeds already potted and I’ve sown an orange pip, tomato and pepper seeds 😆
  12. Here’s clues or done: 1 s.s ✅ - all female (if you haven’t got it yet) 2. ✅ wd panders 3. Colorful characters 4. Panel 5. Cast in stone
  13. Who is missing and what do they collectively form ... 1. SS, BS, GS, PS, ** 2. RS, PM, GH, ** 3. LL, P, TW, * 4. DW, SC, AD, ** 5. GW, TJ, TR, **
  14. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/top-up-to-local-business-grant-funds-scheme?utm_source=c711a024-400a-41c6-a2b9-1a103a62ddaa&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=govuk-notifications&utm_content=immediate this might be of interest to anyone who hasn’t met the criteria to claim the current grants :-)
  15. Well I’ll be going forward on my bloody own at this rate, it says it all when you get more support from ‘virtual’ people than real ones ....Thanks all of you ⭐️
  16. I’d just like to know how my county think staff are on the wages they used in their calculation example ....no one is on less than £10 an hour, not a NLW in sight 🤣 and they deducted other expenses from their workings out not just wages 🤔
  17. Doesn’t it ever Louby .....They think their funding gives them control, I question that it is public funds, why isn’t it given to us like a budget, why do we have to get parents to sign a form to say we can ask for it on their behalf? they don’t give it to us they give to the parents 😡
  18. Don’t bother looking for it lynned, if you haven’t been on the portal already it didn’t even ask for it! it’s gone a bit quiet in here, has everyone just given up the will? My county sent their ‘interpretation’ of how to work out the furlough ....a tad late and just someone else’s interpretation’ 🤷‍♀️
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