Honest letter to parents, but as it doesn’t say I presume the school is opening anyway? I’ve seen a petition to get this stopped for the youngest chn, it already had a lot of signatures.
I emailed parents yesterday, gave them a list of questions we still wanted answers too and asked who would want their child to return on the 1st June if possible, from approx 40 we have 15 def not (even working parents), a couple if it’s safe 🤷♀️, 9 would if possible (non-working parent at home) and rest waiting for a reply, interesting not as many going to school as I thought, though we have a high number this year with a sibling already at school so the decision was based largely on whether that sibling was in a school class re-opening or not.
It’s now working out if it’s worth bringing back 7 staff on a rota or keeping it to the least staff possible to minimise exposure (how fair will they see that?) ideally from a financial angle also I’d keep part time staff (all have chn) furloughed to the % possible, and the 3 full time staff with a ‘select’ group of children they stay with for whichever sessions they attend all week, though I think the furloughed would need to drop to 80% pay so the working staff received more ...and then what would they think about that? 🤯
Has anyone contacted their insurance company yet?