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Everything posted by Mouseketeer

  1. Ewww my response was a clear ‘we will not be taking funding back’
  2. I totally agree with the ‘conflict of interest’, many see being in the committee as getting what they want, I find the biggest issue when they really need to raise fees.
  3. Bit of a cheek FM but do you have it in word format please for editing please? It looks quite useful :-)
  4. I haven’t put coming in for a day to prepare to mine yet, I wouldn’t ask for Bank holiday but I would be upset if they’ve been at home being paid for all this time and couldn’t give up a few hours during half term to come and help out 😠
  5. No response to my email and that sent Monday. It seems a decision will be made on 28th May if opening is going to happen so we’ll still have to prepare as if it will, my county have confirmed we will keep funding if we choose not to open, it won’t take many more changing their minds to say ‘forget it’, I’m now thinking not all days anyway and the ‘yes’ ones can take it or leave it, none are KW chn or vulnerable and all have a parent at home.
  6. 😝 yep, had my question been ‘how long is the minimum furlough period’ it would have been a great answer 🤷‍♀️ I’m sure they’re not really giving advice as we’d have email proof of “well you said”
  7. This was my answer ...zigzag will get my frustration ‘The minimum furlough period is 3 weeks’
  8. Makes sense, I think there is an ‘operational toolkit’ on the way from DfE...providing information on the way doesn’t mean the Friday evening before we should be opening :-/
  9. As much as we want to get back to what we do I’m not sure any of us would be by choice at this time, even though we had it in mind it could be after half term as time went on and things hadn‘t improved greatly it seemed like we’d be out till September, if they have no genuine reason other than feeling how the whole world is feeling I’d be telling them they are welcome to take unpaid leave if you don’t need them for now, will you have enough private income loss to keep them furloughed?
  10. Good work enuffsenuf :-) are you asking parents to to sign an agreement based on it?
  11. Thank you sunnyday, I’ve asked payroll now though the answer doesn’t usually make sense, we are at 30% now as summer funding is higher but it will equate to a couple of wages.
  12. My initial uptake is quite low which suits me, I am aiming for 1.6.2020, it seems to have mainly be based on whether any siblings are in the school classes opening, I’m thinking if keeping staff to a minimum rather than using more staff for less time but I obviously have to discuss with them and it would mean a couple could remain furloughed (those with own young chn), this would help as I don’t feel comfortable with charging parents even though it is their choice not to bring them back. I’ve only got scribbled thoughts so far on how it might work and what I think needs to be considered but so far it’s -grouping of chn -staff questionnaires on returning to work -limiting resources, removing dressing up/soft toys/furnishing/play foods -arrival/collection times - distancing/only one parent/possibly staggered when numbers increase -no adults other than staff in setting (inc parents/visitors) -hygiene procedures - hand washing, resource cleaning -PPE when close contact routines are necessary - nappy changing, ill child in setting -and everything else I’ve forgotten :-/ bizzylizzy - are you in any of the FB manager groups? I’ve seen a couple of useful risk assessments and a policy in files there and you’re not on your own, we’re all in the same place 😕
  13. It’s all such a headache, I thought by working out what furlough amount I was looking at going forward would help me work out which staff I could keep on or needed to bring off.
  14. Like you fm I’m thinking bubbly water play isn’t going to be an issue and can be offered in separate bowls or something and Denmark are using sand as the photo in the their article on being open there is a group sat in the sand pit. dough maybe not as some are inclined to put that in their mouths.
  15. Hello 👋 I’ve given up stressing about opening and gone back to stressing about my next furlough claim and now have more questions ... I’m now working on Summer term funding but still Spring term private income (as that’s how I got to the Feb 3 weeks figure)...I think that’s correct 🤔 this has brought my claim % down to 30%, not enough to cover the staff I claimed for April, my question is do you think I can claim a whole month for 2 of them but make another’s end date earlier in the month so I only claim the amount for that person that brings my claim up to the total wage I could claim? Say just claim 2 weeks of their wage (that will have given them 6wks furlough so 2x3wks)
  16. To think not so long ago Ofsted was all we really worried about
  17. I’m not sure yet, a quick we may be opening June got a thumbs up from all, I plan to speak to them all later this week to discuss my tentative plans with them, speak to them about some staying furloughed and some returning now I have an idea of numbers and asking them to send me their thoughts individually....though I’m also thinking we will do all this stressing and planning and it won’t actually happen, there seems to be a lot of opposition to it mounting and I think the extended unchanged furlough to August will also cause more reluctance for settings to open, a couple of local primary schools have announced today they will not open before September.
  18. Hi and welcome, I’ve seen a number of the big chain nurseries are calling for this, personally my school leavers are more than ready on the whole, most have siblings in school already and we are on the school site so they are familiar with the school, the couple who will find it harder would have still found it hard under normal circumstances, but this will be very different for others I know, If we had to hold them back it would also cause problems with room for new intake and increasing sessions for the remainders come September, maybe a half a term would be ok 🤔
  19. I’m also asking them to choose only one setting.
  20. I’m going to email insurance so I have a written response. my other reasoning for sticking to less staff is that I could easily adapt storage units to hold a selection of resources only used by each group, that member of staff would be responsible for cleaning it, they could have a designated floor mat (with the rest removed), and if someone needs to go off (also need to revisit the 7 or 14 days but it is in one of the docs I read yesterday) I would have a fresh person to cover that absence. but with best laid plans and all that it will either turn out the ‘R’ number rises due to extra freedom and we won’t open or a couple of weeks in other parents will change their minds and screw all your group plans up 😭
  21. Honest letter to parents, but as it doesn’t say I presume the school is opening anyway? I’ve seen a petition to get this stopped for the youngest chn, it already had a lot of signatures. I emailed parents yesterday, gave them a list of questions we still wanted answers too and asked who would want their child to return on the 1st June if possible, from approx 40 we have 15 def not (even working parents), a couple if it’s safe 🤷‍♀️, 9 would if possible (non-working parent at home) and rest waiting for a reply, interesting not as many going to school as I thought, though we have a high number this year with a sibling already at school so the decision was based largely on whether that sibling was in a school class re-opening or not. It’s now working out if it’s worth bringing back 7 staff on a rota or keeping it to the least staff possible to minimise exposure (how fair will they see that?) ideally from a financial angle also I’d keep part time staff (all have chn) furloughed to the % possible, and the 3 full time staff with a ‘select’ group of children they stay with for whichever sessions they attend all week, though I think the furloughed would need to drop to 80% pay so the working staff received more ...and then what would they think about that? 🤯 Has anyone contacted their insurance company yet?
  22. that was my thinking until I read the danish article on how they're doing it and one of the pics is a group of children in what they call 'the sandbox' ?
  23. I’ve just told my committee this a biggy we need to get confirmed, I did read someone had asked the question and the response was ‘it could never be proved how/where someone contracted it’ ...ummm! Must paint faster FM 😝 I need to crack on with all the things I’ve been dragging my heals over like policy rewriting and turning my scribbled thoughts on re-opening into a plan anyone else might be able to make sense of, first though is finding out from parents who would need child care and who would actually want it if they could, one parent has already confirmed this morning that their child won’t be back until the R rate is much lower. I’m not sure about PPE either, I don’t see masks really working in our settings but I guess it will be staff choice, as said will we even be able to get them? (Consortium have no gloves or aprons). I was surprised mask wearing in public places wasn’t addressed last night ....or maybe I’m not.
  24. Hi and welcome, if you go to the control panel>settings> assessments, under configurations you can choose what parents see from there for the different types of assessments :-)
  25. I think it is more a case of it’s presumed we are all already open as well, I think it’s about finding out how many extra chn will need/want to come above key worker children and we need clarification on who can/can’t come back, I’ve had a parent already confirm their child will be back as another is in an accepted school year even though the parent always works from home ??? and then others won’t want to send them regardless and as you say anju if it’s a parental choice to keep them home can we keep the funding (Surely our counties can’t penalize us for that ...or can they?) If only it was as simple as ‘if you can’t work from home go back to work’, the construction and manufacturing businesses can’t just pick up where they left off, apart from not fitting people into the same space they did before I know the small independent builders are struggling to get materials for a start, plaster is the new hand gel and there is a huge backlog on orders, I can’t imagine manufacturers will be able to get the parts they need that readily either :’(
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