From the webinar it seems all the things we’re removing (soft toys, rugs etc) hold the virus for the least time (6hrs) where as smoothest surfaces like stainless steel, glass, laminates could be up to 6 days but obviously can be cleaned easier with just a washing up liquid as it disperses the fats, then rinse cloths used down the sink so you wash the virus away, make surfaces wet before wiping/moping so you don’t move the dry virus around, interesting when talking about taking paper/homework books home to mark it said to leave them min 12hrs/24hrs better from the child finishing with it ..but every day it says on tv that letters and packages are not a problem?
Talked about nappy changing side ways on, wipe away from you, use a ventilated area rather than a small 1 mt sq type space, if a child is likely to spit at you wear something like chemistry goggles. Teachers not being at the same level as chn where possible, think about how a cough or sneeze would arc, lower transmission between chn/less concern over not staying apart for youngest, more likely teacher to teacher transmission and why adults need to stay apart.
Temperature checking on arrival not much point as by the time a raised temperature is a symptom it’s most likely to be day 4 or 5 already, glove wearing gives false sense of security/skin is your glove even cuts don’t make a difference - regular hand washing is still best thing and regular cleaning of high contact points - taps, door handles, pens, switches (involve older chn in this).
It was worth listening too if you get a chance.
Does anyone keep expecting the ed minister to come out with “ummm Betty”