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Everything posted by Mouseketeer

  1. Don’t answer it 🙈
  2. It’s ridiculous isn’t it? The EYA spend so much time blowing it’s own trumpet .... they are fighting this, or fighting that for it’s members, how about it starts closer to home and looks into it’s own insurance shambles 😡
  3. Don’t bother with the open-ed one I did....it was sooo boring, not a great format for online training, said 8 hrs (it was something to do with leadership and team working), you had to do a lot self reflection writing, I much prefer read something, answer questions, pass section.
  4. I sent a thank you for responses, the initial group will be the confirmed ‘yes’ responses and more details will follow, if you hadn’t replied to the ‘urgent’ email sent a week ago it’s presumed you won’t be requiring a place ....within 20 mins 3 ‘not bothered’ had been in touch 🤦‍♀️
  5. Hi, I know the Primary School guidance said Early Years would follow but I’m sure I’ve read it will be this Thursday ...but where did I read that 🤔
  6. That’s good news, I hope RSA (EYA) come out with something to clarify 😟
  7. I’ve had 9 or 10 not bothered answering, I’m going with my initial 8 yes (5 -7 a day), 3 full days, 1 group/2 staff for 2 weeks, see how we go and open up to more following that. I have 3 staff I could use (not furloughed) so not sure whether to bring them all in, have 2 with the group, 1 spare (can clean etc) and be ready to be the next bubble staff.
  8. Don’t worry Lynned and I really don’t care if they audit me either ....good luck to them working it out from my calculations,, I’ve even got someone half furloughed for May now 😝 I’m sure they’ll regret coming to any of us! Staffing is giving me a bigger headache than any of it now, who should I take off furlough, who to keep on it, then it’s about who add up to the amount I can claim, a couple have chn but will that be enough to keep them on furlough when their chn could go to school as keyworkers...especially in the eyes of other staff I ask to work 🤦‍♀️
  9. Haha will give it a go...I was just going to tell them I’m on the TV if it ever comes to wearing one 😝
  10. There are some useful diy face shields on Pinterest ...you just need a laminated sheet a bit of double sided masking tape and a ribbon, maybe you could give that a go Blondie 👍
  11. Do you think they’ll do that every night 🤣 googling coronavirus and sand brings up some interesting reads, if this one is believed we will al have to donate our sand, though not sure why they can’t just pop to the beach for a bit more 🧐
  12. I’m just going to prep as if we will for the few and work on we’ll know what the position is in 2 weeks, if the cases and ‘R’ rate are going down or up, if going up still I can’t see it’s going to happen anyway, I’ll add a ‘this is subject to a last minute decision on 28th May’.
  13. True, and it probably wasn’t taken as seriously as a number of other countries took it when locking down sooner, especially in light of the uk’s dense population, we’re only 5’ish x bigger than Denmark with 11 x higher population, Germany are half as big as us again with only 16m people .....but I still don’t know if that means we can have sand 🤣 our sand pit needs cleaning out and re-sanding anyway so not even convinced it’s worth bothering with now unless we have to go through holiday (GW seems to be playing his cards close on that one)
  14. We keep hearing about references to how Denmark are doing it, well in the article from Denmark they are sat in the sandpit or ‘sand box’ as they called it in the article, and on FB an owner or manager had posted and answered questions (CNLF) on how they had been doing things all through and they use sand and other messy play and in the Dr Matt Buttler webinar I listened to someone asked about how often you should be cleaning and the answer was regular high contact areas and at the end of the day but it seemed more like rotating/quarantining resources was the sensible thing, I actually felt this was much more doable after listening to it :-)
  15. From the webinar it seems all the things we’re removing (soft toys, rugs etc) hold the virus for the least time (6hrs) where as smoothest surfaces like stainless steel, glass, laminates could be up to 6 days but obviously can be cleaned easier with just a washing up liquid as it disperses the fats, then rinse cloths used down the sink so you wash the virus away, make surfaces wet before wiping/moping so you don’t move the dry virus around, interesting when talking about taking paper/homework books home to mark it said to leave them min 12hrs/24hrs better from the child finishing with it ..but every day it says on tv that letters and packages are not a problem? Talked about nappy changing side ways on, wipe away from you, use a ventilated area rather than a small 1 mt sq type space, if a child is likely to spit at you wear something like chemistry goggles. Teachers not being at the same level as chn where possible, think about how a cough or sneeze would arc, lower transmission between chn/less concern over not staying apart for youngest, more likely teacher to teacher transmission and why adults need to stay apart. Temperature checking on arrival not much point as by the time a raised temperature is a symptom it’s most likely to be day 4 or 5 already, glove wearing gives false sense of security/skin is your glove even cuts don’t make a difference - regular hand washing is still best thing and regular cleaning of high contact points - taps, door handles, pens, switches (involve older chn in this). It was worth listening too if you get a chance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2bEm_NvIpc&feature=youtu.be&app=desktop Does anyone keep expecting the ed minister to come out with “ummm Betty”
  16. FM - I still haven’t had a response re insurance, it seems from others posts they are taking a ‘no one will be able to prove where someone caught it’🤷‍♀️ I’ve just spent an hour sat in the sun listening to a YouTube webinar with a Dr Matt Butler talking about transmission in younger chn and how to minimise transmission in schools/settings...really interesting 🧐
  17. I really need to stop spending my days reading and do some writing ...as in an action plan/risk assessment ...hoping that will put the few 'yes' ones off
  18. How have your parents taken only half days FM? I’m thinking of only doing 3 whole days with the option to do all 3 or a combination of 2 (we don’t have that many saying they’ll come back)
  19. I ordered face shields (10 for £19.99 and masks 10 for £6) from Amazon this week and should be delivered today or tomorrow if that helps.
  20. Lovely FM 😝 We use those plastic gloves (57p for 100 consortium - though they probably won’t have any now) more than proper disposable gloves now, we tend to only use those now for soiled nappies, illness and accidents of the blood type.
  21. I also went down the no shared care route but now I’m thinking the siblings are going to school, could be taking something home to our child who then brings it to the setting so what is the point in the no shared settings? ...crumbs I’ve woken up with a right ‘all these measures are futile’ head on this morning, I’ll try and snap out of it 🤦‍♀️
  22. So in between the hour cleaning any child from any group use the toilets freely? I’ve been thinking about this for a few days now and kind of thinking would we really need all the other measures as more chn join when it’s potentially all being undone by this one problem if a child brings Covid into the setting (or adult with adult toilet, though each could clean down after themselves)
  23. Thanks Rebecca, I just feel like the point (and hard work) of keeping groups apart with separate staff in own areas with own resources falls down when all are using the same toilets, you’d need to clean down after every child used them in theory if chn from different ‘bubbles’ are using them 🤷‍♀️ Thankfully it looks we will have only enough for one group to begin with but am thinking when more want to joint and we have to create more groups.
  24. I can see how we can split groups/staff/resources/areas but all chn will have to use the same toilets and staff have one toilet, how are you managing that?
  25. Hi Both, hope you’re all keeping well.. Much as Rebecca really: Early years are way down the list when it comes to recognition, even the latest announcement regards the 1st June opening to more/all for schools we left hanging and it was a later ‘by the way that means you too’ from DfE, The late change to EY furlough scheme was disgraceful, after we’d given staff furlough letters we immediately had to retract them. Financial support for charity settings has been lacking, we couldn’t claim the small business relief grant because our rates relief had the ‘wrong’ name, even though many of us have business rates that meet the criteria thresholds. Trying to plan for a re-opening from the guidance is impossible, creating ‘bubbles’ with no cross contamination just won’t happen, no matter how you separate groups, staff and resources we only have one set of children’s toilets and one adult toilet. We have an apprentice who is continuing college course work remotely but is missing all the hands on training, I have no idea if that time will need extending to gain the missed experience, this will have a cost implication for employers or if apprentices will still complete courses on time
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