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Everything posted by Mouseketeer

  1. I was thinking a dishwashing mop in a stick 😝
  2. If a cuddle is needed then yes from their group (I’m already fed up of typing bubble) staff, I can see problems early on until they used to only looking to those 2 staff for support when they would normally seek out a different member of staff, and I worry in the longer term that it isn’t could for them to only rely on the same staff and become attached to the same small group of chn :’( I guess they could wash their hands before doing ring game/hand holding activities but lots they could do without. To begin with yes (1 group), when we get to 2 groups though I’m not sure, I plan on open, clean, close different cubicles but if I have 1 group inside the others will need to go through to get to the toilets which might be a problem without adult supervision now as they wonder in for the toilet and get distracted.
  3. I’ve never made it, that seems like a small quantity, could double it up, they can make their own, choosing their own colour or colours if making smaller quantities.
  4. As for the press conference yesterday when the testing under 5’s question came up and the answer was “all children going back are around 5” says it all really doesn’t it? Early Years does not figure in any of their thinking, we’re on our own as we wade through this s*** creek 😡
  5. This looks good and has W.U.L in, own tray use, keep in names bags for the week, if a child has symptoms you can bit it?
  6. Hi and welcome to the forum, if you click the browse tab (top left brown tab) LA areas are under there :-)
  7. Hi Thank you and welcome to the forum, I haven’t used google forms but can give it ago 🤔
  8. Sounds good 👌 I was thinking if doing a welcome back, Things might be a bit different, this is who is here to look after you (as not all KPs yet). I want to send my parent agreement as a survey monkey type questionnaire, but I want to know who sent each back...can anyone tell me how that can be done or which is best to use? Ta
  9. Listening to the Matt Butler YouTube webinar ...the carpets, rugs, materials were the least of our problems as it can only live on those textures for 6hrs so by the time you get back the next morning it’s gone, it’s the hard surfaces like glass, stainless steel, plastic, laminates that it won’t be gone by the next day and even books, rotation seems the best way to go and obviously don’t lick windows 😝 the question on taking work home to mark paper/books was leave 12 hrs (24hrs even better) after the child handled it before you taking home...which surprised me as the government tell us daily our letters and packages aren’t a problem 🤔
  10. True, why aren’t they just presuming we are open? I expect our counties have snitched on us 😆
  11. It really is, it was all going well till parents had school letters today and the years are doing different weeks and times ...just when you think you’re getting somewhere
  12. Thanks FM, I see your points but just don’t see how I can possibly have bubbles of only 3 or 4 chn, I’d soon run out of staff and not have enough separate spaces for it to work 🤦‍♀️
  13. Oak academy is quite good too, even though it’s primary school if you have some quite bright chn they will manage some of it very well.
  14. What are people’s thoughts on chn joining a group later than some, I had a bubble sized group (8) starting 1st June but half now don’t want to start until the following week due to siblings not starting back at school until then, but I can’t only staff them as a separate bubble as no staff left for chn who want to re-start later.
  15. I flipping haven’t 🙈
  16. I’ve prepared a kind of action plan come risk assessment, which is a work in progress as I keep thinking of things I should have included, you’re welcome to have a look. The thing I’m not finding in all this guidance (but it probably is somewhere) is if we have a positive case who do we report it too? PHE, Ofsted? Have we seen anything from ofsted? (Other than the odd temp change to the framework - this is today’s update)
  17. I’d give up waiting if I were you, I’m not sure it’s even coming, I saw a post that someone’s county had asked DfE where it was and the reply was there ‘may’ be further guidance 🤷‍♀️
  18. I reckon you’ve probably overwound by now 😝
  19. Try not too, I do think you read what others are doing and think you should be doing the same, It just adds to the pressure, I can see you need a plan of how things might need to change and how you’ll manage your re-opening, I only have enough for one group to start with so will have a couple of weeks to plan what would need doing differently when enough to create that 2nd ‘bubble’, so I don’t feel to stressed to have all the answers straight off.
  20. Hi, I don’t have a policy as such, more an action plan/risk assessment type thing of what will need to be considered and managed, still need to finalize when the specific EY guidance arrives, I’m then preparing a parent and a staff type declaration form but I must admit it makes me a little anxious when I read people are updating policies and contracts and think I’ve missed something (the illness policy is the only one I’m really planning on tweaking to include covid-19 -symptoms/isolation) if I have can someone let me know 🙈
  21. Has anyone else worked out their next furlough to fee % and are now finding children from shared settings are opting for the other setting due to holiday clubs now your asking parents to commit to one or because I’m saying only household members can drop off/collect ...surely that still comes under national guidance at the moment doesn’t it? this is likely to change the % difference as I presume the other settings will want the funding from us....oh, I’m fed up with all this
  22. I’m not with MM but it’s interesting that it was from 17th March and they were recognizing covid as part of their public liability cover but then wouldn’t pay out on many policies for loss of revenue as it wasn’t a recognized disease 🤔
  23. 🤬is my response to having a committee during all of this (well anytime really) DebBrad - I wish them luck ....dream world comes to mind 😉 I also included that one of our biggest concerns is that we don’t know where we stand with ‘your’ insurers if we open.
  24. Yep Wednesday is bin day here too, and have checked myself a couple times today that it’s how I know it’s Wednesday.
  25. “Oh dear, it must have gone to my spam folder”
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